huan xing tu

Chapter 102 Extraterrestrained Space

Floating helplessly in this unknown space, looking around, the end of the vision is still a gray scene.

"Senior, what is this place?" Xingji asked doubtfully. Judging from the surrounding environment, Xingji had guessed that he had been moved to another space. However, he doesn't know what kind of existence this is.

The use of space movement also cost Qinglong a lot of energy. At this moment, he is like when he has just been released from the dragon soul jade. He slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the first glance, his eyes were suddenly full of frightened expressions.

"How could this happen? How can it be here!" The excited words exuded surprise and slight fear.

"Senior, what on earth is this?" Perceiling Qinglong's panicked look, Xingshi asked.

I closed my eyes powerlessly, with a look of loss and even despair. After a moment of silence, Qinglong said slowly, "This is the 'foreign world'!"

"Extraor world? What does that exist?"

Buddha has clouds: six paths of reincarnation, one is the heavenly way, the second is the Asura way, the third is the way of humanity, the fourth is the animal way, the fifth is the hungry ghost way, and the sixth is the hell way. The upper three paths are good because their karma is better; the lower three paths are evil because their karma is more evil. All sentient beings are reincarn in six paths. Therefore, it is also known as the six paths of reincarnation. Qinglong explained slowly.

"Which one does this belong to?" After listening to Qinglong's explanation, Xingji still can't understand what kind of existence this outside world is.

"This outside world does not belong to any of them. It is a world with no time and no end.

"Ah! Then how can we go back?" Xingji also began to panic a little. Although the staff of the Star God got it, now the result is that he has come to another space. And this space does not belong to any of the six channels,

Shaking his head helplessly, Qinglong pondered for a while, and finally said, "I don't know! Because this is a world with no time and no end.

As soon as the words fell, the two were silent. Gently stroking the staff of the star god in his hand, Xingji even came up with an idea: Is it worth coming to this outside world for it? However, there is no point in thinking about this problem now. The most important thing is to find a way to get out of here, but it is reasonable to say that there is no time and no end here. How to get out?

After a long silence, Xingji still asked unwillingly, "Senior, is there really no way to go out?"

"Yes, but that's impossible and unrealistic!"

"What can I do?" As soon as he heard that there was a way, the starlight's dark eyes shone in an instant.

"It is a person with great magical power and breaks the space boundary between the world and the outside world!"

"Space boundary? Didn't you say that the world has no time and no end?" Xing Ji asked doubtfully.

He smiled bitterly and said, "The world is indeed endless, but it is closely related to the other six paths. The boundary is a barrier that separates them! You can't see it, but they do exist!"

"Where is the boundary?" Xing Ji asked. It is never practical to stand here and find a way. Only when you find the boundary and think of a specific way according to the situation of the boundary.

"It may be far away, but it may be right next to you!"

Looking at the endless space, the star silence is floating aimlessly.

In the outside world, the star silence is still floating casually, and I don't know how long it has been. There is no difference between day and night here. I haven't seen anything after floating for so long, even a stone.

In Dantian, the soul of star silence moves back and forth in the water and fire element. After floating for so long, Xingji no longer had any illusions, so he simply sank into Dantian.

"Wow, it still doesn't work!" In an instant, he moved out of the fire element, and the star gasped violently. Although your soul can freely enter and exit the two elements, it is not so easy to quickly convert the two elements in the body.

Originally, the dragon shadow wanted to stop the star silence, but anyway, in this space. There is nothing to do when I'm idle, and it's reasonable to let the stars be silent. At least, the star silence will not be unhappy to escape from this space. But he didn't know the intention in Xingji's heart. Xingji was thinking that since he didn't know when he could find the boundary barrier, he should seize the time to practice hard. In this way, when the boundary barrier is found, there will be a greater chance of breaking it.

The lush plants are full of depression and desolation. In the blink of an eye, Xuanwu Lilong finally arrived at their destination - the fairyland.

After handing over Xinglang and his wife to Xuanwu, Li Long couldn't wait to rush into the mountains to see his master Shangshuigong.

In the depths of the mountain, in front of a blue mirror, the water god stood quietly together. What is reflected in the mirror is not his figure, but the green dragon whose whole body is stained with blood and weaker.

Aware of the arrival of Lilong, a circle of ripples slowly shook on the mirror, and a straight figure appeared in it.

"Lord, Li Long will visit the Lord!" Seeing the familiar figure, Li Long hurriedly fell to the ground. Tears of excitement freely vent their inner feelings.

hurriedly helped Li Long. Although the two were master-slave relations, Gonggong never regarded his subordinates as subordinates, but brothers and sons.

"Get up, Lilong! Just come back!" He looked at Li Long carefully, and Gonggong's eyes also flashed brightly.

Three days and nights, when Lilong came out of Gonggong, his face was full of worry. Looking at the clear sky above his head, Li Long's face was determined, and then his figure disappeared on the mountain in an instant.

Feeling the breath of Lilong's departure, the foreman sighed, and fate finally came.

Fairyland, the world. This is the place where the immortals are reincarnated in the lower world, and the figure of Lilong suddenly appeared there. From the mouth of Gonggong, Lilong learned that a soul of Qinglong was being hunted down in Asura Road, and his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and it could even dissipate at any time.

Looking at the blood-red entrance of Asura Road, Li Long's eyes were full of firmness and said gently, "Second brother, hold on! Big brother is coming to see you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a soul flew out of Lilong's body and rushed into the Asura Road.

The blood-red world is full of a strong smell of blood, and the vision is full of fragmentary corpses. Painful moans and rampant laughter echoed in a space where only killing can survive.

When he stepped into the world, Li Long was also shocked by everything in front of him. Even though he has experienced countless battles, he has also seen rivers of dead bodies and blood on the battlefield. But when I walked into Asura Road, I realized that the original killing was a ridiculous game compared with here.

Along the way, the souls that fell under his sword were countless. Li Long walked quickly and ran towards the place where Qinglong was. Feeling the weaker and weaker clarity of Qinglong, Lilong's heart was full of anxiety and anger.

In anger, the sword in his hand became a sickle to harvest the soul. Every sword light passed, there will be countless screams.

The world outside the road is still gray. In such a world with no time and no end, the star silence is still wandering aimlessly.

The original dead silence was suddenly broken by the roar of Qinglong. Xingshi stared intently, but saw that Qinglong's face was pale and his breathing was short. The two huge dragon eyes opened desperately, and the flames of anger burned in it.

"Senior, senior, what's wrong with you?" Xing Ji eagerly asked that he had never seen Qinglong in such a situation. Even if he had suffered multiple injuries, he had never seen the current situation.

Puff! Inexplicably, a mouthful of blood spewed out of Qinglong's mouth. Dantian echoed the angry shouts of Qinglong: "Fire Wolf, take your life!"

The new chapter has arrived, and there will be classes in the evening!!

Ha ha, Ray is a student, and writing is Ray's hobby. In addition to learning, Ray has never stopped.

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