huan xing tu

Chapter 29 Thousand Thunder

he, I finally stand firm within 30. Thank you for your support!!! I beg everyone to continue!!!

In addition to human thoughts, perhaps the fastest thing in the world is thunder and lightning.

At the moment when the star silence noticed that Lei Jingtian found himself, countless electric snakes, like streamers, shot towards the star silence. Xingji hasn't even figured out what's going on? How did the thunder and the sky find itself? You know, with the help of the power of the stars, the falling wind and the mysterious star step, the movement speed of the star silence has reached a frightening level. But why was it still discovered by Lei Jingtian? This problem is very incomprehensable.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of Xingji, and his speed has indeed reached an extreme. But what he didn't take into account is that there are many magical secrets that he doesn't know on the ancient continent. The lightning of Luolei Mountain is one of them. The electric lightning is just one of the low-level magic formulas of Luolei Mountain, and its function is as described by its name. It is to track objects that move faster than the eye, and then lock their location. There is only one way to escape its tracking, which is to surpass the speed of lightning. But it is obviously not so easy to surpass the speed of lightning.

This is the reason why Lei Jingtian can find the star silence.

Looking at the countless electric snakes rushing towards the star silence, while the purple beam disappeared, a proud smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He sneered and said, "Let you see the real thunder sword first. I don't think there will be any regrets even if you die under my sword!"

Thousands - Thunder - Fall.

With the thunderous roar, countless electric snakes quickly dispersed. In an all flash, a rainstorm composed of thunder and lightning shrouded the head of star silence and fell.

The sound echoed between heaven and earth. At this moment, everything in heaven and earth seemed to be still and condensed.

Zizi, Boom! The star silence standing still seemed to have not reacted, and a thunderbolt had landed on his head. The dull body, like a mirror, quickly broke into countless pieces under the bombardment of thunder and lightning.

"Ah!!" Diao Chan in the distance couldn't believe that what happened in front of him was true. A good person was actually shreed to pieces by thunder and lightning. Thinking of the star silence shattered under thunder and lightning, a sharp pain surged into her heart. She even regretted that Xing Ji should not be mixed in this matter.

However, it's useless to regret now. After all, the star silence is dead and the bones are gone.

Tears overflowed from the beautiful eyes, and Diao Chan collapsed weakly on the ground, looking blankly at the place where the star silence disappeared. He muttered words that I couldn't hear clearly.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, which really disappointed me!" Smiling proudly, Lei Jingtian slowly withdrew the purple electricity and shouted to Diao Chan, "Don't you dare to kill me! With such cultivation, it's really ridiculous to want to stage a hero to save the beauty!! Haha!!"

Almost rampant and crazy laughter echoed in the dead forest.

Is that right? Why don't I feel it?"

Hearing this extremely familiar voice, Diao Chan looked for the source of the sound in surprise, and Lei Jingtian looked shocked. He didn't expect that the thunder and lightning could not kill the star silence. What was shattered was just the remnants of his body.

Just as the thunder and lightning landed on his head, Xingji had already thought of a way to deal with it. In the face of countless thunder and lightning, he has no ability and no way to deal with it. Then the only thing you can do is to rely on your own star steps to dodge the attack of thunder and lightning.

Because his speed was too fast, the remnants that had not yet dissipated were split into pieces by the thunder and lightning.

Seeing the sudden star silence, Lei Jingtian was stunned, and then a smile appeared again at the corners of his mouth.

The purple electricity in the scabbard shot out like lightning and flew towards the star silence. The thunder and lightning that had not yet fallen quickly gathered around the star silence and wrapped him tightly in it.

"Ha ha, I knew you couldn't die so easily. Although you move very fast, you can't escape my 'electric lightning' at all. Ha ha, now let you see the real thousand-lei-fall.

Where the image is broken, countless thunder and lightning have not been able to turn back. Countless purple electric lights unexpectedly appeared beside the star silence and once again wrapped him firmly in it. In an instant, the purple electric light formed an inescapable cage.

Zizi, Zizi, Boom, Boom,,,

In the intermittent sound, the violent bombardment is also frequently sounding.

In the purple cage, a silver figure moves rapidly, and behind this figure is a purple electric light chasing. Feeling the terrible power contained in the purple thunder and lightning, Xingji believes that as long as he is a little hesitant, it is not his image that is broken this time, but his real self.

But Xing Ji also knew that the purple cage had already controlled the range of his movement. Therefore, the limited space brings shocking dangers to the star silence. The hair hidden under the clothes has even stood up in horror.

"If you don't go on like this, you can only die if you procrastinate."

Just as Xing Si was quickly thinking about how to do it, a thunderbolt passed by and almost hit him. However, although it could not be hit by lightning. However, in the area connected with lightning, the clothes turned into nothingness, and the arm of the right hand was also dirty. Black and red blood floated in the lightning.

"Ha ha, I want to see how long you can hold on!" With a cold hum, the purple electricity dancing above the starlight's head accelerated again. With the acceleration of this purple electricity, the lightning landing speed is getting faster and faster, and the density is getting higher and higher.

"No, if you don't want to find a solution, then I'm afraid I'm really going to die here. If you want to survive, in addition to not being hit by lightning, the most important thing is to rush out of this cage that binds your free movement.

What should I do?

"I won't let you die so easily!" Lei Jingtian said jokingly, and then a purple light flew into his hand, which was his weapon purple electricity.

"Drowsiness, collect!" Lei Jingtian said, and the purple electricity in his hand was also dancing quickly.

The purple electric snakes no longer chased the fleeing star silence, but integrated into the cage composed of thunder and lightning that trapped the star silence. With the addition of the electric snake, the cage bloomed brilliantly and then began to shrink rapidly. It seems that Lei Jingtian intends to catch the stars alive.

Seeing this scene, I don't know when a cold dagger appeared in Diao Chan's hand. She had already made up her mind that as long as the star died, the dagger would be stuck in her heart.

The continuous decrease in the number of electric snakes gives Xingsi a little time to breathe. However, this time is so short that the shrinking cage is devouring the space of star silence little by little. According to this, in the end, you will definitely be captured alive, and your end must be certain, that is, life is better than death.

Just as Xingsi hesitated what to do, the dagger in Diao Chan's hand reflected a light. What's more coincidentally, this cold light just passed the starlight's eyes.

"In that case, let me give it a try! As for the result, let God make the decision!" Xing Ji shouted in his heart, and a faint circle of silver gradually radiated from his right hand. Slowly, the silver light is getting brighter and brighter. The clenched fist is like a bright star.


With an angry shout, the clenched fist struggled to wave out. The silver streamer turned into a comet and bombarded the shrinking cage fiercely.

hong! With a violent roar, the purple cage trembled and crumbled. Cracks appeared on the electric columns and spread rapidly.

At the moment when the star's fist bombarded the cage. A beautiful purple thunderbolt also bombarded him.

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