huan xing tu

Chapter 25 Smart Use of Ice Water

Looking at the green light spots in the green world, the star silence is both happy and helpless. It is happy that these are the gods of wind and soul wood; helplessly, these gods are too scattered to be concentrated.

"What should I do?" The stars meditated.

Countless green light spots quietly floated around the star silence and slowly attached to the star silence, gradually wrapping the star silence in it.

"Huh?" Xingjing looked at the green light spots around him in surprise, "What's going on?" The arm was gently raised, and the green light spot instantly filled the gap in the star silence. The confused star silence suddenly found that the green spots of the whole world were thinking about him gathering here.

"What the hell is going on? Is it that I have something they like? However, there is nothing else here except my thoughts? Insent? Ideas! Is it because of my thoughts?"

Insent? Insent? Xingshi's mouth kept repeating these two words. Suddenly, a flash in my mind, and the star silence thought of one thing: the body of water.

"Water is the source of all things, and nature has infinite attraction to life. And my body attribute is pure water attribute, and my mind is just a form of soul consciousness, but it is still attractive to these gods.

Move the ugly stone in Dantian, and the water power instantly filled the whole body. In the wind soul wood, the god, who was still floating slowly, ran madly towards the thoughts of star silence.

"Ha ha, if it goes on like this, I think it will definitely attract most of the gods. However, it is only attracted to them, but they can't be condensed. Is this problem still not solved? What should I do?"

Most of the gods in the wind soul wood world are used around the star silence, greedily occupying every narrow space. Even if they occupy a position, these gods are still not satisfied, but try to drill in, hoping to get closer to the so-called "water source".

There are fewer and fewer green spots floating in the distance, but there are more and more gods around the star silence. Soon, it is estimated that all the gods will come, but how can I unite them? This problem becomes more and more urgent to be solved with more and more light spots.

With the operation of the ugly stone, the water power is also being consumed rapidly. Star Silence had to adjust the ice elements hidden in the body to supplement it. At the moment when the ice element entered the ugly stone, Xingji suddenly said inexplicably, "I don't know if this method is okay. Try it first!"

In the distance of the green world, only a few scattered light spots are floating. The star silence slowly passes the water element through the light spots around the mind. With the continuous spread of water elements, the gods who were still crowded and competing suddenly became much quieter. Water elements are becoming more and more full, and the surface of each god has a thin water film.

"I don't know if it's okay? Once it fails, it will not be easy to gather these gods together. Xing Ji's heart hesitated and couldn't make up his mind.

The god of wind soul wood soaked in the water element does not move and enjoys this comfortable environment.

As time goes by, the idea of staying in the wind and soul wood can already hear the sound of other casters.

"Forget it, fight!"

The moment of determination. The light blue water element originally wrapped in the wind soul wood condensed into a layer of white ice in an instant, freezing every god tightly in it. Several green light spots still wandering in the distance suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the frozen god who did not move, a relaxed smile finally appeared on the corners of the star's mouth.

The ice outside firmly protects the last line of defense. The ice element inside began to squirm slowly, and at the moment when the god of the wind soul wood felt free to move freely, it began to flee around crazily. However, just as they were about to reach the periphery, the direction of the impact suddenly changed. Seeing this scene, a new idea came to Xingshi's mind.

If anyone sees this scene, he will definitely feel that his eyes are in addition to the problem: the white ice is also slowly changing its shape.

The idea returned to the body, and there were several sonorous hammering sounds in the star's ears. Looking around at the other players, they were all beginning to temper the materials that had been released. What made Xingshi more uncomfortable was that countless eyes were staring at him. Secretly glanced at the crowd staring at his onlookers, Xingji suddenly noticed a different look from others.

"It turned out to be him! Zhao Feng! Did he recognize me? Xing Ji said in his heart, "Don't care so much first. Anyway, we have to fight against Luolei Mountain this time. It doesn't matter if you add this matter."

Thinking of this, Xing Ji no longer paid attention to Zhao Feng's resentful eyes.

In the wind soul wood, the white ice slowly contracted, gradually emerging the prototype of a long sword. Looking at the gradually forming sword tire, Xing Ji's eyes turned to the blue-black tripod placed on the fire. Looking at the ice heart crystal that did not move at all, Xing Ji sighed, "Rare materials are rare materials, and ordinary flames can't melt it. It seems that we have to use that trick again.

Separated the ice force and quietly went to the flame on the stove,,,,

"He really didn't let me down! A Xie, this time I want to take a good look at what method he used to raise the temperature of the flame to that level. This time, the sword in his arms did not whisper, while the middle-aged man's thoughts stared at the flame under the blue-black tripod.

Huh? How could this happen? There is a frightening force hidden in the flame. But this force is unusually cold. Yes, it is the ice power in the mutant element. Is he from the Ice Moon Mountain? The idea of staying in the flame slowly turned to the star silence standing aside.

"Who is this?" The star silence clearly felt that there was an idea that locked himself. Xingji tried to find the owner of the idea, but this idea was not only powerful, but also had no trace at all.

"Depart from the source? Spiritual knowledge?! It's spiritual knowledge! It seems that this person's cultivation is the lowest period of divinity. Only the thoughts of the divine period can be separated from the origin of the body. It's just that what on earth does he want to do? However, he doesn't seem to mean any harm.

Remove these distracting thoughts and concentrate completely on the blue and black tripod on the fire. However, the ice heart crystal in the small tripod also began to melt slowly.

Just when Xingji thought that everything was going normally, the blue and black tripod had some changes that worried Xingji.

The purple flame is ruthlessly burning the small tripod. Within the small tripod, the ice heart crystal has begun to melt. The white fog lingered above the small tripod.

Tick! The sound was not very loud, but it hit the heart of the star silence violently. His eyes instantly found the source of the sound. Under the small tripod, a drop of black ** slowly fell into the fire.

"Well! This small tripod can't stand the burning of the enhanced flame and has begun to melt. It will take a long time for the ice heart crystals in the tripod to melt, and I don't know if this small tripod can hold on.

With the passage of time, the white fog lingering on the small tripod is getting thicker and thicker, and the ticking sound is getting higher and higher.

The originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy. Black clouds shrouded the top of the square. It seems that a huge storm is coming.