Fantasy Country

Chapter 150 blasphemy

Lu Xuedao suspended in the rainstorm and looked around. The storm was too big and the sky was dark. Even the place where the desire had just passed, it had already been washed without any trace.

Closing his eyes, Lu Xuedao opened the perception field, and the surrounding scene suddenly appeared in his mind, but it was extremely vague. At this time, Lu Xuedao couldn't help thinking that if Nochino was still there, it would be fine. There is also a more profound way to use the perception field in the book Spiritual Analysis.

Suddenly, a faint scream came from a distance, which was almost inaudible in the storm, but Lu Xuedao flew out in an instant.

When Lu Xuedao came here, he found a man who fell into the rainstorm. There was no way to know why this man appeared here. However, he obviously saw the passing desire, so he shouted, but he didn't expect to lose his life. Looking at the corner where Desire disappeared, Lu Xuedao immediately caught up with him.


The police received a call from the hotel, but they did not go out for a long time, because the whole police station is busy now. The storm was so strong that flooded many places in Chongqing, especially in places near the river. Many places were almost flooded, and there was an endless stream of calls for help. In fact, the police station is too busy to get over. The small police car can't drive out at all. The police station is almost submerged, and the water is more than one meter deep.

After hearing the police's reply, the higher person in charge of the hotel couldn't help but be stupid.

It has basically become everyone's habit to call the police if something happens, but now, it's useless to call the police.

Although Xie Sutong doesn't care about other people's eyes, she is not interested in being watched by everyone. In particular, these people's eyes also have various meanings. So after these people generally stabilized, Xie Sutong found a vacant room and walked in with He Niang and Xianxian. As for what those people did, it was not what Xie Sutong wanted to pay attention to.


In the rainstorm, Lu Xuedao finally caught up with this desire. In the face of this desire, although Lu Xuedao was sure to win, he did not want to be careless. This kind of desire can actually control human blood. Now around his body, it is surrounded by countless human blood.

"Really... Are you still chasing me?" In the rainstorm, this desire looked at Lu Xuedao in front of him and said calmly.

"Since you are chasing me, let's take it as a sacrifice for the evil god." The first half of the sentence is still normal, but in the second half of the sentence, this desire is ferociously prominent, and he said wildly, revealing his deep white teeth. At the same time, the blood around this desire instantly turned into several tentacles and rolled towards Lu Xuedao.

Lu Xuedao is not interested in and has a desire to talk nonsense. Although he has regained a certain degree of reason, he is still like a psychopath, which is probably not clear.

The split tooth came out of the sheath. While Lu Xuedao dodged the tentacles, he cut it with a knife, and suddenly the elongated split teeth fell on this guy's body in an instant.

[White bones bloom]!

In an instant, a sad white bone flower suddenly grew from the place where this desire was cut off. Obviously, this desire did not expect that he would be solved so simply, and the sad screams were full of unbelievable. I don't know if Lu Xuedao cut a little shallowly. After half a white bone flower grew and bloomed, this guy was not dead and was still breathing.

"How can this be like this? How can it be like this? Lord Evil God is invincible..." It seems that I can't accept that I was defeated by Lu Xuedao so simply. This desire seems more crazy, but half of the bones of my whole body are twisted and grow out of my body, and there are not many lives left.

"Hahahaha...!" Suddenly, this guy began to laugh ferociously at Lu Xuedao again.

"Sacrifice me to the great evil god." Suddenly, the guy said, and several twisted blood tentacles stabbed into his body in an instant. Several blood tentacles penetrated the guy like a javelin in an instant, and then the guy's body slowly twisted and moved.

What a psycho!

Lu Xuedao looked at this guy's crazy appearance and said something in his heart. Seeing that this guy was dead, Lu Xuedao couldn't help but plan to go back to the hotel. As for this guy, just wait for him to stay in the rainstorm. However, at the moment Lu Xuedao turned around, he suddenly bounced away in front of him, and a black shadow-like thing instantly passed through the air and pierced into the street.

Lu Xuedao stopped and saw a huge shadow behind the dead guy, swallowing the guy's body and flesh and blood constantly into his stomach. This guy has no entity, and he has no scruples about the thorny white bone flower, and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Is there really an evil god?

No, no, this guy is... lustful!

Lu Xuedao remembered what Nocino said to himself, and the normal memory, thoughts and cognition of human beings have formed various online lives. And all kinds of negative desires of human beings are also constantly accumulating, forming desires. Obviously, this lust demon is not the kind that erodes without even a body, only a wisp of simple desire, but has a body, far more powerful than that.

