Fantasy Country

Chapter 175 Unacceptable

The slowly moist fog in Nochira's eyes cracked a smile at the corners of her mouth. The two gods in this world are stained with countless blood... demons!

Countless blood and limbs fell to the ground, like a picture of hell, shocking all the remaining people alive. The remaining people who are still alive are all online life and summoners. Maybe they don't know what's going on, but they have awakened the absolute life field, so they can avoid difficulties.


Absolute life field - a circle that can ensure that the components in your body are not controlled by others. Otherwise, life is so fragile for those who control blood, water and a single element. As long as you control the components in the other party's body, you can easily kill the other party.

Of course, there is also a way to break through the absolute life field, but that is not an ordinary person, and Nochila does not have that special ability. In the final analysis, she is just a little goblin of the Red Devil Hall.

It's just... a little goblin!


"Where is the soul-killing knife?" Nochira asked.

"...!" Everyone was silent, but no one answered.

"Cannon fodder, or sacrifice. As a result, have even I been used to become a threshing resistance of one side? Nochira suddenly smiled when she saw that these people were at a loss. Although she was used, Nochila didn't feel much, because Nochila didn't value anything. All this is just a game in Nochira's eyes. Of course, she won't feel anything.

"Nocino, protect yourself, if you die..." Nochila said something, which made the somewhat overwhelmed Nochino suddenly excited. Since he was suddenly attacked just now, Nocino has been a little confused.

If you die?

Before Nochino asked, Nochila flew straight out. Suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of a network life. What is this network life? Nokia's little hand pressed directly, and the guy retreated quickly. Before he knew Nokia's real strength, this was undoubtedly the most correct reaction. However, as soon as he retreated, he fell into a death wind like a meat grinder behind him.

[Back brush • Wind]!

Before the guy rushed out of the death tornado, Nochila pressed his little hand, and the strong and sharp pressure squeezed down in an instant. The guy suddenly started from the top of his head, and his whole body was squeezed into a ball, and then exploded to the ground under the action of strong air pressure.

At this time, Nocino was also attacked. After a stunned and awkward dodge, Nocino fell to the ground and found that the battlefield had become extremely chaotic in such a short moment. More than a dozen network lives constantly chased Nochila, and Nochila was agile to dodge, flash and hunt those summoners in various attacks.

Compared with online life, although the summoner has learned something, its strength is undoubtedly far worse. Nozilla's way of fighting was so tragic and cruel that he did not fight with opponents of similar strength or could still fight, but hunted such a weak person.

Such a summoner has little room for resistance in front of Nochila. As long as he is swept by Nochira, it is basically all kinds of miserable ways to die. The cut of the death storm can't even leave a whole corpse.

While Nocino was still surprised, a bald head in a martial arts suit fell down in an instant and cracked a huge hole from the ground with a bang.

"Begeta, you go to deal with that little goblin. I'll do this. Wang Ruiqiao, you leave." Xiao Lin said, with incomparable solemn determination in his eyes. On the other side, a raccoon-like man in the same martial arts suit is still hesitating.

"Get out of here. Do you want to be killed here? This time, the opponent has no compassion for the weak at all." Vegeta kicked Wang Ruiqiao and her summoner far away, and then met Nochira suspended in the sky.

At this time, Nochila hovered in the air, with a pair of transparent and twisted wings behind her, and a fine cutting sound came from the air. An online life seemed to be bound by invisible air. It grabbed Nochila's hand through the air, and countless blood slowly flowed to the ground. Nochira looked at Vegeta and smiled slightly. His little hands closed and made a soft sound. This guy, who still had a trace of breath, suddenly became a burst...

There is not much expression in Vegeta's eyes, but his heart is a little solemn.

In the original work, Vegeta also participated in attacking different planets, killing all the intelligent aborigines above, and then selling these planets at a good price. It can be said that the number of lives lost in Vegeta's hands is unknown. Therefore, from Nochira's expression, I know that in Nochira's heart, there is no burden of killing at all. The other party not only has no pity for the weak, but also kills in the most reasonable way.

