huan xing tu

Chapter 187 Punishment

When the five-winged bluebird died and came back to life, the white fox had already guessed the current result. However, she didn't expect that the rebirthed five-winged bluebird was so powerful. Even the self who advanced to the nine-tailed fairy fox, in front of the momentum emitted by the five-winged bluebird, did not have any resistance, or even the courage to resist.

The surrounding air seems to have condensed, and there is no trace of air circulation in the temperature that people dare not breathe. The fierce eyes are like thunder and lightning in a rainy night, which makes people dare not look at it. More importantly, there is a coldness that pierces the soul in such a gaze. In his purple eyes, there was a slight thunder and lightning. Facing the eyes of the five-winged blue bird, the white fox was trying to calm himself down. However, the slightly trembling body has obviously betrayed her.

The cold sound lowered the temperature in the valley to another level. The five-winged blue bird said coldly, "White fox, how do you want an end?"

The white fox, who tried his best to keep calm, replied in a trembling voice, "Can I control all this? Holy Honor! If I say how I want to die, will you be able to satisfy me?" With a sneer, the white fox continued, "If I didn't expect anything wrong, which one should I choose? The saint will certainly not let me die like that. Instead, they will use my most annoying way to deal with me! Am I right, Holy Honor!"

Hearing the white fox's answer, the face of the five-winged blue bird changed rapidly. Obviously, the white fox guessed what he thought in his heart. Aware of this, several thoughts came to Xingji's heart. Does the five-winged blue bird really do that and torture the white fox to death? Or the white fox is really so cunning and intelligent that it can see through other people's minds. But the idea is hidden in other people's hearts, the most mysterious place, and who can be sure whether it really exists.

"Hahaha, do you think you guessed it right? Can you really guess what I thought? Hahaha" The five-winged bluebird suddenly laughed.

The sudden change in the look of the five-winged blue bird suddenly made everyone around a little confused, let alone what the five-winged bluebird was thinking.

When the laughter stopped, the five-winged blue bird said, "White fox, you are wrong! You really guessed wrong! It's not that I dare not admit it, but that you are indeed wrong!"

The white fox looked at the five-winged blue bird doubtfully, and she didn't understand what it was thinking. And Xingji is also full of confusion. He can't figure out what the five-winged blue bird wants to do.

The five-winged bluebird suspended in the air slowly landed in front of the white fox, inexplicably removing the pressure on the white fox and gently lifted her up.

"Tiger, come here! I have something to explain!" The five-winged blue bird said to the fierce tiger king in the distance, and then turned to the Tengjiao king and said, "Ao Teng, come here too!"

The three people surrounded the five-winged bluebird, and no one spoke. Waiting quietly, waiting for the decision of the five-winged bluebird.

After a moment of silence, the five-winged blue bird said, "Ao Teng, do you really have to decide to follow me and fly to the fairyland?"

The Tengjiao King, standing behind the five-winged blue bird, replied respectfully, "Ao Teng follows the Holy Lord and has no regrets!"

"Well, now that you have decided, I will arrange the following things!" The five-winged blue bird nodded, looked at the silent king standing behind him, and shook its head slightly.

Turning around and looking at the worried Tiger King, the five-winged blue bird said, "Tiger, I don't blame you for doing this!" Speaking of this, the tone of the five-winged blue bird suddenly turned and continued, "However, this does not mean that I don't hate you. You should know that revenge will avenge our Warcraft character. The reason for this result is that your fault accidentally made me break and regain my life and return to the peak state. Therefore, I don't intend to punish you again!"

"The white fox," the fierce tiger king asked carefully, and the head that had just been raised quickly lowered again.

And the star silence in the distance is also carefully observing the five-winged blue bird, waiting for his decision.

"As for the white fox, I don't intend to kill her. After all, as a Warcraft clan, it is not easy to cultivate, let alone cultivate to the realm that is about to soar!" Looking at the white fox, he continued to say, "However, white fox, your cultivation has improved too fast and the foundation is unstable. After soaring, it will have a great impact on you. So, let's wait for another hundred years!"

"Uh!" As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. A hundred years is really a little long.

