huan xing tu

Chapter 283 Variation

Chapter 283 Variation Resurreation

Sharp fire spears kept hitting the Kowloon fire shield. With the increasing number of impacts, the volume of the ice dragon outside the Kowloon fire shield began to weaken rapidly. At the same time, the temperature in the cover is also rising rapidly. Feeling the rising temperature in the Kowloon fire shelter, the stars and the faces of the Southern Blade also began to turn pale. For some reason, the southern blade hiding in the arms of the star silence kept trembling. Although Xingji is trying his best to expand the area of his embrace of the southern blade, his efforts are useless. A little blood gradually oozed into the pores on the surface of the skin. The reason why it is blood stains rather than blood beads is that the strong high temperature will not let the blood beads seep out to the body surface at all, and it has been completely evaporated and dried in the pores.

Looking at the Kowloon fire shield that was about to break, he laughed and said arrogantly, "Hahaha, you two babies, I want to see how long you can hold on. Without the protection of the Kowloon fire shield, I would like to see how capable you are to escape from this sea of flame!"

Listening to the words of some stones, I felt the increasingly unbearable terrible heat in the fire shelter of Kowloon, and my silent heart suddenly trembled. At the moment when the heart suddenly trembled, Xingji suddenly let go of the southern blade in his arms and hit the fire shield of Kowloon.

Wow, I only felt a weak barrier on the surface of my body, and then the scorching heat came to my face. In the sea of Brahma fire, the body of the star silence couldn't help trembling violently. Because this horrible high temperature went straight through the body surface and penetrated into the soul of the bone marrow.

The reason why Star Silence can get out of the Kowloon fire shelter so easily is not that the Kowloon fire shelter is not a good treasure. Instead, under the burning of the Brahma source fire, the defense of the Kowloon fire shield has become extremely weak. Even the defense against the high temperatures outside is already overstretched, and there is no extra energy to stop the star silence. At the moment when the star silence drilled out of the Kowloon fire shield, the range of the nine ice dragon defense suddenly contracted and wrapped the southern blade tightly in it.

The southern blade, which had already blushed, was surprised to find that the temperature around him had dropped a lot. The moment she opened her eyes, what appeared in her vision was the smiling face of Xingshi.

"Kowloon fire shelter can't withstand the attack of stones at all. If it continues like this, then both of us will die here. Instead, it's better to let go!" As he spoke, a confident smile appeared on Xingji's face. Xingji knew that his smile must be very ugly at this moment, because he did not have the confidence to deal with the stones in front of him, not to mention that it was still in the sea of flames? However, in order to make the southern blade a little more at ease, he had to say so.

The southern blade did not say anything, but kept shaking its head, and tears flowed down from his eyes. It is stained on the rosy cheeks and then quickly dried by high temperature.

"Ha ha, don't worry, don't forget! I used to be able to deal with the sunbird!" The moment he turned his head, Xing Ji's expression became cold in an instant. But this coldness reduces the temperature around at all, and it can't stop the proud look of the stone in front of him.

Star Mountains, in the secret room.

The new disk suspended quietly above the original disk, and five stars with different light strengths and weaknesses are arranged on it in turn. In front of the new disk are a group of elders of the white-haired star family and some of the people guarding here.

"Elear, what does this new star disk mean? When the patriarch left, he said that the astrolabe represents the world, so that is to say, the newborn astrolabe represents the birth of a new world? Xinghan asked curiously.

The elder shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm not sure. I'm afraid the patriarch can't be sure of what he said. However, the astrolabe has changed, which means that the world may not be able to calm down!"

"That," just as Xing Han was about to ask what would happen, a violent vibration suddenly occurred in the cave where several people were located.

"Is this an earthquake?" Such an idea came to everyone's hearts, but someone soon denied it. Because the newborn disk suspended in the air suddenly emitted a violent dazzling light.

The glittering golden stars are still mixed between the old and new disk, and at the same time, several stars of different colors emerge from the original disk again: milky white stars give people a very easy-going and peaceful feeling; tender green stars make people feel the infinite power of life; dark blue Blue stars, under a calm feeling, give people a very uneasy violent force.

Three new stars gathered together with the golden stars that already existed. Four stars suspended there quietly, waiting for something.

"What is this? What the hell is going on?"

Everyone was shocked by the strange scene in front of them and didn't know what to say. I don't know what these four stars suspended between the two disks mean.

In the depths of the distant sky, it may be the end of the universe. There is no such thing as a fairyland there. The only thing there is a small thatched hut.

On the periphery of the thatched hut, there is a simple stone table and chair with several bowls on it. With a squeak, the closed wooden door slowly opened, and the ancient plate came out of it with a smile. At the moment when the ancient plate walked out of the door, a figure slowly appeared next to the stone table and chair, Hongjun's ancestor.

"Teacher, are you back? How's it going? When can Brother Xingji come here and achieve his way? Gupan said impatiently.

Hongjun's ancestor did not answer his question immediately, but sighed, shook his head and said, "Alas! Even Benzu can't be sure about this matter now. I'm afraid the only one who knows the answer is the wheel of fate!"

"Ah! Teacher, what's going on?

"There should have been nothing, but I didn't expect that a stone came out halfway, and there was another variable. Moreover, just now, you should know that the little guys of the Protoss also went down to the second world.

Hearing Hongjun's explanation, Gupan's face suddenly became sharp and he said angrily, "Why, those guys also moved the thoughts of the primitive world." He snorted coldly and continued to say, "With that thought, I don't know if there is that fate. It's okay to point a stone, at least it's a creature in chaos. On the contrary, several children, teachers of the Protoss, I have let the Eight Wastes go down to the primitive world, and only it can restrain some stones a little.

"The primitive world, I don't know what kind of world the star silence will create. How many ways can he realize on the three thousand avenues? Hongjun's ancestor muttered.

"That teacher, the star is silent,,,"

"Everything depends on his own creation. Besides, don't worry too much. Although Bahuang can't help Xingshi, there are still Liuhe in Xingshi's hands. As long as the star silence can understand the six combination, it may not be able to defeat some stones. As for the source fire of Brahma, hehe,,,,"

And in the process of talking between the two, the star silence of the primitive world also met with a little stone, and the world changed color for a moment.