huan xing tu

Chapter 18 Zhuge Liang

In the dark night, the stars above the sky are particularly eye-catching.

In Langya County, on a tall building in the courtyard, a teenager stared at countless stars and pinched his fingers back and forth, as if he was calculating something. I don't know why this teenager has the temperament that is completely in line with him.

There is wisdom hidden in the immaturity, and there is a little more heroism in elegance.

Looking at his main star, the teenager's face showed a doubt, and he said secretly, "No, according to my calculation, it should be right!"

While he was wondering, a purple star flew to his main star. Seeing the purple star, the teenager smiled proudly, and then turned around and went downstairs.

When his family saw the teenager, everyone looked puzzled. You know, he usually sits on the top floor all night. But today, he not only came down, but also fell asleep early.

Just while most people were still sleeping in their dreams, the teenager got up in a hurry. After a meticulous wash, the teenager walked out of the house.

The soldiers guarding the city gate are very puzzled, why the smartest person in Langya County came here today, and it was still early before the gate was opened. However, no one came forward to ask, because everyone was used to his strange behavior.

The moment the gate opened, he was the first to go out and stood by the roadside until noon.

"Is he waiting for me?" Such an idea appeared in Xingji's heart that made him feel inexplicable. But soon Xingshi denied this idea, because he didn't even know the name Zhuge Liang.

However, just as he was about to step into the city, Zhuge Liang moved. What's more strange is that he walked towards the star silence with a kind smile on his face. As he approached, Xingji was sure that he was waiting for him, because Zhuge Liang's body exuded a faint breath of star power.

Fee the weak power of the stars, and the star silence became more puzzled. As far as he knows, there are very few people who can cultivate the power of stars, even a few. On the Yanhuang continent, almost everyone cultivates the five elements of earth, shui, fire and thunder. But why does the young man in front of him have the breath of the power of stars? Just when Xingji was puzzled, Zhuge Liang had come to him.

"The golden black falls, and the stars fall."

Although this sentence was short, it violently hit the heart of Xingshi. Not everyone knows this sentence, because this sentence is the first sentence of the opening of the formula of "Stars".

"Who the hell are you?" Xing Ji asked in shock, "How do you know this sentence?"

"Zhuge Liang of Langya County!" Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "The reason why I know these two sentences is that we practice the same formula."

"What is the second half of the sentence of 'praise the father's death'?" Xingji continued to ask.

"Hang day by day." Zhuge Liang replied, paused and continued, "Do you want to know what's going on? Then come with me."

The star-watching building of Zhuge Mansion.

As soon as the two sat down, Xingji asked eagerly, "What the hell is going on?" How did you know those two sentences?

"Because I have also practiced "Stars."

"Have you practiced "Stars"?" Xing silently looked at Zhuge Liang, who was thin in front of him. The reason for this is that "Stars" mainly refines his body by absorbing the power of stars. However, Zhuge Liang in front of him looks very thin and does not seem to have practiced "Stars" at all.

Zhuge nodded and said, "Yes, my cultivation is also "Stars." However, what I practice is another part. You improve the quality of your body by absorbing the power of stars. But what I practice is the cloth star technique.

"Star Art?" Hearing these three words, Xing Ji's heart was shocked. That's right. In "Stars", there is indeed the item of cloth. Compared with other magic formulas, the requirement for cloth star cultivation is not physique, but intelligence. Only wise people can practice this magic formula. bu xing shu is mostly about the strange strategies of astronomy and geography, the deployment of troops, and the security of the country and the people.

More importantly, the cultivation of general magic formulas will increase the life expectancy, but the practice of cloth cloth not only does not increase the life expectancy, but will be reduced. This is why the star silence is surprised.

Knowing what Xing Ji was thinking, Zhuge Liang did not feel sad. It seemed that it had nothing to do with him and still smiled faintly.

"Who taught you "Stars"?"

Zhuge Liang replied, "My teacher."

"Where is he now? Take me to see him immediately."

"It's impossible. The teacher died three years ago."

"What? Passed away? How is this possible?" How could it be possible to hear this answer? Passed away? Did a true believer die?

Zhuge Liang slowly stood up, walked to the star tower, pointed to the distance and said, "The teacher is buried there."

Following the direction of Zhuge Liang's fingers, the stars looked silently. What is eye-catching is a house that seems to have been burned in the open wilderness.

"Is it there?"

"Yes, that's it. According to the teacher's deathbed instructions, I burned the teacher and the house together.

"Why? Why is this?" Xingji asked angrily.

"Because I was not the only one who studied from the teacher, but also Sima Yi of Hanoi County. But he had bad conduct and stole a "Stars" when the teacher was sick. Later, the teacher told me that the one he stole was fake. Before his death, he passed on the real "Stars" to me. And told me to burn his body with the house. With that, Zhuge Liang's face showed a strong sadness.

After listening to his story, the star silence was silent, and there was a silence on the star observation building.

Leaving Zhuge Mansion, Xingji did not look for Wang Feng, but went to the burned ruins.

At the low green mountains and the slow running water, this is indeed a good place to live in, and it is also a beautiful mountain.

Who is the person who taught Zhuge Liang "Stars"? Why did he do this? Is he my father or someone else? With these unsolved doubts, Xingji walked to the ruins.

Standing in front of the ruins, the spirit of the star silence slowly enveloped it and explored it carefully little by little.

"Hmm?" After that, the star couldn't help but be shocked, because there was no trace of the burning of the body in the ruins. Under puzzlement, the spiritual consciousness of the star silence was checked again, and even every inch of land under the ruins was not let go. But the result is still the same, nothing but thick dust and broken walls.

No matter how thoroughly the flame is burned, it should leave some clues, but there is nothing in it. This shows that, first, Zhuge Liang's teacher is not dead, and second, Zhuge Liang lied. Which of these two guesses is true?

The star thought and slowly walked towards Langya County.

Tianren Pavilion is the best restaurant in Langya County. At this time, Wang Feng stood respectfully in one of the luxurious rooms. In front of him sat several practitioners. Although these people's cultivation is not high, Wang Feng is very afraid.

"Supervisor, have all these monks come?" One of them asked.

"The messenger, everyone has arrived and can leave at any time." Wang Feng replied cautiously.

"Hmm! Things are going well. However, there are some changes in the rules this year, do you know?

"I know, it's just a messenger. Why is it so cumbersome this year?" When Wang Feng said this, he already regretted it.

A cold breath fixed himself firmly in place. At that moment, Wang Feng felt that he had passed by death.

"Hmm! You should know, I'll tell you. You shouldn't know, don't ask. Forget it this time. I don't want such a thing to happen again.

"Yes, yes!" Wang Feng said repeatedly, hurriedly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"You go down first!" The messenger said contemptuously.

Wang Feng answered and hurriedly withdrew.

Back to his room, Wang Feng thought to himself, "What happened in the world of cultivation?"

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