Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 108 The Heavenly Prison of Beifeng

Chapter 108 The Prison of Beifeng (First Update)

Li Yuanbai, the immortal of the twilight sword, his original duties were justice and heavenly prison. His original nature was completely different from now. The original Li Yuanbai was serious and old-fashioned. However, people's nature will also change. After experiencing some things, especially when his longevity is also exhausted, Li Yuanbai's nature has changed a lot and has become the current easy-going old man's nature.

Lu Yuan's luck is to worship Li Yuanbai as his teacher after his personality transformation.

Lu Yuan's tired and lazy nature, if he really worships the old-fashioned and serious man as a disciple, it will be really quite sad.

And now, I also want to go to the prison in Beifeng to see the place where the master used to do his duty.

Today's snow is much smaller. The white snow is like a small silver bead, like a small raindrop, like willow catkins and poplars. They hang a vast sky curtain in front of them one after another. Through the sparse snow curtain, you can see the other peaks and veins of Huashan Mountain in the distance, faintly,

Wearing a wider hat, stepping on the wet forest path, and going straight to the prison according to the position on the map.

The heavenly prison is usually kept secret from the true disciples. I don't know where the heavenly prison is, but someone sent a map yesterday. The map marks the location of the heavenly prison. The north peak is so big. It is not difficult to find the heavenly prison according to the picture. Lu Yuan is walking with a hat.

Soon, he found the location between the back mountainside of Beifeng.

The prison is located in the belly of the mountain.

It is said that there are ten prisoners in the heavenly prison, and each prisoner is different. Yesterday, the master made a quite detailed introduction to himself. The first floor of the heavenly prison is said to hold prisoners from one to seven times, while the second floor of the heavenly prison is to hold prisoners from eight to the tenth.

On the third floor of the heavenly prison, prisoners are held from the first floor to the third floor of the training, the fourth floor of the heavenly prison, the prisoners from the fourth to the seventh floor of the heavenly prison, and the prisoners from the eighth to the tenth floor of the heavenly prison are detained.

As for the next five floors, what kind of prisoners are being held, Li Yuanbai did not further introduce them.

However, it is obvious that the prisoners held behind will be even more terrible.

According to the master, he will be assigned to guard the prisoners on the second floor of the heavenly prison, where there are characters from eight to ten times to practice qi, which is just suitable for practicing swords. The mana of these prisoners is to practice eight to ten times, which is not particularly high, but there are all kinds of characters, each with their own Fortunately, it's really more than one-to-one, so it's difficult to deal with.

When I came to my senses, I was now outside the prison, and there were already many guards outside the prison.

Lu Yuan walked over and handed over his identity, but he had seen the elegant middle-aged man flying sword fairy Chu Fei come out.

Chu Fei, the immortal of the flying sword, has basically taken over Li Yuanbai's original duties, justice and heaven. It is normal for him to be in charge of the prison now.

"See Uncle Chu." Lu Yuangong said in a loud voice.

"You're here." Chu Fei nodded. Among the ten true disciples, the one he liked most was definitely his own disciple Ye Fei, and the second one was Lu Yuan. The reason why Lu Yuan ranked second is that the disciple is still better than himself, which is basically the case for any nine-generation well-known sword fairy.

"The news that you are going to come to the prison to practice has been sent a few days ago." Chu Fei put his hand behind him and nodded: "Well, with your current mana, it should be good to go to the second level of the prison." It's exactly the same as Li Yuanbai expected.

Chu Fei took Lu Yuan into the heavenly prison.

Enter the heavenly prison, in the heavenly prison, the guard is extremely strict.

It was not dark in the heavenly prison. There were hundred-year-old oil lamps hanging on the walls. The oil of the hundred-year-old oil lamp could burn for about a hundred years, making the heavenly prison bright and brilliant. Lu Yuan looked up at the heavenly prison and found that the mountain walls around the heavenly prison were paved with heavy prohibition laws. After a

On the first floor of the heavenly prison, it is full of a separate punishment room. The punishment room is made of Jiuyou cold iron, and there are various prohibitions on it, which basically cannot be broken.

Chu Fei led the way: "Every floor of the prison is like this. Each prisoner has a separate cell, and each prisoner has been given many prohibitions, so that they can't exert their magic. To challenge these prisoners, you have to enter the cells one by one, temporarily unlock their prohibitions and fight with them.

"These prisoners are basically captured by our Huashan Fairy Gate. They hate the people of our Huashan Fairy Gate to the bone. Once they are released from the forbidden law, they can exert their magic power, and they will attack like crazy demons and fight with them. Remember to be careful. Otherwise, they will be killed by the prisoners, but It's not worth it." Chu Fei said.

"Yes." Lu Yuan nodded.

To go to the second floor of the heavenly prison, you naturally have to go through the first floor of the heavenly prison. When passing through the first heavenly prison, Lu Yuan arrived to find an accident and found that the third sister Ling Yuzhu was actually fighting with the prisoner in a cell. The jade sword light was like powder, and the sword light glowed multiplely in the

But the prisoner is also good, and the attack is like crazy.

