huan xing tu

Chapter 316 Disappearance of the Astrolabe

Chapter 316 The Astrolabe Disappears

On the vast land of the western demon world, the endless star mountains spanning it, like a powerful long dragon, standing proudly between heaven and earth. The Western Demon World is bounded by the Star Mountains and is divided into two parts: north and south. However, at this time, the north has completely become a world of black torrents. There was no human smoke, let alone any signs of life. There is only a black ocean without a trace of waves.

The originally quiet and peaceful Star Mountains are crowded and mixed with all kinds of sounds. People who don't know may think this is a downtown. Those who know the reason understand that anger and fear are mixed in various voices. It is the black torrent hovering at the foot of the Star Mountains at this moment that causes all this.

Compared with the noise outside, the council chamber of the Star Family is very quiet. And this quietness brings the solemnness that makes it difficult to breathe. The look on everyone's face was so heavy that no one spoke.

"Xinghan, have the asylum seekers been evacuated?" The chief elder sitting on the left broke the silence and asked. However, when he saw that Xing Han didn't know how to answer, he guessed the result.

"Say, I have long guessed that those people are not easy to leave."

Hearing the words of the elder, Xing Han slowly stood up and said with a very complicated expression, "To the elder, those who had taken refuge always refused to leave the family mountains. They said that once they leave, they will be swallowed up by the black demon. And forced expulsion will only make them resent us. So,,,"

"So you didn't drive them out cruelly, did you?" The three elders close to the elders said angrily, "These people are really not swallowed up by the black torrent in the south. Why don't they leave?" Even our Star family is not absolutely sure of stopping this torrent, and waiting can only be a result.

The angry roar echoed throughout the hall, and everyone's face became more ugly. Indeed, with the Star Mountains as the boundary, although the north of the mountains has been annihilated by the black torrent, the south is still intact. However, none of the refugees gathered in the Star Mountains would leave. No one knows whether this black torrent will bypass the Star Mountain pulse to the south? After all, even the immortal meteors are filled with black torrents.

It is puzzling that if this black torrent detours through the Star Mountains and rushes to the south of the western demon world. Well, I'm afraid that the whole western demon world has long been a vast ocean, and the Star Mountains will also be an isolated island. However, the reality is that the black torrent stubbornly wandered at the foot of the Star Mountains, impacting violently, with no intention of detouring. If not, the Star family would not drive away the refugees who took refuge here.

"Third brother." Aware that the words of the three elders made the atmosphere in the hall more solemn, the elder hurriedly stopped it. Then, he slowly stood up, walked to the door of the hall, and looked at the figure like trees all over the mountain. He sighed deeply, shook his head, and muttered, "I don't know how long the energy of the astrolabe can last,"

In the secret room of the Star Mountains, several figures sat cross-legged, staring at the scene in front of them, not blinking for fear of missing any details.

"Two elders, the new astrolabe seems to have new changes again." A woman in her twenties said.

The second elder with an indifferent expression nodded slightly and replied, "Star Dream, if the power of this new disk had not blocked the black torrent, I'm afraid that the Star Mountains and even the family would no longer exist at this moment."

When the black torrent was mentioned, Xingmeng's body couldn't help trembling. She has seen the horror of the black torrent, where nothing will be left. Even the birds flying in the air turned into nothingness at a speed visible to the naked eye without even falling into the torrent.

"Second Elder, do you know what the black thing is?"

"I don't know, even there is no record in the classics of the family. However, Fortunately, there is still the power of the new star disk to resist it. Otherwise, I can't imagine what the result will be. Although the expression on the second elder's face did not change, there was a strong worry in his words.

"Two elders, you see, there are now ten stars on the new astrolabe. However, why are there so few stars? Look at the original astrolabe, the number of stars can't be counted. Looking at the ten stars on the new disk at this moment, Xingmeng asked puzzledly.

"I'm not very clear that the family's classics record that a star represents a life. Maybe there are relatively few lives in the new star disk. However, you see, the size of the ten stars is much larger than those, and the color is more gorgeous!"

Hearing the explanation of the second elder, Xingmeng nodded. Indeed, the ten stars on the new disk have various colors in addition to being much larger in size. Ten stars shining with different colors are arranged in turn across the entire astrolabe.

Rumbled without warning, and the earth under his feet suddenly shook violently. With the shaking, a lot of dust fell from the top of the secret room. The second elder's expression did not change at all. As soon as he waved his arms, the dust dissipated in an instant. However, at this moment, Xing Meng suddenly screamed.

"E Elder, look, you look,,"

With Xingmeng's frightened look, the second elder suddenly stood up and looked in front of him in disbelief. No, it's really gone. At this moment, there is only one original astrolabe on the stone platform. And the new disk disappeared.

"What the hell is going on?" The trembling body looked in front of him in horror, and his wide eyes were almost bursting. However, the current situation remains unchanged, and the new star disk has disappeared and indeed disappeared.

"Star Dream, go and call the elder, go,

The second elder stared motionlessly at the original position of the new star disk and hurriedly urged Xingmeng to call the elder. Xing Meng didn't even have time to respond, so he rushed out of the secret room and ran out.

"Does fate really want to kill my star family? Why? Why?" The two lost elders suddenly grew old and kept talking.

In the council chamber, just before everyone discussed a solution, they only felt that the earth under their feet suddenly shook. Then I heard the children of the family outside shout in horror; "E elder, the black torrent rushed up..."

The figure suddenly disappeared, and the figure of the elder had been suspended in the air, and then several figures quickly caught up. In the distance, north of the Star Mountains, the barrier blocking the black torrent suddenly disappeared. The black torrent came as if it had broken through the dam. The crowd that didn't have time to escape then disappeared into the torrent without a trace.

"What the hell is going on? Is it the astrolabe?" The elder suddenly said, "Xinghan, you lead the disciples to evacuate the refugees. Third brother, then go to the secret room."

Originally, it was just a noisy star mountain range, and now it is mixed with frightened shouts and cries. The mountains of stars shrouded in sadness did not stop the footsteps of the black torrent at all.

Looking at the star mountains that had been broken through, the wind respected the white tiger coldly: "The star god praised his father, but you,,,"