huan xing tu

Chapter 216 Trapped Dragon Out of the Abyss

Under the sunset abyss, the flames filled the whole valley, and the terrible heat was enough to melt everything into nothingness. However, the chill emitted by Jiuyou Cable and this high temperature make people feel so comfortable. However, even so, it can't make the mood of star silence and haze cheerful. After all, in front of him is an unknown cliff.

The disappeared mulberry turned into a nine solos, wrapped around the left arm of the star silence. However, the three-legged golden black, which originally perched on the sun mulberry, did not know where to fly. But this is not what Star Silence cares about at all now. Going out of here is the most important thing.

"How can I get out? How deep is this sunset abyss?" Looking at the breathtaking cliff, the star silence sent out a deep emotion.

Just as the star silence was still trying to get out of the sunset abyss, the nine ghosts wrapped around his left arm suddenly shot out of his sleeve, like a sharp arrow. More importantly, the Jiuyou rope, which was originally only more than nine feet, has stretched into an unknown length at this moment. The swish sound echoed in the valley, and under the shock of the sound, the flames became damp again.

Hmm? The star couldn't help sighing, and the shining nine ropes were like a life-saving chain hanging from the cliff. He held Jiu Yousuo tightly in his hand and pulled it hard. He didn't expect that the end that had not been seen for a long time would hang firmly on it.

After being sure that there was no problem, Xingshi's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect such a result at all, and it was the Jiuyou rope that was about to kill himself.

"It seems that I can go out? It's just that Xingji was overjoyed for a moment, and then fell into a dilemma. Because there is still a southern blade in his arms, holding himself tightly. With the ability of Xingshii now, it is already very difficult to climb out of this cliff that I don't know how high it is, let alone one more person.

"What should I do?" Looking at the coma in his arms and holding his southern blade tightly, Xing silently muttered.

The landed fireball burst, and the splashing sparks swallowed up everything around. The place where the fireball exploded, a bottomless pit. The surrounding land, roasted by the high temperature of the flame, all turned orange. The soldier in his boots looked at what happened in front of him with fear, and his body trembled violently. There is only one picture in my mind that I'm afraid I can't forget in my life: the fireball fell, and the splashing flame swallowed up the fleeing companions around him in an instant, leaving no trace. This group of bloody men who had been killed countless times on the battlefield were completely shocked to see all this.

Death on the battlefield still has a mutilated and cold body. However, everything stained by the flames has left nothing, as if it has never appeared. How can this not be shocking?

The three-legged golden black flying in the air is singing loudly, and the rattling sound is no longer just harsh, and it makes people's hearts chill.

"Moon dance, let's go! Let's go!" Looking at the moon dance running towards him, Xinghen shouted anxiously. However, his shout has long been annihilated by the three-legged call of Jinwu. Seeing that his shouting didn't work, Xinghen sighed and ran quickly towards the moon dance.

And the huge shadow created by the three-legged Jinwu also rushed towards the two people again.

In the middle army tent of the demon army, everyone stood quietly on both sides. Waiting, waiting for the blood demon emperor with his back to everyone to speak. Although you can't see the expression on the face of the Blood Demon Emperor, everyone can feel the uncomfortable struggle and choice in the heart of the Blood Demon Emperor at this moment.

"What do you think?" After a long silence, the Blood Demon Emperor finally opened his mouth.

"Marshal, the last general feels that we should return to the meteorite immediately. After all, we are an army, and our duty is to guard the gate of the demon world and prevent immortals from breaking in.

"No! Marshal, the last general doesn't think so. Although the army of the immortals broke in, the two tribes had an agreement not to kill ordinary people. Therefore, the last general thought that although the immortals broke in, the people in the trapped area were not in danger. On the contrary, it is the place where the sun god bird's three-legged golden black is located, where the people there are the most dangerous.

After the two finished speaking, everyone's eyes focused on the Blood Demon Emperor.

"I understand what you think. There are only two ways in front of us. Continue to advance to the mainland and block the three-legged Jinwu. Or return to the fairy meteorite and fight with the fairy clan. I'm embarrassed, and I think you are also embarrassed. Everyone has their own ideas, so you can decide where to go!"

The words of the Blood Demon Emperor are shocking. The people present did not expect that the Blood Demon Emperor's decision would be like this.

There were a lot of comments in the silent tent, but these sounds made the atmosphere more solemn.

Holding the southern blade in his arms, Xingshi was in a dilemma. He didn't know how to choose. If he brought the southern blade, Xingji didn't know whether he could really climb out of this cliff. Once something goes wrong halfway, both of them will inevitably leave their lives here. If you leave the southern blade, then Star Silence can easily get out of this Jedi that may die at any time.

Just when the star silence was embarrassed, the southern blade in his arms sounded, and gradually there was a tendency to wake up. Thinking of the identity of the southern blade, Xingji suddenly became at a loss. The two hands were quietly placed there, and I didn't know where to put them.

The poisonous southern blade slowly woke up from a coma, but his head was still dizzy.

"Where is this?" Like a koala hanging on the body of the star silence, the southern blade said in a daze.

"Fat, sunset, sunset, sunset, under the abyss," the star said intermittently.

"Why is it still sunset? Am I dead?"

"No, it's still alive."

I don't know why, as soon as I heard that I was still alive, the southern blade, who was still very calm, suddenly cried and shouted, "Why am I not dead? Why don't you let me die? Why, everyone is dead, but why am I alive,,,"

Xingji doesn't know what the southern blade is talking about, but he can tell from these words that there are many hidden stories in the southern blade's heart. And these stories brought him almost unbearable pain.

The crying southern blade gradually fell asleep again, and the originally hesitant star silence also made his own decision.