huan xing tu

Chapter 323 Broken Astrolabe 2

Chapter 323 Broken Star Disk (2)

The slight cracking sound violently hits the maximum limit of each person's nerve again and again. At this moment, all the eyeballs looked at the cracks spreading on the disk in horror, like staggered lightning, hitting the visual nerves. At this moment, in the secret room, this limited space, everything stopped. However, this brief calm was smashed to pieces at the moment when the fragments of the astrolabe fell.

The fall is like a meteor that cuts through the sky in the night sky. From the fragment of the astrolabe to the stone platform that carries it, the distance between it is only less than 30 centimeters. However, everyone feels that such a short distance is like tens of millions of light years. Time, a short time, also seems to have passed thousands of years.

With a crack, the falling star disk was like a falling stone, making a faint sound. However, such a small voice made everyone's nerves tremble suddenly. Then, in full view of the public, the small piece of the originally hard and abnormally hard disk shattered. The fragmentation is so simple and so thorough.

"No, how is this possible?" What happened in front of him made the second elder unbelievable and unwilling to believe it. However, looking at the missing one-third of the disk, he had to believe that this was true.

If it hadn't been for the big elder pulling him behind his back, maybe the frightened two elders would have rushed up. However, even if there is the obstruction of the elder and the crowd, the two elders still seem so excited.

"Second brother, wake up. This is not something we can control!" The fierce shouts of the elder calmed down slightly.

However, what is hidden under the calm is the strong pressure that makes people unable to breathe. Yes, the disk has broken, which means that the energy barrier released by the disk has weakened again. It has been blocked with a difficult effort, and I'm afraid it has completely collapsed at this moment.

Everyone's worries quickly became a reality, and soon, even what happened at the same time as the disk broke up. The children of the Star Family guarding the door of the secret room suddenly found countless cracks on the barrier. A black ** quietly penetrated through the gap between the cracks. But when they saw the children of the infiltrated Star Family, they shouted in horror as if they had seen a cannibal demon.

"No, no, the barrier is about to break, and the black devil is about to break in!"

This panic scream created the same effect as the fragmentation of the disk and violently hit people's nerves. The people who were still immersed in the astrolabe suddenly woke up. Only then did they realize that everyone was still in danger at this moment, and the danger was about to rush in.

"Big elder, it's not good! There is a crack in the barrier, and the black ** has penetrated in! What should we do?"

Looking at the anxious children of the family, if the three elders were previously grumpy, they would definitely scold them. However, the three elders are not in the mood to be angry with the children of this family. After all, the black torrent is even afraid to see it, not to mention the children of these young families?

"Brother, you see," the three elders turned their eyes to the elder, and everyone also looked at the elder at the same time, waiting for his decision.

The elder slowly walked to the broken star disk and fell to the ground respectfully.

"The ancestors are above, and the unworthy descendants have not been able to carry forward the glory of the family, but now they have put the family in such a dangerous situation! What's more humiliated to the ancestors is that the family's treasure disk has now broken. The unworthy descendants will see their ancestors again and apologize with death!"

With that, the Yuanli, which had been secretly stored by the elder, exploded in an instant and hit the stone platform.

"Big Brother,"


No one expected that the elder would make such a decision, but when everyone was ready to stop it, it was too late. And some young children couldn't even bear to look at it and closed their eyes tightly.

What no one expected was that the elder who was determined to die was stopped by a sudden energy.

An angry cold hum, and a voice echoed in the silent secret room: "Do you think death can offset all your sins? Then you look too highly of yourself! Besides, you are dead. Where are your people? What should they do? Humph! Our ancestors will be ashamed of having cowardly descendants like you!"

"Who are you?" The elder looked around in horror, looking for the source of the sound. However, the space is not a big secret room, and there is no one at all except these people in front of them.

Just as everyone was wondering who this mysterious voice was, a sad scream suddenly came from the door of the secret room. Obviously, the child guarding the door has been swallowed up by the black ** who came in. Soon, like a black viper, the black torrent slowly poured into the depths of the secret room. The front of the torrent emits a chilly light.

Hahaha, the laughter of the white tiger echoed over the sky of the whole fairy and demon world. Today's fairy and demon world has long become a black ocean world, and there is nothing except the slightly turned waves. Except for the cruel laughter and the crazy white tiger, there is no trace of anyone in the whole fairy and demon world, even a trace of life.

"Hahaha, the whole fairy and demon world is now completely original. I am the master of this world, the fairy and demon world, followed by the divine world and the human world. You will be the real one, and you must be the real one! Hahaha,,," Fengzun White Tiger smiled unscrupulously, and at the same time, a cyan light rushed from the depths of the sky towards the location of Fengzun White Tiger.

Feeling the cyan light, Fengzun's white tiger's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light!

How is it possible? How can there be life in this world that is not controlled by the Buddha!" A displeasure flashed on his face, and Fengzun White Tiger looked at the cyan light. Then, the unhappy look on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by an ominous feeling,,,

"Why is he here? What's going on? Is there an accident there?"

While Feng Zun Baihu was thinking, the cyan light was getting closer and closer. At this moment, I found that there was a figure in the green light, and the whole body was stained with blood. The frightened look solidified on the face of the figure. Seeing the wind and white tiger, the frightened expression gradually eased. However, it has not completely disappeared.

"What is this place? Where are we? Aren't we in the family's secret room? I remember that the black torrent has rushed in? Could it be that I have already,,, Ling'er?

Just when Xing Lang was in a panic, a scene appeared in front of him that he couldn't believe. His wife sat in front of him safely, and to his surprise, there was a very familiar face next to his wife. His own son - Star Silence.

What the hell is going on? Looking at the star silence with a smile on his face, Xinglang's heart was full of doubts.