huan xing tu

Chapter 136 Lost Left Arm

Xuanwu Zun, like a hill, squeezed the giant turtle deep into the earth. On the ground, it is a mess and scarred at this moment. Without the obstruction of the giant turtle, the vision of the two people suddenly became empty. In the distance, on the peak of the mountain, a yellow bead is quietly suspended, which is Tuyuanzhu.

The giant turtle was tightly suppressed by Xuan Wuzun falling from the top of his head. When the gravity space was withdrawn, the two stars instantly took a star step and ran towards the Tuyuanzhu in the distance.

Although the giant turtle was unwilling, Xuanwu Zun above his head seemed to be a mountain, tightly oppressing its huge body, so that it had no ability to stop it at all and no longer had the heart to stop the actions of the two stars.

The streamer galloped, and in an instant, the two of them had reached the peak.

When they came to the front of Tu Yuanzhu, the two suddenly stopped their bodies. The surprised eyes stared at the Tuyuan pearl suspended in front of him.

The volume of Tuyuan beads is not very large, only the size of a fist. There is a slight yellow in the crystal clear, which is the same color as the soil of the earth under your feet. The earth power overflowing from it is unusually abundant, feeling the strong earth power, and the star silence seems to be in the arms of the mother of the earth.

"Is this Tu Yuanzhu?!" Xinghen couldn't believe it, and they came to the front of Tu Yuanzhu. As long as you reach out your hand, the earth pearls can be put into the bag.

"There should be nothing wrong! This should indeed be the earthen beads. I can feel the rich earth elements in it. Xingshi nodded.

"Since you are sure that this is a Tuyuanzhu, put it away quickly!" Xinghen said eagerly.

"Hmm!" In response, Xingshi's slightly trembling hand slowly reached out to Tu Yuanzhu.

Roar! A tragic roar came from the peak where Jin Yuanzhu was located. The fog dispersed, and the figures of the two giants gradually emerged. However, the scene is incredible. The huge mouth of the white tiger fiercely bit the head in the middle of the three dragons, while the two heads of the three dragons were tightly stuck in the neck of the white tiger.

The three dragons whimpered vigorously, and the vigorous body began to move quickly and handsomely. Although the white tiger's body is not small, it is still a little weak compared with the three dragons. Soon, the white tiger's body had left the ground and was brought to the air by three dragons.

With a bang, a sad scream stopped abruptly. The white tiger without its head fell from the air and splashed with blood. And the three dragons did not take advantage of it, and the head in the middle was also bitten by the white tiger, bleeding like a lot. Boom, the three dragons that lost their middle head, and the body flying in the air suddenly lost its balance and fell straight from the air.

buzzing and trembling, the slightly yellow earth beads trembled violently in the hands of the star silence, as if they wanted to break free from the shackles of their palms. However, Xingji did not give him any chance.

At this time, a fierce murder suddenly appeared around. This murder went down in the air, and looking up was a purple lightning. There was no time to dodge at all, and Xingji could only raise his free left hand to block it ineffectively.

With a roar, there was a sharp pain in his arms. Holding Tu Yuanzhu's right hand tightly, he naturally covered the wound. But the star silence was completely stunned at this moment.

The left hand is gone! Just now, his left hand was completely smashed by the thunder and lightning. Consciousness was completely immersed in surprise, and Xingji did not notice that the blood-stained earth beads entered his body silently.

quickly came to Xingji's side and held Xingji's body that was about to fall. Xinghen looked around vigilantly, and a man in purple smiled strangely and stood in the distance.

"How are you? Can you still hold on?" Xinghen said anxiously, really afraid that something would happen to Xingshi.

The bleeding of the wound was stopped, but the pain that came straight to the bottom of my heart could not be eliminated in a short moment. The hateful eyes stared fiercely at the man in purple. It was him, who was thunderous, but he was not dead.

Although the appearance looks like thunderstorming, the star silence can clearly feel that the soul that controls the body is not thunderstorming, but thunder demon.

"It's actually you, thunderstorming. No, to be precise, I should call you Thunder Demon!" Xing Ji gritted his teeth and said. The pain of losing his left arm has transformed his strong hatred for the thunder demon.

"Whether it's Thunder Devil or Thunder Breaking the Sky, it's just a code name, and it's not worth mentioning at all! But, boy, you should know why I'm here!" Lei Mo smiled strangely and said.

Xing Ji snorted coldly and said, "I really should have completely eradicated you!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that you don't have a chance! I see where you can escape today. There was no nonsense at all. When the words fell, Lei Mo started to move to Xing Ji.

