huan xing tu

Chapter 130 Take what you need

A basin is not very large. Around the basin, there are five not very high peaks. On each mountain, there are apertures of different colors. If you really explore, the apertures on these peaks all come from the same place, that is, the basin in the center of the five peaks. There is a tree, and the book is particularly eye-catching five beads corresponding to the aperture on the mountain peak.

This tree is the elemental tree that everyone is looking for, and the five beads hanging on the tree are elemental beads. Although these five beads grow on the same tree, it is not so easy to get them.

If you want to get those elemental beads, you must first climb the corresponding mountain. After climbing to the peak of the mountain, you can get the elemental beads. Of course, there will be many troubles in the process of climbing the mountain.

And Lei Wentian came here first. After some trouble, he was finally the first to get the elemental bead he wanted, the wooden bead. He thought that those people could not get rid of the wood spirits in the jungle in a short time. When he felt the breath of the fall of the Fire Phoenix King, he even thought that those people had all died in the hands of the wooden spirit. After all, the predecessors of Juxian Valley who told him these secrets have repeatedly told him not to provoke this wooden spirit.

Understanding the power of the wood spirit, Lei Wentian did not intend to provoke this demon-level monster. However, he doesn't provoke, but he is eager to let others provoke him. After all, it is good for you to take advantage of some troubles.

Looking up at this mountain like a huge gold ingot, on which there is the golden pearl he wants to get. Mu Yuanzhu has already been included in his bag. At this moment, Lei Wentian stayed on the mountain road to get Jin Yuanzhu.

"Son, look there!"

Following the instructions of the guard beside him, two figures actually appeared next to the tree of elements. These two figures are the two stars who followed them and rushed here.

While Lei Wentian saw them, they also noticed that Lei Wentian was on the mountainside.

"I didn't expect that in such a short time, Lei Wentian actually got Mu Yuanzhu. It seems that it won't be long before he can get Jin Yuanzhu. Xinghen said angrily.

However, Xingji does not have any emotional expression. It is reasonable to do whatever it takes for its own benefit. What's more, the benefits that Lei Wentian wants to get are so strong.

"Let's go there quickly! If you wait until others arrive. Then, I'm afraid it's not so easy to get Tuyuanzhu.

Xingji nodded in agreement, and the two turned to the peak behind them. The peaks of the peaks they chose are haunted by an earthy yellow halo. That's where Tu Yuanzhu is.

"I didn't expect it to be them!" Lei Wentian said with some resentment. How could he forget the figure of Xingji? It was because of them that Lei Wentian's plan was biased. Originally, he didn't want anyone else to insert except for a few major forces. Only in this way can he carry out his plan. However, what he didn't expect was that first two scattered repairs, and then two star-silent two people appeared. It's okay to say that two Sanxiu, after all, one of them died at their own hands. But the two stars are different. It is precisely because of them that they almost stayed outside Juxian Valley.

"Son, why didn't I find anyone from Tiandao Sect?" The bodyguard has been buried in his heart for a long time. According to common sense, people of Tiandao Sect should appear. It's okay if they don't appear when discussing in the jungle, but now it's time to compete for elemental beads, but they still don't appear, which is a little unreasonable.

Lei Wentian snorted coldly, "They will come soon, but they are no longer from Tiandao Sect."

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Lei Wentian's words, the bodyguard also knew how to stop asking. He knows very well that if he knows more things, he will lose his life.

Just as Lei Wentian began to move forward again, a figure appeared again under the tree of elements. This time, there are four, which are Ouyang Shanzhu, Ouyang Shanlian, Ao Wuwei and Ao Zhan. Four pairs of burning angry eyes stared fiercely at Lei Wentian, who was heading towards the mountain, exuding endless murderous intent.

"Second brother, it's not the time to settle accounts. Let's get the element beads we want." Looking at Ouyang Shanzhu, who couldn't help rushing forward to fight with Lei Wentian, Ouyang Shanlian said calmly.

Ouyang Shanzhu snorted coldly and complained, "I won't let you go!"

"Both of you, I think we'd better act quickly. Lei Wentian has got Mu Yuanzhu and Jin Yuanzhu and is about to get it. There seems to be someone on the peak of Tuyuanzhu. If we delay like this, we may not even get the last two elemental beads. Although he was also very angry, Ouyang Shanlian was still able to restrain himself and put the overall situation first.

"Brother Ouyang is right, so let's act quickly!" Ao said fearlessly with approval, and then turned to walk towards the peak where Shui Yuanzhu was located. Although Ao Zhan was very reluctant, he knew that now was not the time to be angry at all.

"Let's go too!" Ouyang Shanlian looked at his brother helplessly, and then walked towards the peak where Huo Yuanzhu was located.

"I didn't expect them to move so fast!" Lei Wentian said reluctantly that his plan was to put all five element beads into his pocket, and now it seems that he can only get two of them. Want to get more words, unless you have a conflict with those people.

However, the Dragon Palace and the Divine Soldier Villa in the East China Sea are obviously not so easy to provoke. Then the only chance is the two stars on Tuyuan Zhushan Mountain.

Just as Lei Wentian was thinking about these, a strong murderous intention suddenly came from the direction of the elemental tree. There was a strong anger in the murderous intention, and there, it was the King Tengjiao who finally rushed here. If the eyes are two sharp swords, then in the eyes of King Teng Jiao, Lei Wentian has already worn ten thousand swords.

He didn't look at the peak where the other element beads around him were. At the moment when King Tengjiao's eyes locked Lei Wentian, his figure had disappeared. The next moment, when he appeared again, he was already going to the foot of Jinyuan Zhushan Mountain.

"Son, King Tengjiao is here!" The bodyguard said in a panic.

"I saw it, you still need to say it!" Lei Wentian said impatiently. He didn't think of his plan, so he was ruined. Looking at the King Tengjiao who was chasing him quickly, Lei Wentian frowned tightly.

After a while, Lei Wentian said to the bodyguard beside him, "Go and stop him for a while. You can delay for a moment, and try to delay until I get Jin Yuanzhu. Do you understand?"

The bodyguard did not dare to hesitate at all. He answered and quickly ran down the mountain.

Lei Wentian didn't know how long his bodyguard could delay King Tengjiao, so his movements had to be accelerated again. Only in this way can he get the golden pearl before King Teng Jiao catches up.

On the peak where Tu Yuanzhu is located, Xinghen looked back to see the fierce murder. He saw that the disappeared King Tengjiao was chasing Lei Wentian. Seeing this scene, he said with some gloatingly, "It seems that Lei Wentian is in trouble this time!"

Xingji just smiled coldly and said, "We must get Tuyuanzhu as soon as possible and get out of here immediately."

Star Silence understands that once these element beads have masters, other people will definitely come to grab them desperately. Not to mention other people who are moving towards their respective goals at this moment, I'm afraid that those scattered immortals who need to improve their cultivation will also take action desperately. If it really comes to that time, then there will inevitably be an extraordinary fierce battle here. Star silence doesn't want to get involved, but it can be avoided if you don't want to.

"I understand! Let's go!" Xinghen said clearly.

On this mountain, there is a strong smell of earth elements. The strong earth element is like a flood breaking through the dam and pouring down from the peaks.

Just as they rushed to the top of the peak, a pair of eyes slowly opened. Looking at the two people who were heading here, a fine light flashed in their eyes.

Please collect it!

Brothers, children's shoes, give me some support!

Ask for a reward! This book is not even a "recomer" fan!!!

Oh, I can't afford to hurt!