huan xing tu

Chapter 22 Mid-term Foundation

After arranging everything, Xingji was about to leave when a sudden movement came from Dantian.

"Is this,, is it, is it?" It's too late to delve into it. With a sudden wave on the sea, the star-silent figure disappeared on the empty beach.

A figure quickly shuttles through the world under the sea. The originally leisurely fish were also shocked by the sudden passing figure and fled around.

Above a ridge, a dark hole, and a figure suddenly shot into the cave. The world under the sea has also returned to calm. However, this calm did not last long.

The figure shot into the mouth of the black hole is the star silence, feeling the abnormal movement in Dantian. Without time to think about what had happened, he jumped into the sea. Because he knows that only the boundless sea can give him a safe hiding place.

In the dark cave, there is a darkness with only some small sounds.

In Dantian, the thoughts of star silence completely stay on the rolling ugly stone. At this moment, the ugly stone is undergoing subtle changes little by little.

The ugly stone is surrounded by a layer of tiny particles, and the volume of this layer of particles is also constantly changing, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking. And the star silence was also blocked by this layer of tiny particles. Although consciousness cannot penetrate into it, the star silence can clearly feel that the ugly stone wrapped in tiny particles is changing.

Bang! A slight sound, the layer of tiny particles wrapped in the ugly stone suddenly spread away. The appearance of the ugly stone gradually appeared in the star's vision.

The speed of the ugly stone, which was originally rolling rapidly, is slowing down little by little. Xingji even felt that the ugly stone would stop rotating. Although he thought so, everything needed to be proved by facts.

"Hmm!" Looking at the changing ugly stone, the star can't help but be stunned by the scene in front of it: the ugly stone, which is getting slower and slower, is shrinking little by little. On the surface of the ugly stone, there are ravines like the surface of walnuts. With the increasing degree of gullies, the rotation speed of the ugly stone gradually has a tendency to stop rolling.

"Does the ugly stone really want to stop rolling?"

Not long after Xingji said this idea, Ugly Stone really stopped rolling. All the elements absorbed in the veins are also stationary. Those tiny particles began to rush towards the ugly stone that stopped rolling.

The tiny particles that reach the surface of the ugly stone are like a thin layer of **, slowly squirming. They seem to want to fill the gully on the surface of the ugly stone. There are fewer and fewer tiny particles until they are all attached to the surface of the ugly stone. At this moment, the ravines on the surface of the ugly stone are no longer so obvious.

When the last particle was absorbed to the surface by the ugly stone, the previously stopped ugly stone began to roll again. However, the direction of this scrolling is completely opposite to that before it stopped.


The rolling ugly stone is getting faster and faster, and the originally static water elements in the veins also flow slowly towards the rolling ugly stone.

In Dantian, the rolling speed of the ugly stone can no longer catch up. In the eyes of the star silence, the ugly stone at this moment can be said to be an extremely round sphere. With the acceleration of the rolling speed of the ugly stone, the elements pouring in the veins gradually have a feeling of powerlessness.

Although the veins are full of water elements, these water elements can't meet the absorption of ugly stones at this moment, and even the veins that transport water elements have a feeling of being torn.

"What should I do?" Xingji's heart is extremely anxious, but this can't solve the problem.

In the cave where the stars were silent, a faint blue light suddenly appeared. The light slowly moved to the top of the starlight, and then countless blue light spots flashed in all corners of the cave. These blue light spots are really water elements in the sea, but they are not individual water elements. Instead, the essence of water elements, the essence of water.

The light of Youlan keeps flashing above the star's head, which flashes like a call. The essence of the water in the sea began to swim from every corner of the sea to the cave where the star silence was located.

In a brilliant palace, the dragon king Ao Guang lay comfortably on a coral throne. His eyes suddenly opened and his thoughts quickly spread out.

Ao Zhan hurriedly came over from the outside, "Father, it's the dragon ball of the third sister."

Ao Guang withdrew his thoughts and nodded, "Don't worry, it's okay. It seems that the elements that the boy needs to improve his realm seem to be extremely huge. I really don't know why there are so many freaks in the Star God's family.

"Father, is that night silence really a man from the Star Temple? But I remember that in the Star Temple, only the Star Saint has a son. The star owner did not marry Xingzun, so he,," at this time, an extremely shocked look appeared on Ao Zhan's face, "Is he the child of Xingzun and the ice fairy?"

"It should be right. I think it should be the child in Xingzun's arms. You know, in those years, the first war in the East China Sea,,, alas!"

"Then he should be called Xingji, and it was he who was killed by the pursuit order issued by Luolei Mountain! However, this boy is really cruel. Xiuwei didn't go through the foundation period, and he could actually kill the bastard who broke the sky in the late Jindan period.

"Zhan'er, sometimes, cultivation may not determine everything. In addition to strength, wisdom is also needed."

"The child understands! That third sister?

"Don't worry! Don't forget, this is our East China Sea!"

A "scene" appeared in their minds that made them feel scared!

Hahaha, the laughter of the father and son resounded in the Dragon Palace.

resisting the tearing caused by the absorption of ugly stones, Xingji desperately absorbs the water elements in the sea, but even so, it still can't meet the needs of ugly stones at this moment.

"How many elements does this guy need?" Xing Ji said helplessly.

At this moment, a faint blue light spot unexpectedly appeared in the water element in the veins. Feeling the strangeness, the thoughts of star silence quickly wrapped the light spot.

Huh? This is also an element of water! Moreover, I don't know how many times the water elements are stronger than ordinary ones.

There are more and more faint blue light spots, which are integrated into the torrent of water elements supporting Ugly Stone.

"What the hell is going on?"

Before it was clear what was going on, Ugly Stone began a new round of crazy absorption, and the thoughts of star silence also began to appear a kind of fatigue,,,,,,

I don't know how long it took. When the star silence woke up, the abnormal movement in Dantian had disappeared, and the ugly stone was also rolling at a uniform speed.

Feeling the cold breath emitted by the ugly stone in Dantian, Xing Ji said in surprise, "Finally, it's the middle of foundation construction." The ugly stones in the body were stimulated, and the abundant power surged to every part of the body in an instant. He waved his clenched fist, "Although it is only in the middle of foundation building, with the instant conversion of water power and ice power, it can completely resist the practitioners in the later stage of foundation construction. Coupled with the Xuanbing dagger, even if it is the peak of foundation building, it can also compete."

The look of surprise has not completely receded, and a sense of sadness came up again. "It's just that such a huge energy is needed now. I really don't know what to do in the future? Alas! Forget it, I don't want to."

came out of the dark cave, looked at the swaying light above his head, and jumped out of the sea quickly.

The vast night is full of stars.

"I don't know if the thunder has arrived?"

Stepping on a flying sword, the star silence quickly flew in the direction of the Divine Soldier Villa.