
Chapter 47 Five-Eline Prosthesis

"There is nothing in heaven and earth?"

"Yes, everything can become a demon, so it is called a demon!"

Zhuo Tian was stunned that there was such a magical skill in the world!

"So, can this Scorpio change still be practiced? After all, there is a trace of ancient fairy inheritance!"

"Immortal, hum! Your ancestors, I am also a fairy!" Zhuo Kuangxing said conceitedly, "This magic formula of change just happens to be suitable for you to upgrade through the fissure. It's just an introductory skill. The barbarian crystal can't integrate into flesh and blood bones, and the body can't be stronger. It's far from enough to fight with it! Unless there is an opportunity to get the complete demonization formula in the future!"

Zhuo Tian's face twitched. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years this skill has been lost. Where the fuck to find it?

"You unlucky grandson, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are unlucky. You have found so many crystals of ancient beasts, and they are so big and pure that you may be able to find the ancient scrolls against the sky." Zhuo Kuangxing said, "But your boy's luckiest place is that there is an immortal ancestor. I finally set up a star-absorbing array in your body with the five elements of barbarian beast crystals!"

"Ga?" Zhuo Tian screamed and said, "Didn't you say that you succeeded in bird hair?"

"I was going to surpass the results of the storm. He was restoring the true body of the five elements. I wanted to create the true body of the five elements, but it was indeed a fucking failure!" Zhuo Kuangxing said angrily, "Your body is at most called a five-e elements prosthesis!"

"What's the difference between the two..." Zhuo Tian asked.

"That's what's true, and yours is fake!" Zhuo Kuangxing scolded angrily, "I can literally understand why are you so stupid?! I don't know how many times the speed of the real body absorbing aura is, and your prosthesis is twice as fast as that of ordinary people!"

"Twice?! Two times less?!" Zhuo Tian was simply ecstatic and jumped up.

"Fuck! You are my outstanding grandson. Can you be a little promising?!" Zhuo Kuangxing said, "What's the big deal about twice? The spirit of Laozi's seclusion on the island is twice that of other places! There are still nine refined spiritual holes on the destroyed Tianzhou!"

"How can this be the same, ancestor!" Zhuo Tian was extremely excited and dared to talk to Zhuo: "No matter how sufficient your aura is, your grandson's practice there is not as fast as that of an ordinary person; now that my own physique has changed, can't you walk horizontally no matter where you are?"

"That's true." Zhuo Kuangxing agreed, "As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. If you are a tree, you can only play with three or two birds!"

Zhuo Tian thought about it for a long time and didn't understand what the ancestor's metaphor meant.

"Failed! It's a pity that those crystals, if they are other people's bones, how can they get a five elements? Zhuo Kuangxing said, "However, this star-absorbing array under your whole body can be promoted, as long as you find more crystals in the future and continue to set up the array according to my inheritance."

According to Zhuo Kuangxing, Zhuo Tian's physique is now positioned as a five-e elements prosthesis. If he has the ability to hunt a lot of barbarian crystals, it is likely to evolve to the five elements. If you kill all the barbarian beasts in the world, you may become the five elements. As for the five-e elements, don't think about it...

But now Zhuo Tian has finally changed qualitatively, and he is finally an excellent cultivation qualification.

After being complacent for a while, I began to feel a little unhappy again.

There are two other things that make him very angry.

Naturally, it is still in the belly of the fire beast. How to get out?

There is another one that is difficult to say, just like a hen that wants to lay eggs. Zhuo Tian can't hold it. Dantian is tingling, and he wants to upgrade...

This is completely the credit of that spiritual grass and more than a dozen spiritual stones.

The remaining strength of the spiritual grass has pushed his cultivation to the ten-layer peak of primary qi practice, coupled with the catalysis of more than a dozen spiritual stones, now he can't think about it... It can't be done without rising!

Zhuo Kuangxing thought for a moment and said, "Go to the ring!"

"But the last upgrade failed and almost broke the ring..."

"Then bear with it!"

"I can't help..."


"No way, I will help you control the Tianzhou again and rush out of the belly of this fire beast! I may really disappear after this time, and it's up to you if there are any difficulties in the future! It's better to find your master first, and there is someone to cover you!" Zhuo Kuangxing said helplessly.


"But can this destroyed Tianzhou withstand the burning of the ground fire?" Zhuo Tian was worried that the treasure would be destroyed.

"How can the fairy treasure I tried so hard to make be so unbearable? The nine spiritual caves supply the spiritual power needed for power and defense. This lava ground fire may be damaged after burning for thousands of years, but it will not be a problem if it is ten or eight years. Zhuo Kuangxing couldn't help laughing when he thought about his proud work.

Zhuo Tian secretly said: These thousands of years... and ten years and eight years... are too far away, right?

Destroy the boat!

This is the first time that Zhuo Tian has seen its enlarged form. It is as majestic as a small warship, three feet in size. The original soft light has now become dazzling and shiny, and the texture is extremely hard.

"He...fuck!" Zhuo Kuangxing obviously consumed a huge spiritual knowledge, and his body flashed as if it could disappear at any time: "This is the largest form that my spiritual consciousness can stimulate now, less than one thousandth of its ontology! Go in!"

Zhuo Kuangxing entered first with a flash.


Zhuo Tianshen moved, and he also entered the interior of the destroyed Tianzhou and took back the small black box.

