
Chapter 3 There are really immortals in the world

Zhuo Tian lived in a secluded area in the city. This courtyard was originally the legacy left by his best brother Yang Luo's dead parents. Zhuo Tian lived in an undetermined place, so Yang Luo invited him to live together.

He has more than a dozen small leaders. Today happens to be the day to collect protection fees. Everyone gathered here and joked.

Zhuo Tian lay half on his** with a smile, as if he was thinking about something beautiful.

"Big Boss Zhuo, it has spread all over the city, saying that you flirted with a beautiful woman named Xiaonan today?" A tower-like strong man said with a smile.

"Bah! Beauty? If it's a beautiful woman, I won't be wronged. Zhuo Tian sat up. He looked at the dark sky and said, "With your physique, the height is enough. In terms of thickness, you don't support her alone."

"Fuck, Xiaonan... I'm blind!"

"I said that our boss is not the kind of person who forgets lust..."

"I'm not sure, maybe our boss likes this mood? ...Fuck me, who smashed me!"

With more than a dozen people talking and laughing, Zhuo Tiandu sat up and looked at the crowd and found that everyone except Yang Luo had not returned.

"Who saw Yang Luo?" Zhuo Tian asked.

Everyone shook their heads one after another. Zhuo Tian frowned and waved to Yang Luo's younger brother Yang Shan to go out and look for him. Then let everyone calm down.

"How is everyone's harvest today?"

"My piece is similar to last month, with a total of about 80 silver coins." A thin man said.

In Zhuotian's country, copper coins, silver coins and gold coins are the main circulating currencies. One hundred copper coins are equivalent to one silver coin, and one hundred silver coins can be exchanged for one gold coin.

"Texcreate it clearly! More than 80!" Zhuo Tian patted the table.

Zhuo Tian is very tolerant of these brothers. He usually allows them to talk nonsense when they are free, but he also has his own rules. When doing business, he should be Ding Mao or Mao, and he can't make mistakes at all.


"Fan Yi, bookkeeping!" Zhuo Tiandao.

Fan Yi is the only two or three people in this group who have read books. He is white and looks weak, but everyone who has fought with him knows that he is fierce and vicious. Fan Yi, Hei Tian, and Yang Luo are the three major generals under Zhuo Tian.

"I have seventy-eight silver coins."

"I'm ninety-six...hehe."

"My area has inexplicably closed many stores recently, and there are only 69 this month."

Fan Yi took the account book and gave it to Zhuo Tian. Zhuo Tian took a look and saw that there were more than 1,200 silver coins in total. He said, "It's still the old rule. I will raise 10% of the harvest of all brothers, and Fan Yi, Heitian and Yang Luo each raise 5% for 10% of the shared expenses, and the rest belong to your brothers."

Everyone is also very excited. Everyone has dozens of silver coins every month, which is a big income.

"Now let's start the black account, dark day, let's talk about it."

Hei Tian said, "I have a total of five black accounts this month. The first one was from the Zhuangyuan Building, the largest restaurant in Mencheng. Several merchants from other places were not satisfied with the local water and soil, but they falsely claimed that the Zhuangyuan Building's wine and vegetables had a bad stomach. The newspaper officer claimed 3,000 silver coins for medical expenses from the Zhuangyuan Building, and the county government decided that the restaurant should pay compensation. After our coordinated solution, the champion building has not paid a pennied. 30% commission was charged, that is, 900 silver coins.

The dark sky did not say how they coordinated, but everyone also knew that it would not be a good means such as reasonable debate. Most of them may have made those merchants suffer.

"The second one is a headless account, which was made by ten brothers and harvested 3,000 silver coins."

No one asked about this. The so-called headless account is which rich family is rich and unkind. Zhuo Tian allows them to use theft, kidnapping, extortion and other means to obtain property, but this matter cannot be gone. They should report to Zhuo Tian in advance. Whoever is responsible for the accident and cannot be implicated by everyone. Therefore, at this stolen goods meeting, although they are all brothers, they should keep their mouths shut to those who did not participate.

"The third one is entrusted by the silk merchant in the provincial capital to ask for an arrears and charge a 10% commission of 1,500 silver coins."

"The fourth one was a few blind gangsters who came to our territory to do a deal and got 1,600 silver coins by us."

"The fifth is that a rich businessman slept with his brother and daughter-in-law and was caught by us. He paid 2,000 silver coins for his hard work." Everyone laughed heartily when they heard it. Maybe it was some brothers who framed it.

"It's a total of 9,000 silver coins."

Zhuo Tian's face also showed a smile. He did not have such a large income every month. In the past, the black account was more than 2,000 or 3,000 silver coins per month, and he had to pay additional household expenses, medical expenses, compensation fees, etc. paid by the government for theft and extortion.

"Not bad." Zhuo Tian gently clapped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work this month."