So, is this the so-called evil god?

Looking at this guy's body like smoke, Lu Xuedao couldn't help smiling bitterly, and his soul-cutting knife and cracked teeth simply showed two extremes. For those opponents who can play an effect, it can be said to be unfavorable. As long as they are cut with a knife, they can basically kill the other party. But once the other party is not afraid of this ability, the split teeth become much different from ordinary knives.

Although there is another anti-life tooth, Lu Xuedao does not intend to use it. He can't always rely on the ability of the soul-killing knife to fight. As he experiences more and more things in the future, it is estimated that the soul-killing knife ability will be invalid. He must get used to all this.



"For some reasons, the original ice-clear and unattainable goddess has become a plaything. The strong and huge contrast gives a twisted pleasure in a man's heart. This kind of behavior and feelings are called blasphemy!" Hua Ying looked at Yang Guo, who was lying on the ground and only gasped slightly, and said indifferently.

Although Huaying is protecting Victoria, nothing intervenes. It only measures the strength of the two sides and erases the unnecessary pursuit power without Victoria's knowledge. As for Victoria, let her give full play to her original intelligence and ability and escape desperately. Only with hardships can she grow up... Oh ho ho!

This superfluous power is Yang Guo, who was brought to this plane by Wang Yifo. Hua Ying saw from the beginning that Yang Guo had a will to die in his heart, which was a kind of sadness revealed from his body and soul, which could not be faked at all. The strength of the two sides was too different, so it took no effort at all. Yang Guo fell in front of Hua Ying and was asked by Hua Ying for the reason.

The little dragon girl became Wang Yifu's plaything...!

After knowing this, Hua Ying said this word about blasphemy, while Yang Guo's eyes moved slightly and looked at the magnificent woman. Such a beautiful woman said such clear and profound words, which made Yang Guo's sad heart a trace of curiosity. Who is this woman? She is so powerful, and she analyzes people's hearts so clearly that she can fully show this ugliness.

However, Hua Ying looked at Yang Guo and suddenly smiled and came up with an idea.

'Lord Hongmo, how about creating a fantasy?' Hua Ying suddenly got in touch with Hong Mo.

'Oh, what are you going to do?'

' Suppress Yang Guo's memory, create a similar fantasy, have powerful power, can take and demand, and dominate the fate of others. I want to see how he will treat the original heroine in Wonderland.' Hua Ying looked at Yang Guo, but her mind was in contact with Hongmo.

Such a fantasy can't be created by her. Even the current red ink can't. Only the original power of red ink and the virtual shadow can do it.

'And then?'

'If he doesn't blasve the heroine of the original work, then I'm going to help him, but if he..., then I will kill him.' Hua Ying said indifferently.

'Well, let's see the result.'

Hong Mo smiled and created a fantasy, putting Yang Guo and Hua Ying in it. The illusion at the level of consciousness, the passage of time and reality are completely different. Soon, Hua Ying and Yang Guo opened their eyes. Obviously, Yang Guo had not woken up from the sudden trance memory.


Hua Ying's tone was a little surprised. Yang Guo could control himself in that kind of temptation and did not become lustful.

' Yang Guo has many confidants, but in order to wait for the little dragon girl, he is willing to live alone for 16 years. His love for the little dragon girl is not comparable to the kind of bent love in modern society. It can be said that he is a very few dedicated man. Hongmo explained.

'What about you, Lord Hongmo?' Although it was born from the memory and missing of red ink, Huaying's understanding of red ink only comes from those things in memory. Suddenly, Hua Ying wanted to ask Hong Mo directly.

'I don't know what it used to be, because it can't be tested. But now, I definitely won't do that. I have someone I really love in my heart.'


'It's good to know.'

'Not a ghost father yet, pervert...!' Hua Ying said in a contemptuous tone.

'You guy..., remember to let Victoria be captured by Wang Yifo. In addition, abolish Wang Yifo. Since you don't like it, it's the most straightforward and can't invade Victoria.' Hongmo was speechless for a while, but he was not angry.

'Okay, Lord Hongmo!' Hua Ying nodded.

The meaning of red ink is that the flower shadow understands that Victoria will be taken away by Wang Yifu, that is to say, do you want Lu Xuedao to directly face Wang Yifu? Indeed, only a series of exercises can make people grow.

However, our Lord Hongmo is really a ghost father... Hua Ying thought of it, but suddenly smiled.