Fantasy Country

Chapter 177 Snacks

It's really a fighting nation!

Nochila said this in her heart, caught up with Vegeta, and her slender arm fell heavily. With a bang, Vegeta crossed her hands in front of her and did not fight back. Instead, she took advantage of this huge impact and flew out in an instant. Vegeta's muscles kept beating and felt extremely rapid. There was no oxygen around his body.

Nochila kept walking and chased directly, following within a kilometer of Vegeta.


kilometers, Nochira can control all the air and completely extract the oxygen needed by Vegeta. Speaking of which, this may also be a defect of the strong in Dragon Ball. Obviously, it is so powerful, but it still has various needs like ordinary life. The lack of oxygen is enough to make them feel uncomfortable. Later, such a powerful cosmic warrior as Monkey King died of a heart attack.

[Spirit Step • Burst]!

Nochira doesn't want to play like this anymore. A transparent air circle ripples in place, but Nochira appears in front of Vegeta like a teleportation. A white and weak little hand stretched out and aimed at Vegeta, with a gentle and indifferent smile on Nochila's face.

Vegeta's eyes suddenly widened, as if all the air around his body had lost its flow.


Vegeta covered her neck in an instant, and the blood vessels all over her body rose up, looking extremely ferocious. Could it be that he would die in this place? Impossible, absolutely impossible! Vegeta's breath improved again in an instant, suddenly broke free from the shackles of Nochila, suddenly accelerated, and flew out a few kilometers in an instant.

Vegeta, floating in the air, gasped, and her body greedily absorbed the oxygen in the air.

However, after only a few breaths of gasping, Vegeta flew out again. In the battle with Nochira just now, Vegeta has fully understood that the woman who has grown from a goblin to a goblin is incredibly strong. At least he can't deal with it now. The most important thing is that the woman is extremely good at fighting and is good at grasping the direction of the battle in any way.

Vegeta put her hands together, and countless energies gathered rapidly.

[Energy Bomb]!

The high backlog of energy is quickly launched, which can cause huge damage. This is almost the most common attack mode. Of course, many people like to give this trick a cool name, but its essence is actually the same. For example, turtle qigong, vitality bomb... all kinds, to put it bluntly, they all use highly concentrated energy to carry out devastating attacks.

Perceiving the fast approaching figure, Vegeta slowly recovered the energy bomb.

It's now!

With a sw of sw, a shining beam of energy instantly penetrated the sky. Almost at the same time, there was an explosion in the distance that was not inferior to the recent attack of Icarus Meilan. With a bang, the violent shock wave tore everything on the ground crazily, and a huge shock could be felt far away.

After launching this move, Vegeta directly returned to his original state and directly withdrew from the super Saiyan state. All network life has an upper limit of strength. Those who have obtained Yuanhua are not counted, and many other network lives also have their own ways to exert their strength beyond the upper limit. But these methods usually have great sequelae. Now Vegeta is not suitable to continue fighting.

"Linear attacks are easy to avoid. You only need to move a certain distance horizontally to avoid them. At that time, I was in the sky. Your energy bomb could not attack me, nor would it explode in an instant, but flew far away before it exploded. At such a distance, the shock wave generated by the explosion was nothing to me.

"To put it bluntly, Lu Xuedao's combat intuition is really not good. Icarus Meran's attack is actually a straight-line attack, which is actually easy to avoid. As long as it is in the air higher than the opponent, you only need to avoid the frontal attack. As long as you avoid it, you don't know where these attacks will fly. But as long as it doesn't explode around, there won't be much harm. But he was dumbfounded when he saw the attack and stood on the ground. Even if he avoids the positive impact, the next shock wave will kill him. Nochira appeared in front of Vegeta and said slowly.

"I will remember it!" Vegeta stiffened in the air and said hard.

Influenced by the original work, the battle in Dragon Ball was extremely gorgeous, and even had the power to destroy the planet in the end, but I didn't expect that this attack was too straightforward.

"It's true. Next time, remember that it's better to explode directly in the closest position to your opponent, rather than having to hit something. If you have a next time!" Nochila also smiled.


Nochira raised her right hand high!