"It's also done according to the old rules. I will raise 10% of the general ledger, 5% each of Fan Yi, Hei Tian and Yang Luo, 10% of the shared expenditure, and all the remaining participants are divided equally!"

Suddenly, everyone was cheered, and many people could get hundreds of silver coins. This is the annual income of collecting protection fees!

"Celebrate, tonight we will have a banquet in the Zhuangyuan Building and eat his mother! Drink his mother!" After the business was over, Zhuo Tian returned to his smiling face and shouted loudly.

Everyone was making a noise while they were happy. Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Yang Shan broke in with a person behind his back. Everyone calmed down and couldn't help looking at the people on his back!

This man is burnt black, as if he had just picked it out of the fire. His hair has burned out, his clothes have burned so much cloth that there are only a few pieces of cloth left, and the exposed skin has also been burned and bleeding.

From his face and figure, Zhuo Tian recognized at a glance that this was his best brother Yang Luo!

"What's wrong? Yang Luo!" Zhuo Tian rushed over and helped Yang Shan put him in **.

"Dark day, go to the doctor! Yang Shan, what's going on? Who did this?!" Zhuo Tian roared.

The dark sky answered, took a sad look at Yang Luo, and ran away.

"It was made by the Wang family of Kaidang and Qianzhuang!" Yang Shan shouted sadly and indignantly.

"The Wang family? The Wang family is so bold! Didn't they use to be honest?! Let's go, brothers, go and smash his shop now!" Zhuo Tian was furious.

"God..."** Yang Luo suddenly called Zhuo Tian and grabbed his clothes tightly with one hand.

Zhuo Tian bent down and put his ear to Yang Luo's ear.

"No...can't go..." Yang Luo said intermittently, "He... his family has invited... a fairy... don't... don't die!"

Yang Luo shouted the last four words with all his strength, "Don't die!" The hand that grabbed Zhuo Tian's skirt loosened and fainted.

"What? Immortal?" Everyone is talking about it. Everyone in this world has heard of the existence of immortals. Is this true?

"Immortal?" Zhuo Tian frowned, thought for a while, turned his head and asked Yang Shan, "What's going on?"

"Yes, many onlookers saw it. The Wang family invited a young man in black with a gloomy and cold face. At that time, my eldest brother was collecting this month's protection fee at the pawnshop of the Wang family, and the Wang family suddenly became tough, and several thieves came out to fight with my eldest brother. How could those little characters be my eldest brother's opponents and were beaten by the eldest brother? At this time, the young master of the Wang family was walking out of the pawnshop with the man in black. Seeing this scene, he snorted coldly, said 'noisy', and casually threw out a fireball, and my eldest brother immediately caught fire..."

The man in black? Is it really a fairy who can spell? Zhuo Tian stared and hurt my brother. Even the immortals will die!

At this time, the dark sky brought the doctor back. The old man had been stunned. He thought he was walking too slowly all the way, so he simply put him under his arm and rushed all the way.

After calming down in the room, the old man stood firm and saluted Zhuo Tian: "Li Baisong, the doctor of Baicao Hall in the old gate city..."

The dark sky was anxious, so he simply raised him to the front of the bed and put him down: "See the doctor first, don't ink!"

Li Baisong smiled helplessly and bent down to see Yang Luo's injury. He carefully opened the bloody cloth on Yang Luo's body and meditated while watching. At the beginning, he looked relatively relaxed and gradually locked his eyebrows.

Everyone's hearts were worried and looked at him without saying a word. The room was quiet for a moment.

For a long time, Li Baisong sighed.

How's it going? Sir?" Zhuo Tian said urgently.

"It's difficult to cure." Li Baisong shook his head and said, "If it's a general burn, I can first let him take Bingling soup to remove the fire poison in his body, then apply herbs to stop the exudation of body fluids, and then use raw muscle powder to prevent ulceration... But he was not burned by ordinary fire. I have seen such symptoms in ancient medical books. This It is the fairy fire cultivated by the legendary immortals, and we mortals are powerless..."

"If you are not good at medical skills, say no! Fire is still divided into ordinary fire fairy fire?!"

"You don't have to pay the protection fee in the future, and you will smash your signboard tomorrow!"

"Dadman, take a good look!"


Zhuo Tian waved his hand to stop everyone's shouting and asked Li Baisong, " Dr. Li, is there really no other way?"

Li Baisong brushed his beard and said with a wry smile, "My medical skills, no one dares to admit that he is the first in Mencheng. There is really no way... unless..."

"Unless what? As long as I can save my brother, I am willing to do anything!" Zhuo Tian said calmly.

"Unless the immortal who burned him is willing to save him."


"I'll solve this matter, doctor, you first take medicine to relieve my brother's pain, so that you can maintain it as much as possible!" Zhuo Tiandao.

"This is what the old man should do. I can only keep him alive for seven days." Li Baisong said.

"Other brothers, don't act rashly these days, stay at home and don't go out. This month's silver coins will be suspended for the time being. I need this money to save Yang Luo!"