huan xing tu

Chapter 169 Star Silence Fall

One after another was quietly broken under the eyes of the electric god, and finally there was only one lonely. Looking at the disappearing illusions, the white fox sighed in his heart. Staring at the eight snow-white tails behind him, he sighed, "If only I could advance to the nine-tailed spirit fox!"

Indeed, when it advanced to the nine-tailed spirit fox, the white fox could not become a white fox, but should be called a fairy fox. This is because once it reaches the nine tails, the white fox can break the void and fly to the fairyland. At the same time, the illusion of the tails is no longer an illusion, but a real entity. Although it may not have the ability of ontology, it is not something that the electric eye can easily see through and break.

However, sighs are sighs after all, and they can't stop the movement of the five-winged bluebird at all. Two purple electric eyes finally locked on the white fox. At the same time, the stagnant wings of the wind also flew towards the white fox like lightning.

The white fox retreated quickly, but the speed of the wings of the wind far exceeded the speed of the white fox's retreat. Seeing that the wings of the wind were about to hit the white fox. Feeling the sharp breath in the wings of the wind that is sharp enough to break everything, the white fox is a little desperate.

Wo! Just as the wings of the wind were about to come to him, the lonely wolf lying on the ground suddenly jumped up and stood in front of the white fox. The sad screams echoed in the dead valley. In front of him, the lonely wolf with a dirty black body was cut in half by the fierce wings of the wind.

Bum! Bang! The lone wolf, which broke in half, fell to the ground. The white fox fell quickly and said to the lone wolf, "Why did you do that?"

The dying lone wolf said in a weak voice, "You just saved my life. My lone wolf doesn't want to owe others. Also, if there is a chance, run away! The advanced holy beast five-winged blue bird is not what you can deal with!"

Although the lonely wolf's eyes are cold, the white fox can read another layer of meaning from it. When he heard the wolf advise him to escape, the white fox smiled and said, "Escape! It's impossible!" But after that, there was another sentence she didn't say, that is: if I can also make progress, it may still be possible.

Although the white fox didn't say anything, the lone wolf seemed to hear it and said, "It's possible!" After saying that, a powerful energy gushed out of the body of the lone wolf. Without waiting for the white fox to react, this energy entered the body of the white fox like a tide.

With the entry of this energy, the body of the white fox also began to change strangely.

"Xiaoqing, come back quickly! Come back soon!" With all his strength, Xingji shouted loudly. A violent cough and a few strands of blood spewed out.

Fly back like lightning, the five-winged blue bird said anxiously, "Star silence, you wait for a moment, wait a moment, I can kill the fox!" Wait for me for a while!" At this moment, the five-winged blue bird, the calmness in its heart has long been burned out by the blood of star silence.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, listen to me!" Xingji tried her best to dissuade, "I just noticed that two strong breaths were waking up here. You, cough, you'd better leave here immediately. You know, leave now!"

Hearing the explanation of the star silence, the five-winged blue bird quickly expanded its spiritual knowledge. In a short time, he found the breath of the fierce tiger king and Lei Wentian. And the two people didn't seem to have any consideration and didn't hide their breath at all. Feeling the breath of the fierce tiger king, the five-winged blue bird's eyes were cold and he said harshly, "It's him! Star Silence, I won't go! I'm going to kill that cat here! I must kill him!"

In fact, what Xingji doesn't know is that the reason why the five-winged blue bird is hunted down by those monsters is entirely because of the Tiger King. If it hadn't been for the fierce tiger king's sneak attack, I wouldn't have fallen into that field. More importantly, the sneak attack of the Tiger King also made his cultivation plummet and suffered the pursuit of those low-level cultivation.

Death, the five-winged bluebird is not afraid. But being hunted down by those low-level warcrafts is simply a naked insult to the holy beast, the five-winged blue bird. Warcraft is also dignified, and this dignity does not allow others to blascorn.

Therefore, thinking of the fierce tiger king, the culprit of all this, the five-winged blue bird was even more angry.