The destroyed Tianzhou is completely closed, but the outside scene can be fully seen from the inside. The blazing fire has completely surrounded the Tianzhou, and the red magma flows around it, but there is a thin layer of defense cover outside the jade hard material, which is not damaged at all.


Zhuo Kuangxing simply roared this sound with all his strength.

The destroyed boat shot out like an arrow away from the string, drawing a tail line in the lava!

The earth fire beast looked up to the sky and roared in pain, and its whole body burst out of the ground fire. The abdomen of the huge body flowing with magma suddenly exploded, and a white boat with splashing sparks shot out from it!

White jade boat! Of course, the huge body and empty cave of this strange beast are small, but it is also three feet in size!

After shooting, the speed did not decrease at all. It rumbled through the hole wall and drilled into the rock for hundreds of meters before stopping.

There is no shock or heat in the ruined boat.

The white-haired and white-bearded Zhuo's wild body flashes like a fairy down to earth.

After a long silence, he laughed and said, "Grandson! See you in the fairyland! I am optimistic about you!"

Zhuo Tian also looked at the old man silently and gratefully.

Zhuo Kuangxing became lighter and lighter in the laughter.

Zhuo Tian knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully at him.

The old man finally disappeared.

The ruined Tianzhou was not supported by divine thoughts, turned into a white jade boat of about a foot and fell to the ground.

Zhuo Tian stood up, put the treasure left by his ancestors into the ring, clenched his fist, and muttered, "I won't let you down!" I will definitely see you again in the fairyland!"

He is now in the hole formed by destroying the boat through the rocks.

Zhuo Tian did not dare to go out immediately. Although it pierced its abdomen, the fire beast could not be killed, because its body was an endless magma. The body was broken, and it was immediately replenished by fire to repair it.

To put it this way, Zhuo Tian is afraid of its revenge.

What's more, there is the small black box, in which the red-yang real fire snake attracts fire beasts all the time.

Zhuo Tian sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave.

............Finally, I couldn't hold back.

Zhuo Tian was not willing to use the thousand-year-old spiritual grass. After holding a few spiritual stones in his hands, when he felt that Dantian was extremely swollen and painful, he swallowed a little bit of golden beast crystal powder and suddenly turned into an iron armored black toad. His whole body flashed with golden light and roared, and began to guide the spiritual power of his whole body to constantly impact Dantian.

This impact on the intermediate level of gas training is really not the same, and it is extremely difficult.

After three days, Zhuo Tian's iron armor black toad body was shocked, and thousands of golden lights radiated. With a roar, the body instantly doubled and turned into a giant beast up to three feet. The original skin scales shattered to the ground and replaced with a more golden and dazzling scale armor, each piece had a duck egg. So big!

The barbarian beast stood there majesticly, swallowing black light and white breath in its mouth.

Scorpio has broken through to the third floor first!

Suddenly, hundreds of spiritual stones were thrown out of the ring, and the iron armored black toad transformed by Zhuo Tian shook its head and opened its mouth and swallowed it.

This Scorpio upgrade is too time-consuming. He still wanted to make a double break, but he didn't expect that the combat formula rose to level three first, which consumed more than half of his whole body's spiritual power. Although he felt that the meridians became extremely strong, the spiritual power of the intermediate level of qi training was not enough.

Zhuo Tian, who turned into a barbarian, suddenly had the impulse to eat the spiritual stone.

No one dares to do this. Because the spirit stone is not as good as the elixir, it often leaves serious problems. The stone is a stone, although it is full of aura.

But the beast actually chewed up the spirit stone and swallowed it into its stomach.

The rumble came one after another, and the body of the iron armored black toad shook over and over again. The roof of the hole and the large and small rocks of the four walls fell one after another, and the hit on the golden armor became crisp and shattered.

A few days later, Zhuo Tian looked up to the sky and roared and broke through!

The first layer of intermediate gas trainer!

Zhuo Tian suddenly became smaller, turned into a human figure, and sat on the ground full of gravel, intending to consolidate his cultivation.

This intermediate layer of Qi practice is only one level different from the primary ten layers of Qi practice, but it is very different. Let's put it this way, the fight between two primary eight-level Qi practitioners and a primary ten-level Qi practitioner is not comparable to magic weapons and special combat formulas. Basically, two eight-layers can win. However, if it is a comparison between two primary ten-level Qi practitioners and an intermediate Qi-level Qi practitioner, two can be destroyed with one hand. A monk who is at the peak of junior practice.

This is the gap between levels! It is not easy to break this bottleneck. Some people with poor qualifications are often stuck in the tenth level of primary qi training or the tenth level of intermediate qi training, and there has been no progress for decades.

So Zhuo Tian cherishes his cultivation and must be consolidated.

The foundation is solid, and the next breakthrough can be relatively easier.


Zhuo Tian always has a creepy feeling.

He opened his eyes humbly and looked around. There was nothing?

At this moment, there were bursts of noise from the hole hundreds of meters away.

Is it the fire beast that climbed up the shore?

Zhuo Tian was unpredictable and tilted his head and listened carefully. Before the idea was finished, it suddenly rumbled loudly, and there was a dazzling light in front of him.

Dozens of lightning rushed in through the hole and rushed straight to Zhuotian.


Zhuo Tian shouted and jumped up from the ground...