Killing from the weakest will not only weaken the other party's living power to the greatest extent, but also bring great psychological pressure to the other party. Similarly, this is one of the most cruel ways to kill!

I haven't seen such an opponent for a long time!

Vegeta suspended in the air, with a war spirit flashing in her eyes.


On the other side, Xiaolin was against Nocino. At first, Xiaolin had not recognized him, but after Nochino was suspended in the air, Xiao Lin was stunned. Isn't this goblin the little goblin who had a fate on the edge of erosion a long time ago? It seems to be called Nocino.

Although Nocino was very decisive at that time, he could not be this kind of killing maniac.

"Are you Nocino? Why did you kill these people? Xiao Lin asked angrily.

Nocino heard this, and a vague memory flashed in his head, as if she had seen this bald head? However, Nocino's previous memories have almost disappeared because of red ink. Except for remembering a Lu Xuedao, other memories are really not deep, so Nocino really can't remember it. At this time, Nocino looked stupid, as if he had been questioned.

"Don't say such a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, it's just a counterattack. Why, do you think the explosion of the passenger plane just now was just an accident?" Nochira couldn't stand Nochino being questioned in a daze and immediately retorted.

"We don't know that at all. You shouldn't be like this...!"

"Well, are you stupid? You did it first. Don't you allow us to fight back? Why, too many people died, so do you feel cruel? Many people always don't shed tears without seeing the coffin, and always have a fluke in front of the real cruelty... Unfortunately, I don't mean to stop, but I won't stop just warning. Nochira's eyes were more foggy, and a touch of scarlet gradually appeared.

This is almost an iconic change in the Red Devil Hall. When the murderous intention rises in the heart, the eyes will turn red.

It won't stop after a warning!

Hu Ding'an looked at the video, Nochila's delicate little face, and his heart suddenly contracted. Others may not understand what Nochila means, but he completely understands it. Nochira means that since she has been provoked, it is definitely not possible to admit mistakes and beg for mercy. Even if the people behind them who arranged this incident go out and admit their mistakes, this goblin will not stop.

The kind of thing that offends yourself, teaches the other party a lesson, apologizes quickly, and then forgives himself generously will not happen to this Nokia.

It's really... Kill it all!

Hu Ding'an covered his heart and forced to laugh twice. This kind of arrogant and domineering way of dealing with life without leaving no room has ever been seen in the previous society. Even if it is as powerful as the United States, it does not dare to face other countries with this attitude. And those who dare to do this, if not a madman who knows nothing, are extremely confident in their own strength.

Is Nochira crazy? Definitely not!

So the only possibility is the power represented by Nokia... extremely powerful! Red Devil Hall, Nochira is just a little goblin in the Red Devil Hall. Although Hu Ding'an has not yet farmed what this Red Devil Hall represents, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have accidentally made some mistakes.

Maybe you will not only destroy that group of old-fashioned, but also be put up.

However, let's take a look at the result of the battle first. The other party is the Vegeta, the super Saiyan in the original work, who can destroy the existence of the planet.


Xiaolin was directly speechless. He was not a eloquent person in the first place, and he was even more clumsy at this time. Originally, he wanted to say something, but Vegeta directly stopped Xiao Lin.

"Hit, such a strong opponent really gives me a feeling of facing Foliza." Vegeta stopped Xiaolin from continuing and also showed an excited smile.

"Anyway, I want to stop you from killing like this." Xiao Lin thought for a while, as if he couldn't figure it out, and finally said angrily to Nocino.

Nocino was completely dumbfounded. In fact, she didn't understand what was going on. Nocino forgot his previous memory, and now he is a simple fool. In fact, she still doesn't understand why Nokia, who was originally easy to get along with, suddenly became so cruel. In the Red Devil Hall, it's not very good. It looks very kind at all, and everyone is very happy to play together.

Of course, Nocino doesn't understand that kindness does not mean that he still has to be silent. And the Red Devil Hall will not be silent. On the contrary, when the other side is exposed, it will be cruel... unacceptable.


"Eh, ah...?" Nocino kept changing his eyes on several people.