huan xing tu

Chapter 174 Captive

A strip of delicate light silently weaves into a huge net, and under this huge net, it is the panicked five-winged blue bird. Nine white foxes formed a tight orientation and firmly wrapped the five-winged bluebird in it. The strong atmosphere is like nine mountains, blocking the direction in which the five-winged bluebird may escape.

Looking at the five-winged blue bird, the white fox's face showed a cold smile. The movements in the hand changed rapidly, and with the continuous change of the white fox's gesture, the huge light net covering the head of the five-winged blue bird also began to change rapidly.

Facing the huge light net that wants to catch itself alive, the iron wings of the five-winged blue bird waved violently. The cyan figure keeps moving in this narrow space. However, no matter how hard it struggles, it can't escape this huge net.

With the emergence of a ripple, a white fox disappeared in place. Then, the remaining eight also changed their positions. Eight white foxes were divided into two groups, one up and down, and each two white foxes occupied four directions in the southeast and northwest. And there is a light net between every four white foxes, and six light nets form a cage, which binds the five-winged bluebird to it.

With a buzzing sound, the white fox's body appeared in the distance, looked at the five-winged blue bird with no expression on his face, and said coldly, "The net is complete!"

As soon as the white fox's voice fell, the six huge light networks quickly connected to each other. And the distance between the eight white foxes also began to shrink rapidly. Keng! Six huge optical networks are connected into a cage. In the cage, it is the five-winged blue bird that is still struggling.

At this moment, two figures appeared at the entrance of the narrow passage of the land of wind and thunder. It was the fierce tiger king and Lei Wentian who came here.

Lei Wentian stared at the nine identical white foxes suspended in the air and said in surprise, "Oh, my God! Who the hell is she? There are actually eight entities!" Although Lei Wentian is young, as the young master of Luolei Mountain, he will naturally see nothing less. The entity is a charm for the monk's life, and it is also a reflection of the monk's cultivation. The higher the level, the greater the number of entities, and the greater the strength of the entity. If the illusion of the white fox is all virtual shadow, but it is eight real entities, real existence.

At the same time, the Tiger King's face looked very ugly. Because the white fox is his subordinate, but the current white fox is obviously not what he can drive. Looking at the nine real white foxes, the fierce tiger king secretly said in his heart, "I really didn't expect that the white fox would advance to the nine-tailed fairy fox!"

However, looking at the five-winged blue bird bound in the cage, the Tiger King was a little confused. What's going on? He knows that the white fox can evolve, but he knows that if he wants to complete the progress, he needs a lot of energy. Since the five-winged bluebird is still there, that is to say, the white fox has not got the wings of the wind, but what should she explain now that she has advanced?

Looking around, the fierce tiger king did not find any trace of the lonely wolf. Suddenly, he was surprised and said, "Did she kill the lonely wolf and sucked the energy of the lonely wolf, so that she evolved?" Thinking of this, the fierce tiger king was completely shocked. A cold light flashed in the tiger's eyes and said to Lei Wentian standing beside him, "Mr. Lei, you and I will kill that person in our faces!"

"Ah! Isn't she your subordinate?" Lei asked in surprise.

The Tiger King said helplessly, "Indeed, she is my subordinate. Unfortunately, I'm afraid she can't be driven by me now. Then leave her here, maybe there will be some trouble!"

Lei Wentian nodded, and he understood the worry of the Tiger King. As the saying goes, the tail is big, which is exactly what it means.

The cage formed by the six-sided light net is shrinking little by little. With the continuous contraction of the cage, the space that the five-winged bluebird can move is getting smaller and smaller. The fierce wings of the wind could not cut off the slender light at all. Instead, they bounced back and became a murder weapon to hurt themselves. Facing the firmness that was about to capture itself alive, the five-winged blue bird regretted a little and regretted why he didn't listen to Xing Ji's words. However, it is obviously a little late to say this now.

"Ah! Bastard, let go of me!" The five-winged bluebird shouted angrily. And the indifferent white fox turned a blind eye as if he hadn't heard it.

The white fox suspended in the air slowly fell in front of the fierce tiger king and said, "The king, the holy hand five-winged blue bird that the white fox has captured, please make a final determination! However, the lone wolf has, "

The fierce tiger king slowly walked to the white fox and comforted him, "The lone wolf is the pride of my family!" It's just that he,,,"

The powerful force suddenly bombarded itself. The white fox flying in the air couldn't believe that what happened in front of him was true. The Tiger King and Lei Wentian attacked themselves at the same time. A red line draws a beautiful arc in the air.

In the center of the land of wind and thunder, a stream of energy keeps hitting the star's body. And the staff of the Star God inserted in his heart was also pulled out little by little. Looking at the staff of the star god who was about to be pulled out, Xing Ji's expression seemed very excited. As long as the staff of the star god is pulled out of your heart, you can lead the heart of the stars there. As long as the heart of the stars is in that position, you can be resurrected. Resurregnated from the dead, no matter who experiences such a thing, who will not be excited.

"Ky, you have to speed up a little faster! It's been almost an hour, and you don't have much time!" The voice suddenly reminded.

The excitement on his face disappeared in an instant and became extremely solemn. Yes! I don't have much time, and there is still one hour left! You must speed up. Only in this way can you have a chance to resurrect. If you haven't been able to guide the heart of the stars to your heart within an hour, then all your efforts will be in vain.

With a bang, the star star stared at the dark star god's staff being pulled out of his body, and then slowly fell down and fell to the ground. This dull sound sounded so pleasant in the silence of the stars.

A smile appeared on his face, and the star silence hurriedly urged the power of his soul and moved the heart of the star towards his heart.

Blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and the white fox still couldn't believe that everything that had just happened was true. The Tiger King and Lei Wentian took action at the same time, and their two powerful abilities made him unable to move at all in a short time.

"Wang, why is this? Why the hell is this?" The white fox looked at the fierce tiger king doubtfully and asked angrily.

Knocking down the white fox, the fierce tiger king did not show happiness, but seemed a little frustrated. With a sigh, he said, "White fox, no wonder I, I think you understand!"

Looking at the fierce tiger king, the confusion in the white fox's eyes dissipated and said with a smile, "Ha ha, I understand, I understand!"

Fly birds, good bows hide; cunning rabbits, running dogs cook. The white fox said this sentence gently.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! As long as I get the wings of the wind, you, "

Without waiting for the Tiger King to finish speaking, the white fox interrupted, "No, Wang. You'd better kill the white fox!"

Looking at the determination of the white fox, the fierce tiger king said firmly, "I will never kill you!" But he must die!"

With that, the Tiger King turned his eyes to the five-winged blue bird.