huan xing tu

Chapter 44 Fighting Thunder

In the depressed air, a strong wind suddenly burst out. Where the wind passes, the sea is surging, and the peaks are flying with sand and stones.

The purple thunder and lightning dragon roared angrily and fell from the sky and rushed straight into the small dagger. In his silver eyes, there was a smile of contempt. The sharp dragon claws flashed with sharp light, as if they wanted to tear everything apart.

Feeling the momentum of covering the sky and the sun, Xingshi's heart couldn't help lifting up and whispering, "It's okay, it's definitely possible!"

The dragon soul in Dantian stopped talking, and the dragon's eyes stared motionlessly at the dagger.

Looking at the dagger flying towards him, the body of the thunder and lightning dragon suddenly stagnated, and a dark shadow flashed across the huge dragon claws. With a bang, the dagger that stabbed him disappeared into the sky in an instant and didn't know where it had gone.

Boom! Suddenly, there was an explosion, and a towering mountain peak broke into countless pieces. In the fragments, a colorful light shines.

buzz! Bang! The stone that blocked the light flew up in an instant, and a gorgeous light and shadow came out of it and stabbed straight to the thunder and lightning dragon with a crazy expression.

Jie Jie, the dagger made an angry sound of phoenixes, and the short blade suddenly burst into red light and shadow several feet long. The thunder and lightning dragon did not seem to have expected this situation. Unable to dodge, the red light and shadow hit the long body.

Wow, the thunder and lightning dragon made a violent scream, and there was a slight flame beating on the beautiful scales. With the burning of the flame, the purple dragon scales slowly turned black. The huge dragon head suddenly raised, and a flash of lightning spewed out of the dragon's mouth and hit the dagger.

Facing the lightning, the dagger did not dodge, and the red light and shadow suddenly changed into purple that wanted to be close to the color of the thunder and lightning dragon. The blade turned sharply, and the phoenix head at the hilt rushed to the thunder and lightning.

What surprised the power of thunder and lightning was that an unusually strong suction pulled his body fiercely. The spewing lightning did not make any resistance at all and was pulled in by the sudden suction.

"I didn't expect that this dagger could still be used like this, and it could absorb the energy of thunder and lightning."

The star silence was talking, and the thunder that blew up the sky shook the sky and the earth. Wherever he entered, a huge lightning flashed again towards the dagger. This time, the dagger did not continue to absorb, but automatically adjusted the direction. The purple light and shadow changed into a faint blue and rudely cut towards the thunder and lightning.

"This is the second time!" The general said nervously.

"What's the second time?" Xing Ji asked in a low voice, but his question was covered by the noise outside, and the general did not hear it at all. On the contrary, the dragon soul in Dantian answered his question.

"Generally, the thunderstorm of weapons is also called 'weapon robbery', and you only need to carry three thunder and lightning. It has just passed once, and this is the second time. As long as you stand this time, there will only be one last time.

Xingji nodded suddenly and asked, "What is the power of the third thunderstorm?"

The dragon soul smiled and said, "The third power, to be precise, has no power at all. It's not so much a thunderstorm as a bath.

"Bath? What do you mean? Xing Ji frowned and asked doubtfully.

"Ha ha, the third thunderstorm, there is nothing to worry about. Its essence is to use the power of thunder and lightning to wash out the impurities in the weapon and change the quality of the weapon.

"So it is." Xingshi nodded, then turned his eyes to the dagger and whispered, "You must survive this time!"

The dagger that releases light and shadow is intertwined with the landing thunder and lightning. On the black sky, purple and blue are shaking.

Boom! The thunder sounded, and the purple lightning hit the back of the blue dagger.

The slight cracking sound is so harsh. The phoenix soul also made a sad sound, and the dagger fell straight down from the sky.

However, the thunder and lightning did not mean to stop and chased directly.

"Ah!!!" Xingji roared angrily, and flames spewed out of his eyes. On the clenched fist, the bursting veins are like a long dragon coiled.

Compared with the star silence, the dry general has a calm face and no worry. What was more puzzling was that there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

The falling dagger began to panic, and the purple lightning power, the red flame power, and the blue ice water power began to change messyly. Under the impact again and again, there are countless cracks on the short blade, which are shocking and seem to be likely to break at any time.

