huan xing tu

Chapter 198 Sudden Changes

With the disappearance of the last rattling call, the last three-legged golden black returned to the appearance of the source star nucleus under the erosion of the colorful **. The empty space has nine more star-like light spots with colorful light at this moment. Looking at the nine source star nuclei rendered by colorful fluids, the star breathed a long breath, and the stone in his heart also fell to the ground.

Using the power of five yuan to restore the three-legged Jinwu to the source star core again is just the first step of sealing. Such a sealing effect cannot completely seal the three-legged golden black. Maybe tens of millions of years later, maybe ten or a hundred years later, these three-legged golden blacks restored to the source star nucleus may break through the seal again at any time. However, it is certain that they cannot break the seal immediately. This is why the star silence is relieved.

The nine source nuclei suspended in empty space suddenly came a rapid fluctuation. After violent fluctuations, they, which were originally stationary, began to move. It's like a headless fly crashing everywhere. These three-legged golden crows turned into the source nucleus, but moved wildly in this void space.

There was a muffled sound. I don't know if it was a coincidence that the two source star nuclei collided with each other. However, the star silence did not expect that the source nucleus that hit together was no longer separated and stuck together. Then, three or four, until the end, the nine source nuclei all gathered together.

"It's not good!" Realizing the unusualness in it, Xing silence said in secret. Panasonic's heartstrings tightened again. However, he didn't know how to do it, so he could only watch the sudden change from afar.

The nine source nuclei gathered together are like one, and the surging energy surges out of it. The invisible energy is spreading rapidly, filling this space of nothingness.

Although this energy cannot be seen, the star silence can feel the huge pressure contained in it. The full energy made him keep retreating and retreating. Xingji believes that if he stands still, he will definitely be crushed into pieces by this pressure.

It turned into the staff of the star god in nothing space and began to tremble violently at this moment.

is fear, the star silence can be felt, and the staff of the star god is afraid.

"What's going on?" The panic consciousness retreated from Dantian and paid attention to the changes in it from afar. The look on his face became extremely solemn, and his heartbeat was forced to stop at that time.

There was a buzzing fluctuation, and the empty space disappeared, while the staff of the star god appeared in Dantian. Along with it, there are also the nine gathered source nuclei.

Seeing the nine source nuclei, the star silence couldn't help but be stunned and said in surprise, "Is it possible that the nihil space in the staff of the star god can't carry that full energy? Only in this way can the current situation happen.

Indeed, the empty space turned into the staff of the star god can't carry such a crazy energy at all. Barely limited, in the end, you can only be ruthlessly bombed. It is also because of this that the staff of the Star God had to move the nine source star nuclei gathered together from the nihilistic space.

Out of its own space, the staff of the Star God is all right. However, they came to Dantian, and how should they deal with it?

The nine source star nuclei condensed together suddenly stopped at the moment when they were thrown out of the empty space by the staff of the star god, and they looked a little panicked. However, such a pause is only a short moment. Then, the full energy appeared again. However, it is Dantian who is under this fierce pressure this time.

Land wind, water, fire and thunder, five Yuan forces, are running crazily. Obviously, such a flood of energy brings them a lot of pressure. Especially the power of Lei Yuan, like an angry beast, the violent thunder and lightning kept roaring. However, such a roar is of no use for the ethereal but indeed full energy.

Feeling the energy gushing out like a tide, the star's face became very ugly. Even the virtual space transformed by the staff of the star god can't carry this energy. How can the small Dantian of the star silence carry it?

"Lord, what's wrong with the Star Silence? Is there something wrong with the seal? Kaiyang Xingshi asked.

Everyone has the same problem in their hearts, that is, nine three-legged golden crows have been bound by the staff of the Star God. Then they naturally think that the so-called seal is over. However, they don't know that there are still a series of problems after that.

The star saint did not answer him, and his eyes had been tightly focused on the star silence. However, the longer he goes, the more ugly he will find. It seems that he came up with some bad questions.

"Is that so? Could it be that Xingsheng had obviously realized that Xingji had not told him all about the seal. In order to make him agree, Xingji must have concealed part of it.

"It will be all right! It will be all right!" The star saint, who was aware of something wrong, prayed silently in his heart.

"Is this what the seal says? Whether the seal is successful or not, the result of the caster is only one, that is, the fall. Is this the result?" Xingshi said bitterly with a helpless smile on his face.

He doesn't know whether the three-legged golden black has been restored to the source nucleus, which is regarded as a successful seal. But he knew that the results after the seal had begun to appear.

Continuously gushed out of the nine source star nuclei and began to fill the star-silent Dantian. Compared with the empty space, the space in the starry Dantian is simply not worth mentioning. In a blink of an eye, the energy has filled the star-silent Dantian. However, it is obvious that this is not the limit, and the energy is still expanding.

Like a balloon, like the energy of air, it does not stop because it hits the edge of Dantian, but continues to expand. As a result, Dantian was also forced to expand to accommodate more energy.

However, there is a limit to everything, and so is Dantian. Soon, there was a severe pain of being torn from Dantian. At this moment, Xingjiduo wants this energy to shrink, even if it is paused. However, this can only be a luxury.

The fullness of energy will not stop because of the pain of star silence, nor will it stop because of the prayer of the star saint. The energy is still full, but the small Dantian has obviously reached its limit. The five Yuanli in Dantian seems to be frozen at this moment, motionless without any movement.

"Do you really die like this?" Such an idea came to the mind of the starlight.

I once passed by death countless times, in the weak water of the Divine Soldier Villa, on the Tuyuan Peak in the Fairy Valley, and in the mysterious outer space, but the final result was to escape from death and dangerously recovered a life. At the same time, in the center of the land of wind and thunder, he also died and came back to life. All these experiences have made the star silence not afraid of death for a long time. But it can't be said that the star silence will yearn for death and willing to die. Even if there is all the vitality, the star silence will make a hundredfold efforts.

However, this time, Xingji really doesn't know where the hope of vitality is?

The slurping sound, although weak, clearly echoed in the ears of the star silence. Following the sound, he stood up to the limit of Dantian and was torn out a crack. Seeing the crack, Xing died and smiled bitterly. He knew that his time was running out.

"Maybe this time, I'm afraid I'm really going to hang up!"

PS: I got up in the morning and it rained for a short time. Although it is less, it still makes the hot weather refreshing, which is rare!

hehe, but Lei is still bored in the dormitory, typing and reviewing! Ha ha, there will be an exam the day after tomorrow, and there are a lot of things to review! Ray doesn't want to fail the course! As a monitor, it's very difficult to fail the course! Ha ha!

It's still the same sentence, remember to collect it!