Fantasy Country

Chapter 153 Human Goodness

Although Xie Sutong looks normal on the surface, only familiar people such as Lu Xuedao know how cold Xie Sutong is in her heart. From the time Xie Sutong put the cross ring into her nominal 'father's chest, the extreme emotional impact, coupled with the assimilation with Xila's life field, Xie Sutong has completely lost the word ordinary.

Xie Sutong looked at everyone's different look in the hall, and there was no fluctuation in her eyes.

Cold angel!

This is the title Xie Sutong got in the national summoner team. This title will not come out of thin air. It must be what Xie Sutong has done and experienced something that matches this title. Cold, perhaps many young people will think it's really 'cool', but they don't know that this word really means cold and harsh, cruel and ruthless...


"Let's get out of the way!"

Xie Sutong's tone was very calm. These people who prevented the three from leaving did not know the meaning represented in this voice. Perhaps in the hearts of these people, they can also restrain Xie Sutong with morality and ethics and let her stay for everyone, but they don't know that if it really angers Xie Sutong, it will be more profound and unbearable than the unwarranted danger.

"Let's get out of the way, you idiots, do you want to die?"

When He Niang heard Xie Sutong speak, she was immediately excited. She has been under Xie Sutong for more than a year, so she has a clearer understanding of Xie Sutong's essence. Except for a few people placed in Xie Sutong's heart, no matter who else is, in Xie Sutong's eyes, they are all collectively referred to as one word - strangers!

There is no need to say how you will treat strangers.

The lobby manager who wanted to persuade him suddenly stopped in place. As the lobby manager of the hotel, he was responsible for receiving all kinds of guests with a wider range of knowledge. Xie Sutong, a summoner who looks very cold, but has always had a peaceful attitude, is not as harmless as she appears.

The black holy spirit gathered in Xie Sutong's hand, and He Niang led Xianxian and quietly shrank back. At this time, a panicked cry suddenly came from outside.

"Manager, manager, the water has risen to the second floor." A waiter's voice came, breaking the repressed silence.

"What, it has risen to the second floor?" Hearing this, the manager immediately repeated in panic, and then trotted a few steps to look out of the window. However, with his ordinary eyesight, he couldn't see what was going on in the darkness outside. Only the sound of rainstorm kept coming from his ears and hitting the glass window, as if the window was about to be smashed by raindrops.

Xie Sutong also came to the window and took a look.

"Well, it has flooded to the second floor."

The hotel is called Linjiang Hotel, which is actually built on the edge of the Yangtze River, which is usually a selling point. But now this group of people are probably full of regret. This group of people moved out a large searchlight from the hotel and kept looking outside. Although they can still see it not far, they can also find that the small houses around the hotel have long been flooded, with countless things floating on the water, large pots, wooden furniture, floating corpses... and living human beings constantly struggling in the water. At this time, when I saw the light of the searchlight, people nearby were swimming desperately towards the hotel, because the hotel was on the seventh floor and would not be flooded so soon.

"Flood - Mythical Age!" Xie Sutong said silently, but no one heard it clearly.

More than 71% of the earth's area is full of oceans, and there is nothing when it is calm, but now, the eight erosion points continue to shake and collapse, causing all the oceans on the earth to not calm down. And a slight fluctuation on the ocean brings devastating floods to human beings on land.

This is Chongqing, which is an absolute inland area. It has become like this. Xie Sutong can't imagine what else will happen.

Although Xie Sutong was cold and harsh, she was also very uneasy when she thought of this.

Although she was worried about the changes in the earth, Xie Sutong did not show it, and Xie Sutong clearly understood that even if she was really worried, she could not think of any way.


Xie Sutong sighed, and the holy magic spirit formed a pair of wings behind her and suddenly flew out. I want to find Lu Xuedao, but Lu Xuedao hasn't come back for so long, so I feel a little uneasy. However, now Xie Sutong feels that even if she goes to look for Lu Xuedao, she may not be able to find it, in case Lu Xuedao comes back after they leave.

Now Xie Sutong flew out to save the people who were struggling to survive on the surrounding water. Although there are not many people, they can save one by one. The surrounding houses are not very high, and the Linjiang Hotel is outstanding. Unless there is really such a huge flood in the mythical era, it will not be so easy to be flooded.

The people in the hall saw Xie Sutong fly out. At first, they were very frightened, thinking that Xie Sutong would still give them up and leave. However, soon, the group of people calmed down again, because He Niang and Xianxian were still in the hall, and Xie Sutong would never abandon the two little girls.