Wow! The thunder and lightning dragon hovering in the clouds shouted proudly. The traces of burning by the fire element on the body have long been restored as before. The cloud above the head has even stopped rotating, as if there is no need for the thunderstorm to continue.

"Oh, what a pity!" The iron wood Taoist looked at the falling dagger and sighed.

However, Ou Yezi, who stood aside, had no reaction. His eyes shone a light, and then nodded.

In the distance, there were sighs one after another in the crowd watching, as if lamenting the fate of the Phoenix. However, next, the counterattack of the dagger made everyone feel extremely surprised.

The falling dagger no longer changes color. On the cold and shining blade, it is already cracked and dim at this moment.

Take advantage of the victory to pursue. The proud Thunder Dragon didn't expect that it was just a trap.

The trend of the dagger's fall suddenly stagnation, and the cracks on the blade spread, and fragments fell from above. However, the dagger did not break, just an ice layer covering its surface.

Wow! The huge red light and shadow spewed out of the dagger and completely wrapped the thunder and lightning chasing behind him. Thunder and Lightning Dragon could not have predicted such a thing to happen. I hurried to recall the lightning, but the red fire power rapidly transformed into a blue water element. The water condensed into ice, and layers of crystal clear ice froze the lightning effortlessly into it. Without waiting for the frozen thunder and lightning to respond, the dagger instantly changed direction, and the purple lightning power spewed out from the phoenix's air and bombarded the ice.

The click sounded continuously, and the ice that blocked the power of lightning was split into powder and passed away with the wind.

"Hahaha" Ou Yezi and the general laughed coincidentally.

"Senior General, what's going on?" Xing asked puzzledly.

"Ha ha, if you want to be promoted to a fairy weapon, you need not only the materials of the weapon itself, but also the quality of the weapon. The higher the quality of the spirit, the higher the quality of the fairy. And the phoenix of this dagger actually knows how to use its own wisdom. Haha, it seems that the level of this fairy weapon is not low!"

Listening to the general's explanation, Xingji also laughed happily. Not only because the quality of this dagger that belongs to itself will not be low, but also because it has survived the second thunder disaster safely. And the remaining last thunderstorm, that is, the last thunderstorm, is not enough to worry about according to the Dragon Soul.

Wow! The purple thunder and lightning dragon roared crazily. But no matter how angry it is, it has no chance.

The cloud whirlpool that stops rotating and resumes rotation again. A milky light mass slowly fell from the center of the whirlpool, and the dagger of the milky white light mass rushed up eagerly.

Bathing in it, the cry of the phoenix came from the milky light mass. The roaring thunder and lightning dragon, no matter how roar, can never cover this comfortable sound.

The shrinking milky white light mass silently penetrated into the body of the dagger. After the baptism of the light mass, the dagger suddenly exudes an elegant atmosphere, just like a fairy.

"Kid, give this fairy weapon a name! The thunderstorm is coming to an end!" In Dantian, the dragon soul reminded.

Xingji was also very excited. Hearing the words of the dragon soul, he didn't even react immediately. After a while, he turned to the general.

"Senior General, please give this short sword a name!" Xingjing said respectfully.

"Me? But this is you,,,"

Before the general finished speaking, Xing Ji interrupted: "This dagger was cast by the predecessor and should be named by the predecessor."

Hearing Xing Ji's words, he would no longer refuse. In fact, he also wanted to name this dagger in his heart. After all, what is cast by himself is like his own child. How can he not cherish it?

"Good! In that case, I will name this dagger. The general said with a smile, "The spirit of this dagger is the soul of the phoenix, and this is the sea of phoenix souls, so this short sword is called 'phoenix soul'!"

"Phoenix soul? Phoenix soul?"

Just as Xingji was still talking about the name, the dagger in the sky suddenly sounded happily, as if cheering.

"Good! It's called 'Phoenix Soul'. Xing Ji said with joy.

Wow, listening to the happy cry of the phoenix soul, the purple thunder and lightning dragon could no longer restrain its inner anger, roared and rushed to the phoenix soul that had not yet been baptized.

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