huan xing tu

Chapter 321 The Difficulty of the Stars 2

Chapter 321 Difficulty of the Stars (II)

The black torrent stared at the foot of the Star Mountains. If it hadn't been for an invisible barrier to block the torrent again, maybe the Star Mountains stretching over the land of the Western Demon Realm would have disappeared into the torrent like other mountains. On the other side of the mountains, the refugees who fled desperately were also like a rushing tide, rushing towards the south of the demon world.

Others can leave without concern, but as the descendants of the Star Family and residents of the Star Mountains, they cannot leave. Everyone's eyes stared at the torrent of waves under their feet, bursting out sparks of resentment.

As part of exile, the return of Xinglang and his party is also a great joy for the Star family. However, the current situation makes them unhappy no matter what. When the laughter of the white tiger sounded on the black ocean, everyone's faces suddenly changed.

"Feng Zun White Tiger!" The ice spirit Kirin suddenly said in shock that his eyes the size of a copper bell were full of incredible.

"How is this possible? How did it appear here?"

Hearing the surprise of the ice spirit Kirin, Xing Lang hurriedly asked, "Ling Zun, what the hell is going on? What on earth is that person from?

Xing Lang's question suddenly focused everyone's attention on the ice unicorn, and just as everyone was looking forward to the answer. The elder's body suddenly shook, and then staggered towards the ice unicorn. With an excited look, I can't believe that what is in front of him is true.

"Are you,, are you, an ancestor, spiritual, day by day?" In the calm and waveless heart, there is a powerful energy that bursts out at any time. At this moment, the elder's heartbeat stopped, but his eyes trembled violently.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me? However, when your ancestors praised their fathers and fell, they passed away day by day. Now there is no more day by day, only an ordinary unicorn. The ice unicorn said calmly.

With a bang, the elder fell to the ground under the surprised gaze of the crowd. While the elder knelt down, the second elder and the third elder also knelt down at the same time. However, just as their knees fell to the ground, an invisible force helped them up.

"Don't have to kneel down. I have also said that Ling Zun has passed away day by day with the star god. Now standing here is just a fairy beast - the ice unicorn. Bingpo Kirin reminded again, "Let's put this matter aside first. The most important thing in front of us is how to face the wind and white tiger."

"Ling Zun, what is the origin of this wind master white tiger?" The elder asked respectfully.

"I don't have time to explain it to you in detail now. I can only tell you that he is one of the strongest people in the divine world."

When the words of the ice spirit unicorn came out, everyone was very shocked. This answer is completely beyond their expectation. People in the divine world, not to mention one of the top strong men in the divine world.

"Have you made up your mind? If you obey me, I can spare you not to die!" The white tiger suspended in the air looked down at the people under his feet, with a proud face and a cold smile at the corners of his mouth, but the answer he got did not match what he expected, or even the opposite.

"Do you think we will be obedient? Let's not say whether your promise is true or not! But I know that the black torrent has left no life. If you can live if you obey, then the northern part of the whole fairy and demon world will not become a dead place.

"I really don't know whether to live or die!" The smile on Fengzun's white tiger's face suddenly disappeared, and replaced by a cruel smile. Since you want to die, then I will complete you.

While the words fell, the black torrent, which was originally calm, suddenly surged. The overwhelming waves violently hit the invisible barrier. With each impact, the whole star mountain will shake violently. With the continuous impact, the faces of the two elders became more and more ugly. He knows better than anyone that the energy stored in the original disk in the secret room will not last long. Under such an impact, it may not be long before the energy barrier released by the original disk will change and break.

"Brother, there is no way to go on like this! The original astrolabe won't last long!" The second elder said anxiously.

"Of course I know, but what else can we do besides waiting? It's not that you don't know this black torrent, we can't touch it at all. The attack on him can only be swallowed up, which not only can't play any role, but will enhance the power of the black torrent. At the thought of the headache black torrent, the elder's face became extremely ugly. Touch and can't touch, and can't hide. Everyone really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"You can't just sit and wait for death!" Xinglang said angrily. The nine-spin split empty hammer in his hand banged out, and the arrogant fighting spirit banged out.

"Second brother, don't be impulsive!" Xing Sheng grabbed Xinglang, who was about to rush forward, and hurriedly dissuade him.

"Yes, Xinglang, impulsiveness can't solve the problem. Now that you have arrived at the family, let's listen to the elder's arrangement!" Bingling was also dissuaded.

Alas, he sighed helplessly, and Xing Lang was very afraid to put away his weapons.

Looking at the people who still had no reaction, Feng Zun's white tiger's face became more and more ferocious, and finally shouted, "In this case, let's all die!"

With the roar of the white tiger, the huge black waves rolling violently became more violent at this moment. Like the waves hitting the coast, the black torrent kept hitting the invisible barrier. Gorgeous black waves seem to mock their struggle.

A slight cracking sound, like the black waves that keep hitting the barrier, hitting everyone's hearing. And between the invisible cracks, wisps of fine streams quietly entered the star mountains. Although the fine flow is very small, it leaves a rapidly melting fluid.

At the same time, as the impact intensifies, the cracks on the barrier are getting bigger and bigger, and the black torrent pouring into it is also growing.

"E Elder, the black torrent has poured in through the cracks. It seems that the energy of the original astrolabe will also be...

The second elder shook his head helplessly and said, "This is fate. I'm afraid the original astrolabe won't last long. Brother, make a decision quickly. We must not let the blood of the Star family be cut off in our hands!"

A decisive look flashed on his face, and the elder suddenly said, "Third brother, you lead the descendants of the family to leave here. Escape and leave the last bloodline for my star family!"

"Brother, I'm not leaving! If you want to go, you take people away!" The three elders said angrily.

"Now is not the time for you to be brave. Do you understand?"

With a violent cracking sound, everyone's faces suddenly turned very pale. And the laughter of Feng Zun Baihu became clearer and clearer, and the momentum emitted directly oppressed everyone to retreat.

"Would you like to go? None of you can leave today!"

The black torrent set off huge waves and rushed towards the Star Mountains,,,