It didn't take long for Xie Sutong to fly back, holding two wet people in her hand. After throwing the two into the hall, Xie Sutong flew out again.

At this time, these people in the hall knew what Xie Sutong had done. The flood outside was already very heavy. If there was no one to save them, even if they could use something to float on the water now, they would be drowned sooner or later. Now that it has been rescued by Xie Sutong, Linjiang Hotel is basically not so easy to be submerged.

"Lead Tan, go to the kitchen to get some ginger soup and prepare some cold anti-inflammatory drugs." The lobby manager said to a female foreman. As a relatively large hotel, the materials are relatively well prepared. At this time, no one pays attention to the identity of these rescued people and is doing their best.

Xie Sutong quickly came back with a few people and then flew out. Seeing this, He Niang also took out an elf ball and summoned her forked bat.

"Forked bat, go and see if there are any people nearby who have fallen into the water and bring them back." He Niang is very smart. If she goes out herself, Xie Sutong will definitely not allow it, but if she lets the fork bat go out, there will be no problem. The forked bat shouted affectionately at the crane and immediately flew out.

At this time, the people around them knew that He Niang and were not ordinary people, but also a summoner. Although summoning life is not very powerful, it is just a very ordinary fork bat in Pokemon, but after all, it is also a summoner. When Xianxian used star power to help treat those who were injured, these people remembered that this little girl was also one of the goals of all sides.

In the hall, both waiters, security guards, and guests are trying to help these rescued people. For a while, the atmosphere was relatively harmonious. No matter who it is, unless it is a real bad person, it will be very comfortable when doing good things. Without Xie Sutong here, it seemed that the indifferent aura had disappeared, and some people also carefully talked with He Niang and Xianxian, and got a little familiar with each other.

However, these people are measured. From the previous contact, we know that although He Niang and Xianxian are both little girls, they can't be fooled casually to avoid humiliation.

After several hours of busy, Xie Sutong came back longer and longer after she went out. After the last pale face came back, she did not go out. At this time, more than 200 people have been rescued. Although this number and the number of people actually killed are not worth mentioning, all those who participated in the rescue have an inexplicable sense of honor. Especially those guests who were originally superior and have a good status are even more proud at this time.

Only Xie Sutong has been busy for nearly a night, but there is no change in her expression. At this time, she is recovering the consumed holy spirit in the room.

The sky is bright. Although it is still very dark, it can finally be regarded as daytime, and the heavy rain is much smaller. It is about to stop, as if there is a trace of light in the darkness, which makes these people's worries much less. The heavy rain that began yesterday evening really made people who had never experienced this see the power of nature of heaven and earth.

After dawn, the living citizens spontaneously organized to help those trapped in the water.

But at this time, He Niang was still watching Xianxian help Xie Sutong massage in the room. Last night, Xie Sutong kept saving those who fell into the water from the outside. The sacred spirit of her whole body was almost exhausted, and finally she almost couldn't fly back.

"It turns out that Sister Xie Sutong is also cold outside and hot inside." He Niang sat by the bed and said jokely.


"It's not a bad thing that Sister Xie Sutong still refuses to admit it." Crane's mother smiled.

"It's really not, it's just something to do, something not to do. I only do what I think is right. As for what this matter is in the eyes of outsiders, it is not within my consideration. This saving of people is just in line with the definition of 'good deeds' in the eyes of ordinary people. Xie Sutong shook his head and said.

He Niang was stunned for a while. It turned out that she could explain it this way. After a while, He Niang finally confirmed that she would never win against Sister Xie Sutong, whether it was strength or this obviously awkward and natural 'reason'. Seeing Xianxian stopping over there, He Niang immediately came over.

"Singxian, I didn't expect you to have the ability to massage. Please press it for me. It seems very comfortable."

"No, Sister He Niang, you don't consume anything." Xianxian glanced over her head. Her Aries star power is gentle and resilient. She uses star power to help Xie Sutong massage, which can make Xie Sutong recover her holy spirit faster. He Niang suddenly hugged Xianxian and teased Xianxian.

"Stop it. You go out and order something to eat. After dinner, we leave. There must be something wrong with Lu Xuedao." Xie Sutong put on her clothes, put on a scarf, and then said something. Lu Xuedao hasn't come back for so long. If there hadn't been an accident, no one would have believed it.

When He Niang and Xianxian heard the words, they immediately calmed down and nodded!