huan xing tu

Chapter 346 Galaxy Universe

"This,," Hearing the sound of the breath of the universe, the star silence that had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly turned extremely pale. The power of this universe is so powerful that you can't compete with it at all. If it hadn't been for the help of the six-in-eight wilderness axe, maybe the whole universe would have turned into pieces and even nothingness now.

At the same time, the creator Pangu, Hongjun ancestor and the Pluto also came to the side of the star silence, but when they heard the sound of the breath of the universe, their expression also became very ugly.

"I didn't expect that the power of the breath of the universe would be so great that it was completely beyond our expectations. I really don't know..." Hongjun's ancestor sighed, and his face was full of worry.

The four people were silent and knew what to do and what else they could do. The power of the universe is not what they expected at all. Coupled with the strange form, even the law of space can't imprison it. I really don't know what else can limit him.

Buzz, just when everyone was at a loss, the six-in-eight wild axe trembled again.

"What does he mean?" Just when everyone didn't understand what the six-in-eight axe meant, the sound of the breath of the universe sounded again. However, this time the voice was extremely frightened.

"How is this possible?" The frightened sound of the breath of the universe echoed sadly in the universe. At this moment, it unexpectedly found that it could not pull itself out of the moving planet.

"Look!" The Pluto pointed to the star of death that took the lead in completing a reincarnation.

Everyone saw that the death star was like a huge piece, tightly sucking the breath of the universe that pushed it to move. Then, the ocean star, Uranus, and nine planets all completed a reincarnation. And the cosmic breath immediately after each planet is like the situation of the Death Star, which makes him unable to get rid of it at all.

While everyone was surprised, a bright light appeared over the universe.

"That's the wheel of fate!" Seeing the wheel of fate, Pangu's expression was surprised and happy.

buzz! A colorful light emitted from the wheel of fate, and then as if responding, a white light flew out of Uranus. That light is a new star disk. Put the bright light from the wheel of fate into the body, and the new disk flew towards the star silence.

When Xingshi's hand just came into contact with the new star disk, the new star disk disappeared, but the heart of Xingshi seemed to have an additional feeling. I feel that the fate of all people in the whole universe is in their own hands at this moment. The controller of the universe, the real controller of the universe, should control the fate of all life in the whole universe.

Hung, another tremor, and the wheel of fate disappeared. No one knows where he went.

"Impossible, it's impossible!" The breath of the universe roared crazily.

The star silence with an indifferent expression, raised his arm gently and said, "The breath of the universe, knot!"

"Ah, uh!" Since then, the whole universe has never heard the roar of the universe.

"Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Ocean Star, Death Star. This will be my universe, in my name, give your name,,,"

The star hesitated for a moment and said, "The galaxy universe!"

buzz! All the planets, including the solar star, emit their own light. At this point, the galaxy universe has really formed. And the star silence has finally become the controller of the galaxy universe.

"Star Silence, why did you do that?" Pangu, the creator god, doesn't quite understand the practice of star silence. Except for the stars on earth, all other planets are chanting the legends of the galaxy universe, and only the stars on earth are still Pangu's pioneering legends.

Xing Ji smiled and said, "Brother, why do you care so much! You see, my new divine world has not been fully built, so let's take it as a reward!"

After saying that, Xingjing did not wait for the creation god Pangu to speak, and his body had turned into a quietly dissipated virtual shadow.

"Oh, you!" Pangu, the creator, doesn't understand the meaning of star silence, but he can't accept it. However, Xingji insisted again and again, so this affection is naturally used in the creation of the new divine world.

"Qing'er, let's get married!" Xingji took Nanqing to a corner of the universe and whispered.

The originally heroic Nanqing bowed her head shyly at this moment.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that Nanqing never spoke, Xingji's face gradually became very pale, "Since,, you don't want to, then me,"

"Who said I didn't want to!" After Nanqing finished speaking, she left a happy star silence and hurried away.

Since the day the galaxy universe formed, the whole universe began a new era, called the cosmic calendar.

In the 100 years of the universe, a new divine world was formed, and Xingji, the controller of the universe, married Nanqing, the princess of the Nanchi clan. In the same year, Xinghen, the new patriarch of the Star Family, married the moon song and moon dance sisters of the Cangyu clan, and the wedding ceremony was held in the new divine world.

In the 500th year of the universe, the first soarers of the new divine world arrived. In the same year, the Death Star was renamed Pluto, and Pluto became Pluto Lord. The Ocean Star changed its name to Neptune, with the dragon Ao Guang as the star owner.