"You get out of the way first, and I'll deal with him!" Seeing Xingshi's pale face, Xinghen shouted anxiously. Without waiting for Xing Ji to answer at all, Xinghen had already greeted him.

struggled to get up from the ground, and the three dragons looked sadly at the white tiger that had been bitten to death by themselves and looked up to the sky and chanted. The blood fog rose again, and the pale King came out of it.

With some frivolous steps, he walked towards Jin Yuanzhu at the top of the peak. Although there is no obstruction from the white tiger, King Teng Jiao's face is still full of vigilance. From time to time, he looked at the five-clawed golden dragon on the Shuiyuanzhu Peak, and a smile of relief that was imperceptible to others appeared on the corners of his mouth.

There is no suspense. When Jin Yuanzhu arrived, the figure of King Tengjiao has disappeared from the peak. As for where he has gone, no one knows.

At the moment when King Tengjiao disappeared, the five-clawed golden dragon entangled with Qinglong suddenly seemed to be crazy, and the anger in his heart turned into endless fighting spirit. Without counting the gains and losses, Qinglong's moves became more and more powerless. Ao Zhan, who stood on the ground, took advantage of this opportunity to come to Shuiyuanzhu. There is no need to hesitate at all and quickly put away the water beads.

"Brother, we have got the Shuiyuanzhu. Let's go!" Ao Zhan shouted at the five-clawed golden dragon.

However, the five-clawed golden dragon still attacked the green dragon crazily as if it hadn't heard it at all. Seeing this, Ao Zhan was a little anxious. With the continuous reduction of elemental beads, those masters hidden behind it should appear. If you don't leave now, once you are intercepted by those masters, it will be difficult to leave again.

"Brother, let's go!" With that, Ao Zhan flew into the air and kept shouting around the five-clawed golden dragon.

"Oh!" Looking up to the sky, the five-clawed golden dragon followed Ao Zhan and disappeared into the air.

The green dragon, who lost his target, came to the white tiger like lightning. Strong sadness permeated the peaks of Jin Yuanzhu.

Wo! The sad cry echoed in the valley.

And Ouyang Shanlian, who was fighting with Yu*, suddenly saw a familiar figure in his vision. Ouyang Shanzhu, who was covered in blood, held a bead burning flames in his hand and shouted to Ouyang Shanlian, "Brother, the fire beads have arrived. Let's go quickly!"

Seeing Ouyang Shanzhu appear again, Ouyang Shanlian's face suddenly showed surprise. He didn't expect that his brother Ouyang Shanzhu was still alive, let alone that he would get the fire beads.

The casting hammer in his hand bombarded a narrow channel. When the two brothers gathered together, a flame flashed and their figures disappeared into the flame.

Like the green dragon, the bath* surrounds the cold body of the white tiger, constantly flying and whining. After a while, the two mythical beasts flew in the direction of the star silence.

The mountain-like Xuanwu Zun quietly suspended on the top of the giant turtle's head. The giant turtle that fell into the earth overflowed a wisp of blood from the turtle shell. The strong pressure makes the blood vessels in its body keep bursting. The eyes that flashed with fine light also became particularly weak and full of blood.

The flying green dragon and bath* have just entered the attack range of Xuanwu Zun.

Bang, bang! The two guardian mythical beasts have been shot down fiercely without any time to resist. In an instant, the two mythical beasts fell deep into the ground like the giant turtle.

Ji-jiu!! Wow! Fengminglong sang, full of infinite sadness. Hearing their tweets, Xingshi's heart couldn't help trembling.

Puff! Blood sprayed wildly, and the star marks hit by purple thunder and lightning fell straight down from the sky.

"Cough!" With a violent cough, Xinghen said to Xingji, "Go away! I didn't expect him to be so powerful that I couldn't deal with him. Hurry up and remember, don't drop the staff of the star god into the hands of this demon!"

Xingji smiled helplessly and bitterly. It was impossible for him to leave the star mark and leave by himself. However, after the obstruction of the giant turtle and the blow of losing his left arm, Xingji is not the opponent of Thunder Devil at all.

With a ferocious smile, Lei Mo walked towards the two of them step by step with a lightning hammer in his hand.

Just as Xingxi was preparing to wait for the thunder demon to kill, the Qinglong in Dantian suddenly woke up and forcibly controlled Xingxi's body.

Xuan Wuzun, who was suspended on the giant turtle, suddenly rushed towards the Thunder Demon. At the moment when Xuan Wuzun blocked the thunder demon, he pulled the star silence of the star mark and once again used space to move.

Although they escaped from the poison of the thunder demon, they don't know where they will be transported this time.