But the white fox did not complain at all, but looked at the fierce tiger king beside him, and then said, "I will obey the order of the Holy Honored."

Looking at it, Xing Ji understood why the five-winged bluebird did so. According to the speculation of star silence, it only takes a decade for the white fox to reach the condition of soaring. But the five-winged bluebird wants her to ascend for a hundred years, which is entirely because of the Tiger King. Soon, Tengjiao King and the five-winged blue bird will fly to the fairyland. In this way, the strength of the demon realm is bound to be greatly reduced. For the safety of the demon realm, the five-winged bluebird made such a decision.

Two streamers flew out of the land of wind and thunder and fell towards the north.

Glancing at the dark hole on the stone wall, Xingji suddenly shouted, "No, the boy Lei Wentian ran away!"

Indeed, when Lei Wentian climbed out of the cave and saw the five-winged blue bird after rebirth, he sneaked away.

"I know!" The five-winged blue bird said indifferently, as if he had known such a result for a long time. However, all this is indeed under the control of the five-winged bluebird, but he did not stop it, which makes the star silence very incomprehensible.

"Why?" Guessing the problem, Xing Ji said angrily.

Facing the anger of the star silence, the five-winged blue bird just smiled faintly and said, "God's will is hard to go against!"

"What God's will!" With a cold hum, Xing Ji went to the other side and looked at the distance.

And the five-winged blue bird just shook its head helplessly and muttered, "He is the key to the wheel of your fate. How can I destroy him!"

On the ice moon mountain, on the snowy mountain, the ice moon fairy stood respectfully in the snow and waited quietly.

Rumbled, a violent sound, and the dark hole was instantly covered with snow again, buried without any trace. The ice unicorn looked at the south and seemed to be staring at something.

"Xianzun, what's the matter with calling me?"

The ice spirit Kirin came to his senses and said, "Bingyue, I'm about to leave here and return to the fairyland!"

Hearing this sentence, Bingyue Xianzun was very surprised and asked in horror, "Xianzun, is it true that the chaos in the upper world is over?"

The ice spirit Kirin shook his head and said, "That disaster is already over! However, the wheel of fate opens again, and we must return and wait for the call of fate!"

"The wheel of fate? What is that?" Bingyue Xianzun asked doubtfully.

"Ha ha, you don't understand! Forget it, there is a destiny, and everything is destiny!" The ice unicorn sighed.

The roaring wind has long disappeared, and the furious thunder and lightning has already dissipated in the air.

Standing over the land of wind and thunder, looking at the north, Xingji knew that it was time to leave. The five-winged bluebird, which returned to its peak, flew silently to the fairyland, and the King standing behind him also followed. And I will also start my new journey. After such a long delay, it's really time to leave. What's more, Lei Wentian just escaped from here, which made Xingshi full of anger.

Xingji did not notice that the five-winged bluebird's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and then said, "Xingji, I'm leaving!"

Although he knew that he was about to part, when he heard this sentence, Xingji's heart couldn't help but feel sour.

"Yes! It's time to leave! However, Xiaoqing, I think we will meet soon. Soon, I will also go to the fairyland!" Xingji said firmly, looking at the distant sky above his head.

"Well, I believe you!" The five-winged blue bird said with a smile. But this smile has another meaningful meaning in the eyes of others.

"Okay, we're leaving! You need to be careful on this trip. After all, you have to face not only the Thunder Mountain, but also the Thunder Demon!" Although he knew it was useless, the five-winged bluebird still said.

"I will!" After a pause, Xingji still said that sentence: "Then let's say goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, the silent figure also flew towards the north, as if he was eager to leave.

Looking at the figure disappearing in the sky, King Tengjiao said, "Holy, we should leave!"

The five-winged blue bird smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's wait for someone!"

"Okay, don't wait! Old bird, it's time for us to go!" The voice of the ice unicorn suddenly sounded, and the figure slowly appeared.

"Dog head, why don't you see the stars? At least he is also a descendant of Kuafu!" The five-winged blue bird complained angrily.

"I want to, too! However, the wheel of fate has been opened, and we should not stop it or stop it!" Looking at the place where the star silence disappeared, the ice spirit Qilin said, "He has his own way to go!"