huan xing tu

Chapter 123 Murder

The vibrant and dense jungle suddenly calmed down. I don't know when the various singing insects hiding in the corner will calm down. At this moment, there is only the sound of wind in the jungle, and in the sound of the wind, there is a strange rustling sound. Green vines, like predatory vipers, walk carefully through.

The two stars hiding in the hiding place dare not move at all. They completely closed their breaths like two stones buried in the ground. The vines passed by them, completely ignoring their existence.

If someone can look down from above the jungle, they will definitely see a very grand and spectacular scene. Countless forward vines form an active ocean, which is used from all directions to unconsciously surround the people who are moving towards the tree of elements. What's more worth mentioning is that these vines are like hunting, invisibly driving these people to the same place. And that place is where the towering ancient trees are located. A gorgeous flower is quietly opening and closing, like a mouth waiting to eat.

"Brother, why do I feel something wrong here?" Ao Zhan, who strode forward, felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. He always felt that in this dense jungle, there were countless pairs of eyes hidden and stopped monitoring them all the time.

And Ao Wuwei seemed to have noticed something wrong for a long time. Listening to Ao Zhan's worries, he did not stop. Instead, he said calmly, "Don't worry about them, we will continue to move forward."

The mountain surrounded by the blue halo in the distance has appeared in its own vision.

On the other hand, Ouyang Shanzhu's eyes are full of hot flames. Fanatic eyes stared at the peak of the surging flame.

"Second brother, be careful, there is something wrong here!" The calm Ouyang Shanlian also found the hidden abnormalities in the jungle.

"Brother, hurry up! We will go back as soon as we get the Huoyuanzhu. Without putting the eldest brother's words into appreciation at all, Ouyang Shanzhu still strode forward.

While they were walking rapidly in the jungle, Lei Wentian and his guards strangely bypassed the huge jungle. Pass through the edge of the jungle and push into the tree of elements.

"Faun, why don't we go through the forest? Bypassing in this way, those elemental beads must have been robbed by them long ago. The bodyguard was very confused. Lei asked Tian why he didn't take a shortcut, but went around such a big circle. If it is really as he said, then when the two of them reach the tree of elements, the five elements will definitely be removed by everyone else.

However, Lei Wentian did not show any concern. Instead, he looked into the depths of the forest with a smile and muttered, "It's time for a good show!"

Before the words fell, a violent explosion came from the depths of the jungle.

After a loud local noise, continuous explosions came one after another. A shadow shuttled through the jungle, to be precise, fleeing awkwardly. His clothes were already full of holes, and coconut-like fruits exploded beside him. This kind of fruit is produced by a burst tree. Although this burst fruit can't cause him any substantial damage, it is also very uncomfortable.

And this dark shadow is exactly the disappearing repair. The bursting fruit invisibly brought him closer to the towering ancient trees.

Looking at the dark shadow flying towards him, the enchanting flower suddenly made a roar. With the roar, countless vines poured from all corners of the forest and rushed towards the shadow. At the same time, other vines that followed those people also roared out and attacked their respective targets.

The vines like the tide are accompanied by the bursting fruit that will explode around at any time. Everyone seemed a little helpless, after all, they haven't launched a counterattack yet. Those burst fruits have exploded, and what's worse, those vines are afraid of their means at all. Although it is easy to cut off a section, it is not worth mentioning compared with their unknown bodies.

Therefore, the only thing they can do is to rush forward desperately. Rush to their respective destinations, that is, the peaks emitting various halo.

The towering ancient trees in the middle of the forest suddenly trembled. The five shining peaks suddenly disappeared, and all seven people came to the same place. Yes, Ouyang Shanzhu Brothers, Ao Brothers, Tengjiao King Huofeng King, together with Sanxiu, all came around the towering ancient trees.

"It's an illusion!" Ao Wuwei couldn't help taking a cold breath when he thought of the vision of the disappearing peak. They couldn't see through the illusion created by a towering giant tree. Then, the ability of this tree can be imagined.

And just before people figured out what was going on, the enchanting flower quietly released a thin pink fog. With the breeze blowing, the pink clouds quickly dissipated in the air and drifted towards the dispersion.

"What's going on?" Seeing that the peak disappeared, Ouyang Shan shouted impatiently.

But Ao was still indifferent and said calmly, "Obviously, we have been deceived by the illusion created by this giant tree!"

Ao Zhan beside him looked at the people who came here, but did not find Lei Wentian's figure. So he said, "Brother, Lei Wentian doesn't seem to be here!"

"Since he knows about the five elements of pearls, of course he also knows the hidden murder in the forest."

Hearing Ao Wuwei's words, the murderous intention on the fire phoenix king came out in an instant. The blazing flame wrapped her tightly in it. Seeing that he was put on by Lei Wentian, he said angrily, "Look, I won't burn him to ashes!" The ashes are scattered!"

Ah! The sad screams sounded close at hand.

Just as several people were talking, the ragged repair had been submerged in the sea of vines. The entangled vines wrapped him into huge dumplings. Bang bang, a few crisp sounds, countless vines, suddenly broken. The vines at the other end pulled up the scattered cultivation of the zongzi during the wrapping process and moved towards the enchanting flower.

Seeing the enchanting flower, King Teng Jiao's face became ugly in an instant. He said in shock, "Magic Flame!"

Before the voice of King Tengjiao's words fell, the vines had reached the top of the magic flame flower. The huge magic flame flower, the blooming flower suddenly contracted and became a huge bud.

The magic flame bud bloomed again in an instant, and a blood-like plasma spewed out of the stamens, stuck to the vines, and quickly disappeared. From the vines, the violent screams sounded again. With the weakening of the cry, a drop of blood-red ** dripped from the cracks of the vines into the stamens of the magic flame flowers.

When the last drop of blood red** falls from the vine. The vines dispersed quickly, and the scattered body had long disappeared without a trace.

The jubilant roar came from the magic flames. Buzz! The branches and leaves trembled violently, and a pink flame-like thing burned on the branches of the enchanting flame flowers.

"It's not good! The magic flame is about to evolve! Let's work together to destroy it! Once it evolves, we will all die here!" King Tengjiao shouted in a hurry.

Although others did not know what the magic flame flower was, when they saw the scattered cultivation without bones, everyone also guessed the power of the magic flame flower. Hearing the frightened shouts of King Tengjiao, they understood the horror of the magic flame flower more. The creatures that can make the lord of the demon realm panic must be very tricky.

Everyone no longer hesitated and took out their own weapons one after another. However, looking at the vines pouring towards him, everyone couldn't help but feel numb. They felt as if they had fallen into the snake cave, and countless long snakes were about to annihilate them.