
Chapter 22 The Secret of the Ring

The invisible storage ring given to Zhuo Tian is also unique. In the past, Zhuo Tian knew that the space in this storage ring was very large, about dozens of meters in length, width and height, which belongs to the upper category. Although the volume is not as abnormal as super, it can be included in the best category after its invisibility.

Now he knows that this ring can store living things.

This is not small. Generally, the storage ring of practitioners can only store dead objects, and living things cannot enter, so if there is a monster, you should prepare another beast spirit bag. But Zhuo Kuangxing is a generation of proud refiners, which actually solved this problem. His ring and dead and living things can be stored!

With this, this invisible storage ring can completely be among the super perverts!

Zhuo Tian rose on a whim, his mind moved, and his eyes suddenly lit up and entered the storage ring. He looked around with great interest. The place was neither dark nor bright and dazzling, but full of white jade that seemed to emit a faint light. There is only one thing stored in it, so it looks extremely empty.

"I'll wipe it! It is dozens of meters long and wide. In the future, you can build a house and yard here, and get a bed and some food and drink supplies. You can live here! No one can see where I am. It's safe and reliable!" Zhuo Tian was overjoyed and his mouth grinned to his ears.

After proudly walking around his small world for a few times, Zhuo Tian was afraid that he would come to him for too long and flew out of the ring reluctantly.

Suddenly, he stood in the room again and looked down to see that the ring was still on his fingers.

It's really a wonderful thing. Zhuo Tian feels that today is the happiest day since he was a child.

Only the mystery of destroying the Tianzhou has not been solved. I'm afraid that the treasure will not be solved until he becomes a senior cultivation in the future. Zhuo Kuangxing has used the method taught by his ancestors to recognize the Lord. No one can use this ruined boat except his own will.

After a while, Tie Zheng knocked on the door to find Zhuo Tian.

After the door opened, Tie Zheng looked at Zhuo Tian, who was blushing and fluttering in his eyes, and hesitated, "I haven't seen you for a while. How can I meet him with peach blossoms and spring?"

Along the way, Zhuo Tian has fought with Tie Zheng's brother by virtue of the sociable skills of the black club. "The stuffy stick" is the nickname of Tie Zheng for him, and I don't know whether he praises him or damages him.

Iron dispute whispered secretly, could it be that his sister was seen by this boy?

Zhuo Tian is also stunned. I'm just happy. Does it look like he's mean?

"It's okay. I just practiced, and I seem to have improved a little..." In fact, Zhuo Tianchou, since the last breakthrough, the third level of primary practice has not improved a little.

"Hehe, yes, it looks good." Tie Zheng praised: "At first glance, it looks very powerful. My second uncle has come back and asked you to have dinner together!"

The Tie family is also a medium-sized Xiuzhen family in Heidi City. Tie Zheng's father was the boss of the original Tie family, but later he was robbed by a high-level practitioner on the way to a bodyguard and died desperately.

Tie Zheng grew up next to his second uncle Tie Zhongshu, and after practicing his ability, he walked with him.

Tie Zhongshu also has a daughter named Tie Rou, who is five years younger than Tie Zheng, and she is already a junior qi practitioner at a young age.

At this moment, the family, Tie Zhongshu, Tie Mrs. Tie, Tie Zheng and Tie Rou were sitting around the dinner table and watched Zhuo Tian eat in surprise. The food in Xiuzhenjie is different from the island where Zhuo Tian is located. He has never heard of the rare products here. Although he met for the first time, he also paid much attention to him, so Zhuo Tian didn't care about the eyes of this family at all. He was quick and fierce, and his mouth was full.

The iron and soft clothes were dressed in goose yellow, with a slender figure and a beautiful and white face. He stared at Zhuo Tian with wide eyes, quietly pulled his brother's sleeves and said, "Where did this foodie come from?"

"Don't talk about it!" Tie Zheng is a face-loving person with a diametrically opposite personality from Zhuo Tian, and shouted in a low voice.

