huan xing tu

Chapter 125 Chapter 126 Shot

The calm earth suddenly trembled violently, and every plant in the whole jungle bent slightly to make a pilgrimage. Even the magic flame that fired the fireball stopped its fearless attack on Ao. The enchanting flowers suddenly contracted into buds, and the arrogant branches also made a worshipful move.

At this moment, everyone's eyes hit one place. It is not only the direction where all plants worship, but also the center of the whole jungle. In that slightly empty place, there is only one particularly conspicuous sign. That's a tree, the tallest tree in the jungle.

On the surface, there is a root system like a dragon. The straight tree trunk, like a sharp sword, rushed straight to the sky. Each dark green leaf has a strong breath of life. Among the countless branches, python-like vines poked out from the thick leaves from time to time.

"What is that?" Star marks looked at the towering ancient trees that were constantly trembling in surprise, and the ancient vicissitudes of life were dense on each leaf. It is because of the shaking of this huge tree that the whole forest trembles so violently.

The star's eyes are also tightly locked on the tree, but he doesn't know how powerful this towering giant tree is. However, he understands that with the cultivation of these people now, he is not the opponent of this ancient wood at all. What's more, this is on its territory, and there are so many subordinates around it?

With a violent cough, a white area suddenly cracked on the rough bark of the ancient wood. In that area, there are mouths, noses, etc., and facial features are complete. It was because of the cough that the big tree trembled so violently. A pair of green but not malicious eyes shot from the tree trunk and fell on everyone.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my territory and get out of here quickly!" The voice of the towering ancient wood is full of vicissitudes, but it also has majesty that people dare not resist.

Looking at the ancient wood that spoke, Ao Wu, who was originally depressed, suddenly became energetic. The long gun dragon soul thorn in his hand suddenly trembled and said fearlessly, "Who are you?"

"Roar!" Gu Mu laughed dullly and said, "Your curiosity is very heavy! You broke into my territory and asked me who I was? Ha ha, I'm the owner here, and this is my territory. Do you understand?"

When he said the last sentence, a strong pressure suddenly came out of the ancient wood. The invisible pressure reaches people's hearts and makes people's breathing stagnant. The comfortable breathing was suddenly blocked by a loud and abruptly.

In the stubborn eyes, endless fighting spirit broke out. In the face of the huge thing, Ao Wuwei naturally knew that he was invincible, but he did not choose to give in. The fighting spirit emitted suddenly soared. At this moment, Ao fearless rushed up with a gun.

And the ancient wood was surprised. A stem coiled in the root was pulled out of the land. This rhizome has a radius of three feet, and the dark surface exudes a sharp luster. Looking at Ao Wuwei rushing to him, the rhizome greeted him casually.

The dragon soul thorn is Ao's fearless magic weapon. Each dragon will use its own power to condense a weapon that communicates with its own heart in its life. The weapons condensed by their own blood power are not only of high quality, but more importantly, they are more easy to use, and may even cultivate the spirit. Once the weapon spirit is really cultivated, then the grade of the weapon will inevitably be one layer higher, close to the fairy weapon.

But obviously, Ao's fearless dragon soul thorn is not a fairy weapon. However, his grade and explosive power are not inferior to ordinary fairy weapons.

With a sound of metal impact, the dragon soul thorn in Ao's fearless hand collided violently with the root of the ancient wood. Surprisingly, the one seemed to wave casually, but I didn't expect such a huge force. Ao Wuwei, who was the closest to the shadow, instantly turned into a broken kite and fell straight down.

What's more unexpected is that the magic flame flower, which was originally worshipped on the ground, suddenly drilled out of the soil and rushed straight to the falling Ao Wuwei.

Ao's face was fearless, and suddenly there was frost. The dragon soul thorn in his hand suddenly turned, and the sharp blade emitted cold light and only pounced on his magic flame.

Puff! A cluster of pink flames shot out from the stamens of the magic flame, accompanied by a thin smoke.

"Look for death!"

The dragon soul thorn in his hand burst into a strong light. A long water-blue dragon flew out of the dragon soul thorn, swooped down and crashed into the enchanting magic flame flower. The pink fireball had not touched the long blue dragon, and it sizzled and went out in an instant. The pink smoke lingering around the fireball was also sucked into the body by the long dragon.

A roar echoed in the silent forest. All the plants suddenly trembled at that moment. However, the magic flame flower closest to the blue dragon was shocked and stagnated there. A sharp claw emitting cold light poked out from under the long dragon's body and fiercely grabbed the dull magic flame.

Anyone can imagine that once the magic flame really falls into the claws of the long dragon, it will inevitably be torn to pieces and the bones will not exist. And the magic flame also seemed to have thought of its own ending, and the body, which could not move, trembled rapidly.

"How dare you!"

A burst of shouting came from the mouth of Gumu. Then, a rhizome quickly poked out from under the magic flame flower and went straight to the long dragon.

Ao is fearless, and there is no fear in his eyes. He had just had a hand with that stem, and he naturally knew that he did not know the opponent of ancient wood at all, even if it was just a root. However, he still greeted him with a determined face.

The long dragon is like an earthworm in his eyes. However, it is also very clear how strong the power contained in it is. If he really collides with it, Gumu knows that he will not lose, but he will also pay a lot of price.

Thinking of this, another rhizome emerged from the bottom of the ancient wood and stabbed towards the long dragon that rushed to the magic flame flower.

There is still some inadequacy to deal with a root stem of ancient wood, let alone another one? Ao Wuwei knew that he would definitely lose this battle, but he urged his own strength more rapidly.

Just as the long dragon was about to catch the magic flame flower in his hand, the rhizome was already intertwined with it. Another rhizome that had just emerged went straight to the tail of the long dragon. Obviously, Gumu wanted to prevent the head and tail of this long dragon from each other.

Ao Wuwei was about to rush forward to rescue, but the first root stood in front of him and blocked his footsteps.

"Uh! I didn't expect that big tree to be so powerful!" Xinghen said with some emotion. If Ao Wuwei is replaced by himself, he doesn't know if he can hold on for so long.

However, the star silence beside him did not think about this. His eyes were fixed tightly on the rhizome. Just before, when the fireball of the magic flame collides with Ao's fearless water power. The power of water splashing on the ground will quickly disappear. He knows very well that those water forces will not dissipate so quickly, and the reason for this is that they are completely absorbed by other things.

Moreover, Xing Ji guessed that the thing that absorbed those water elements might really be this towering ancient wood. If his guess is really correct, then he believes that once the two roots entangled the water-blue dragon, they will inevitably be sucked away by the towering ancient trees.

"That's right! That's true!"

Sure enough, as expected, the two rhizomes have just wrapped the blue dragon. Countless beard roots emerge from the rhizome, which are like a straw and inserted directly into the body of the long dragon.

The blue dragon shouted in pain, and his huge body began to shrink rapidly. If this goes on, it won't be long before this long dragon will be absorbed by the towering ancient trees like those water elements.

At this time, everyone was a little anxious. However, they have nothing they can do. A rhizome emerged from the soil under their feet and blocked them tightly here.

At the same time, the magic flame flower, which was shocked by the dragon, also woke up from the dullness and continued to rush towards Ao Wuwei.