The atmosphere with a radius of a few kilometers squeezed over in an instant, and Vegeta's body suddenly collapsed rapidly into it, and even his eyes were about to be squeezed out of his eyes. Moreover, Nochira's movement has not stopped. The surrounding atmosphere is constantly converging, and the distant atmosphere flows towards here, and the surrounding clouds instantly turn into the shape of a tornado.

Vegeta felt that every part of his body was under unimaginable pressure, and heavy air poured directly into his body, squeezing all his internal organs and even every cell.

At this time, a qigong wave suddenly emitted from the oblique bottom, but before this weak qigong wave reached Nochira's side, it was swept away by the violent airflow. Nochila tilted his head and found a girl standing on the ground, embarrassed, but her eyes revealed an extremely stubborn girl.

Although it does not directly participate in the battle, only the spillover can make the summoner overwhelmed.

The girl on the ground felt tight in an instant, and then her whole body was taken up and flew towards Nochira. Flying is not a surprise in Dragon Ball, but this girl hasn't learned it yet. Although she is flying now, she, who has been yearning for the sky, is not happy at all. Instead, she is extremely frightened.

Of course, Vegeta also saw the girl pulled up to the sky by the air, her eyes sank and said nothing. Rather, he doesn't have the ability to say anything now.

"Your summoner?" Nochira suddenly asked.

"I'm the apprentice of Lord Vegeta." The girl suddenly roared loudly, what was the look in her eyes... fear, struggle, stubbornness and firmness. But I didn't see a retreat in the girl's eyes. Obviously, she knew that Nochira was as horrible as the demon king for her and could not be defeated.

The corners of Nokia's mouth are slightly upturned, and it seems that she smiled?

Nochila looked at the twitching Vegeta, and finally did not hold her right hand tightly, but slowly put it down.

The airflow that had been converging in the middle slowly dispersed, blowing away the cloud like a tornado. Nochila took her clothes, and her body quickly shrank and turned into a goblin. At this time, Vegeta and the two fell down from the air. At this time, the girl was completely calm before, but screamed.

Seeing a sharp stone on the ground just facing herself, the girl danced her hands and feet and closed her eyes in horror. But suddenly, the girl hovered in the air, and the sharp steel bar on the stone was just on her cheek. After a while, the girl opened her eyes and suddenly found that Nokia, standing on the stone, was looking at herself with joking eyes.

Bejita, Master Bejita!

As soon as the girl wanted to get angry, she suddenly thought of Vegeta and immediately looked around. Then she found that Vegeta was lying on a stone and gasped slightly.

"Tell me, where is Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife?" Nochira sat on the edge of the stone, shaking her little feet, holding a bag of snacks in her hand and constantly stuffing them into her mouth. At this time, Nochira didn't look like when he fought just now. He looked completely harmless.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about!" The girl heard Nochira's question and answered nervously.

"Lanzhou!" Vegeta suddenly named a city.

"Lanzhou, let me see, so it turns out that it is. Try to avoid the coast. Fortunately, it is not as far away as Xinjiang and Tibet, but I guess those high-level officials don't like that kind of highland." Nokia didn't know where to pull out an electronic map of China, looked at it while eating snacks, and then said.

After Nochila finished speaking, she threw the snacks directly and fell beside the girl.

"Feed your master a little, lest your master insist on the cure." After saying that, Nochira flew out and was ready to take Nochino to Lanzhou.

The girl looked at the 'snacks' on the ground and was a little overwhelmed. What do you mean? It's true that Vegeta was seriously injured, but why did she eat snacks?

"Give it to me." Vegeta said.

Hearing this, the girl immediately picked up this small bag of snacks that looked like preserved fruit and handed them to Vegeta. But at this time, Vegeta almost lost the power to raise her hand.

"Feed me."

After Vegeta finished speaking, the girl immediately fed the fruit to Vegeta's mouth one by one. Vegeta seriously ate the fruit and felt the changes in her body. It is crispy and smooth, and the pulp is extremely rich. The most important thing is that it melts in the mouth, and then it is quickly absorbed by the body to supplement the body's consumption. Although not much of his injury was treated, it did hang his life, and the effect is probably better than the many ginseng on this plane now.

It has a little similar effect to fairy beans, but it is much worse.

Vegeta thought to herself, but then laughed at herself. This thing was originally used by Nokia as a snack. If it could really be compared with Xiandou, how could others do it? But even so, Vegeta was still surprised that even snacks have such an effect. Who is that goblin?