"Zhuo Xian's nephew, let Tie Zheng take you around Heidi City after dinner. The night market here is very lively, and some places continue until after the early morning. You can buy some essentials for repair. I don't think you have the most basic storage bag yet. Tiezhong Shudao.

How did he know that Zhuo Tian had a super perverted storage ring! Zhuo Tian put the remaining five spirit stones and the inferior sword close to his clothes in order not to be suspected by others all the way, so as not to be seen that he had neither a storage bag nor a storage ring, but he could take out things out of thin air without being robbed.

"Okay, but I'm afraid we can only watch the bustle." Zhuo Tian said, "I heard that the prices in the city are very high."

Tie Zhongshu smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the ninth-order monster flame leopard snake we got?"

Zhuo Tian pinched his nose and said to himself, "Am I just reminding you?"

He is still very excited to mention this monster iron book. You should know that the ninth-order monster can only be captured by a real practitioner or above. He may never reach that level in his life, because the more he practices, the more difficult it will be. He estimates that he is a senior practitioner.

He never dreamed that he could refine the materials of the first-grade magic weapon. The iron gun he uses now is only a middle-grade magic weapon, which he once bought after exhausting his family's money, while his nephew's iron competition is only a low-grade magic weapon.

"The flame leopard snake is a fiery monster. Its skin is extremely hard. Such a large snake body is enough to create ten sets of top-quality armor, as well as the characteristics of fire attack and ice attack. Its tendons can also be made into protective gear, but it is best to make offensive weapons, such as binding fairy rope, which is not only extremely tough, but also It can spit out demon fire to hurt people; and its bones can be refined into strong attack weapons such as knives, swords, guns and sticks that we often use!"

"So awesome!" Zhuo Tian smacked his tongue, "How much is it worth?"

"Ha ha, don't worry, my plan is like this." Tiezhongshu said, "Let's first choose the four best parts of snake skin and make four sets of armor, as well as tendons and bones. Zhuo Xian's nephew, I don't think you have any decent magic weapons. In this way, you, me, Tie Zheng and Rou'er will have their own set. If other materials are sold, they should be able to sell tens of thousands of spiritual stones!"

Tens of thousands of spiritual stones and so many high-quality magic weapons are definitely a huge wealth for air practitioners. With this flame leopard snake, the iron family can definitely jump into the ranks of large families in the Black Emperor City.

Tie Zheng and Tie Rou were also very excited when they heard it. Thinking of the upcoming top-quality magic weapons, they both felt itchy in their palms.

Zhuo Tian was heartbroken when he heard this. Why didn't he tell him earlier? If I had known it was so valuable, I would have put it in my storage ring, but now I have only got one-third.

However, this Tieshi family is also quite good. Tie Zheng has become his own buddy, especially the little girl who looks more eye-catching. The flesh hurts and the flesh hurts. Please bear it!

So he laughed and said, "Uncle Yitie! My little nephew has no problem!"

Tiezhongshu laughed loudly and said, "So you don't have to worry about not having money to buy what you need. Although your Uncle Tie is not rich and noble, thousands of spiritual stones can still be obtained from the wealth accumulated over the years!"

Tierou also smiled and said, "Then the daughter can also go to Lingxiao Palace to learn art now, right?" While her father was happy, she raised her wish five years ago.

Zhuo Tian said strangely, "Do you still need money to learn from a teacher?"

Tie Zheng said angrily, "My little sister and I both participated in the sect apprentice selection conference five years ago. Our qualifications are relatively excellent among ordinary practitioners, but the competition is too fierce. Because the skills my little sister and I practiced are very low-level, they are naturally not as good as those big practitioners, so the level of cultivation is also It is not very high, but it is also above the qualification. Due to the quota limit, those practitioners who are not as good as us took out spiritual stones to bribe the examiners and squeezed us down!"

Is the Xiuzhen world so corrupt? Can those sects also enter through the back door? Zhuo Tian blinked his eyes for a while and suddenly felt that the sentence "money can make ghosts grind" was too incisive, and immortals could also be kept in captivity...

"Ha ha, go! Go all!" Tiezhongshu laughed and naturally had a good heart when he saw that his daughter and nephew could worship the big sect.