When everything became formal, the star silence as the controller of the universe gradually became idle and enjoyed a relaxed and leisure life with his family all day long.

In a thousand years, the first child of star silence was born in the new divine world.

In a blink of an eye, Xingji's child was one year old. On this day, Xingji held a small congratulatory banquet. The people who came are all friends, teachers and relatives of Xingshi.

"Star Silence, let the teacher see your child!" Hongjun's ancestor said with a smile, "Star silence, the child has a name!"

"There is already, this son's name is 'Hong'!" Xing Ji replied.

"Xing Hong, hehe, good name!"

"Come on, catch Zhou! Let Honger come to catch Zhou!" As a grandmother, Bingling hugged the child with a smile and gently put it on the ground.

There are a variety of items on the ground, each of which represents an industry. In fact, everyone just regards Zhou as a game. What do children catch and develop in this industry in the future? On the ground, there are sachets, swords, brushes and so on.

Xing Hong, who was sitting on the ground, looked at the things on the ground, looked east and west, but did not do anything.

"It seems that the baby on the ground is not enough to move this little guy! Come on, put something for the teacher! The universe!"

"No, teacher, this,," the universe is like a galactic universe, and there is also a large space world in it.

Hongjun Laozu smiled as if he hadn't heard it, "Xing Ji, you can also put something!"

Star silence was helpless. He searched for his belongings and found that there were no more items except the six-in-eight axe. So, he put the six-in-eight wild axe on it. Then, Chuangshen Pangu, Pluto and others also put one item on it.

When everyone put the items away, Xing Hong thought for a while, and then began to slowly crawl to the side items of the two items. The bright eyes turned around, and then grabbed both items in his hand. Looking at the two items that Xinghong caught in his hand, Xingji and Hongjun's ancestor's expression were all extremely shocked.

The universe lasts 5,000 years.

The first news I got was that the world was in chaos. Hearing the news, Xingshi was extremely angry and decided to send the dragon Ao clan to the human world to calm the chaos. It was his decision that triggered the beginning of another story.

"Star silence, Hong'er is gone!" His wife Nanqing said in panic.

Huh? Where can Honger go? Xingji said doubtfully, "Have you seen the new divine world?"

"I've looked for all of them, but none. I also asked Brother Pangu, but he said he didn't see it either.

"Don't worry, let me check!" The spiritual consciousness of star silence instantly covered every corner of the whole galaxy universe, but the result surprised him.

"No!" Xingji's eyebrows couldn't help frowning.

Just as he was sad, the voice of Hongjun's ancestor sounded: "Star silence, come to me!"

Comforting Nanqing, Xingji hurried to the place where the ancestor of Hongju was.


Looking at the star silence with a worried face, Hongjun Laozu smiled and said, "What, is it because of Honger's matter?"

"Teacher, I am the master of the galaxy universe, but I can't find the trace of Honger." Xing Ji said angrily. Indeed, as the ruler of the universe, the traces of anyone in the universe should be under his control. However,,,

"Don't worry, you'd better take a look at this first," said. Hongjun took out an item. Seeing this item, the star silence was also extremely shocked.

"Teacher, why is this list of gods incomplete?"

"Ha ha, I have to ask your baby son. However, have you thought about what Honger caught when she caught Zhou, "

"Teacher, you are talking about the universe and the six-in-eight wild axe!"

Hongjun's ancestor nodded and said, "Have you thought about what kind of road Hong'er, who can grab these two items in his hand, will take a road?"

The universe symbolizes a cosmic world, and the six-in-eight wilderness axe is also a sharp weapon to create a world. Thinking of this, Xing Ji's face couldn't help but change and said, "Is it?"

Hongjun's ancestor smiled and said nothing, stood up slowly, looked at the vast universe, and said, "Do you know why the list of gods is partially incomplete?"

"Disciples don't know, please make it clear!"

"Because this part is not incomplete, to be precise, it flew away by itself. And this part of the choice, there is nothing wrong with your child Xinghong. Look, isn't this him?

In the void in front of him, a young man appeared, not Xing Hong. However, to Xingji's surprise, he couldn't see his son's fate.

"Teacher,," when Xingshi came to his senses, he found that Hongjun's ancestor had disappeared. However, there was a note on the stone table. When I picked up the note, I saw a few lines written on it:

Chaos opens, and heaven and earth become.

The universe, Hongmengsheng.