However, Ling Yuzhu still has a slight advantage.

Chu Fei said, "The prison is originally our experience. She fights with all kinds of people. Ling Yuzhu came earlier than you, but her strength is also experienced on the first floor of the prison. Even on the first floor of the prison, it is actually a little difficult." It really looks the same as Uncle Chu Fei said. Ling Yuzhu is too busy to talk now.

After a strong ban.

Finally, I arrived at the second floor of the prison.


The second floor of the prison is similar to the environment of the first floor of the prison.

But the prisoners here are obviously better.

Chu Fei has gone back, and he has almost accompanied him here. He has temporarily unlocked the forbidden spell on the prisoner. He has taught Lu Yuan. Of course, it is temporary and can only last for about half an hour. Only a few people have the magic to permanently unlock the forbidden law on the prisoner, and even the true disciples can't know it.

Standing on the soil of the second floor of the heavenly prison, the surrounding walls are full of century-old oil lamps, which are brilliant.

In fact, Lu Yuan is very puzzled now. He has heard of this statement before. It is said that in the atmosphere of the heavenly prison, people will involuntarily become nervous, but he is now on the second floor of the heavenly prison. Why don't he feel nervous at all? It's strange. What's going on?

With a move, the light yellow wine gourd in the Shura bag was taken out and took a sip. There was also a squeak of coldness in the prison in this winter, and a sip was a lot of hot.

There are usually jailers on the second floor of the prison to patrol on time, but now it is not the time to patrol, and Lu Yuan is not dressed as a jailer. The prisoners on the second floor of the prison suddenly roared.

"Oh, is there anyone here again?"

"Look, it's so young."

"At such a young age, it seems that he is a true disciple of this generation. I guess he wants to find us to practice swords."

"He came to us to practice swords at such a young age. I really don't know the depth of heaven and earth. Come to time, Yun Yi, the first true disciple of the tenth generation of Beifeng, practiced swords at our level. He thought he could practice swords with us, but we practiced it, and he ran away in dis

"Ha, yes, yes." These prisoners on the second floor of the prison are extremely arrogant and wantonly laughing loudly. They were all captured by the people of Huashan Xianmen. Their attitude towards the true disciples is not very friendly. Now as soon as they hear that there is another true disciple, they are all noisy.

Lu Yuan didn't care and continued to looked at the prisoners.

At this time, some of the prisoners shouted, "You are wrong. This is not only a true disciple, but also the sixth true disciple."

Someone in the prison knew himself. Lu Yuanwei was a little surprised. He looked up and found that he was a fairly tall middle-aged man with a familiar look, but for a moment he couldn't remember who it was: "Who are you?"

The big man prisoner was furious: "Don't you remember me? I remember you every day and month. My name is Jiang Buran.

Lu Yuan nodded: "It seems to be a little familiar."

At this time, the big man prisoner was about to burst into tears. He said so clearly, didn't Lu Yuan remember? Is he so without a sense of existence? He decided to prove himself again: "My name is Jiang Buran, and I am the boss of the three giant swords in Xizhou."

Only then did Lu Yuan remember. There was no way. The three giant swords in Xizhou assassinated him in those years, but they were finally cleaned up by himself, and then there was a storm in Beifeng. It is said that these three finally entered the prison of Beifeng, Huashan, but they didn't care too much. After a year or two Come on, you are the three giant swords of Xizhou.

Jiang Buran burst into tears at this time and finally remembered himself. It's not easy. It seems that he still has a sense of existence. When Jiang Buran was about to burst into tears, he found that there was silence around him. Jiang Buran found that the atmosphere around him had changed completely, and the atmosphere had become extremely cold and solemn.

Almost an instant, the expressions of the prisoners on the second floor of the heavenly prison all changed. Finally, there was a strange smile of the prisoner spy: "The sixth true disciple, Li Yuanbai's apprentice."

"Li Yuanbai's apprentice."

"Haha, Li Yuanbai has controlled us for so many years, and finally waited for Li Yuanbai's apprentice. This time we must treat him well, mouse."

"Of course, how can it be worthy of Li Yuanbai's apprentice who is not good at entertaining Li Yuanbai? I understand, Lao Niu."

"Finally, Li Yuanbai's apprentice, who is looking for his own death, also let me pinch you alive." A series of shady words sounded on the second floor of the heavenly prison. These people were excited. Li Yuanbai's original duties were the judiciary and the heavenly prison. The people here were controlled by Li Yuanbai in those years. The hatred for Li Yuanbai was deeper than anyone else, far more than Chu Fei now.

Naturally, they can't help Li Yuanbai. Now I heard that Li Yuanbai's apprentices dared to come to the second level of heaven, and they all rubbed their hands.

(Uh-huh, at the beginning of the plot of the prison, the plot of the prison is rarely paved, and it will be ** to receive **, which is better than the previous plot. I predicted here. Let's vote for the monthly ticket. If there are more monthly tickets, it will be updated.)