Feeling the fierce anger in the heart of the five-winged blue bird, the star shook his head helplessly. Suddenly, the star's look stagnated, leaving his last sentence: "Leave quickly!"

"Star - Silence!" The breath of star silence dissipated, and the five-winged bluebird crazily. The iron wings flashed, and the five-winged bluebird put the body of the star silence in the center of the land of wind and thunder. Then, he resolutely flew towards the white fox. At the moment when the star died, the five-winged blue bird had made up his mind that even if his soul flew away, he would leave these people here.

"Alas! I really didn't expect you to be so useless!"

Suddenly, a sound sounded in the star's ear. When I opened my eyes, I was gray and couldn't see anything.

"Aren't I dead? Where is this? Hell?" Xingji suddenly recalled that he was dead. Looking at the strange environment around me, my heart is full of doubts.

Hahaha, there is a burst of cheerful laughter in the gray space. However, the star silence can't tell where the laughter comes from. It seems to be far away, far away from the sky; it's so close, all in my ears.

"Who are you?" Xingji asked, "Where is this?"

"Who am I? Ha ha, I don't remember who I am anymore! As for where this is, it's far away, all within a short distance!" The voice answered.

"Far away in the sky, all within a short distance," the star muttered, and suddenly thought of a place in his mind.

When the last drop of force was input into the body of the white fox, a calm smile bloomed on the wolf's face. Looking at the strange changes on the white fox, the lone wolf said, "I hope you can advance successfully and leave here. Everything is over!"

After the lone wolf said this sentence, the last wisp of thoughts also dissipated. The white fox, completely immersed in energy absorption, left a tear at the corner of his eyes.

The iron wing of the five-winged blue bird does not care about the life or death of the lone wolf. There is only one thought in his mind, which is revenge. Revenge for the star silence and avenge yourself. Kill everyone who enters here, everyone!

The anger of the five-winged bluebird also seems to have made the whole land of wind and thunder crazy again. The strong wind blew again, and the violent thunder and lightning roared. The silent land of wind and thunder woke up again under the call of the five-winged bluebird.

In an instant, the strong wind swept across the valley, and thunder and lightning bombarded everything around it ferociously. The huge body left by the lone wolf was swept up by the strong wind and smashed into pieces. Thunder and lightning were unwilling to show weakness and bombarded the white fox. Unfortunately, the white fox was surrounded by a faint golden halo. Those winds and thunders couldn't help her at all, but instead of making the wind and thunder more frustrated, it became even more crazy.

When the land of wind and thunder woke up, the fierce tiger king and Lei Wentian also came to the narrow passage at the same time. A strong wind gushed out from the surface, like the roar of a dragon, more like a turbulent torrent.

Feeling the strong wind and thunder elements in the wind, Lei Wentian said with a smile, "I didn't expect that there would be such a place in the demon realm. The wind element is so strong!"

Hearing Lei Wentian's words, Liehu Wang's face turned cold and gritted his teeth and said, "However, in such a place, there can only be one creature to survive!"

"It's the five-winged blue bird, your holy beast!"

"It used to be, but as long as it passes today, it will no longer be! Moreover, there are no more holy beasts in my demon realm. There are only my king, the fierce tiger king, and the real king of the demon realm!" The fierce tiger king snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, Tiger King is right. After today, there will be no more holy beasts! As long as the tiger king can get the wind wings of the five-winged blue bird, the throne of the king of the demon realm is also readily available! Hahaha!" After hesitating for a while, Lei Wentian asked, "Tiger King, take the liberty to ask, why is your holy beast called a five-winged blue bird?" Does he really have five wings?

Hearing Lei Wentian's question, King Liehu's face turned cold and he said unhappily, "Why are you asking these?"

Lei asked the god's color unchanged and said with a smile, "It's just curiosity!"

After a while, the Tiger King said, "Actually, I don't know what's going on, but there is such a legend,"