
Chapter 155 Don't Escape from Extortion

After Zhuo Tian went to Lan Jiuzhen's cave and laughed with the two beautiful women for a while, he went back to calculate the number of materials for Yanxing Palace.

I thought about it for a long time. Only then did I understand how long the perimeter of the fucking Yao Wangfeng is and where the spider-like defense array needs to be clothed! Now the only thing that is clear is the cave of more than 20 disciples, plus the Yanxing Palace, and there are several important places such as alchemy rooms, medicine fields, battle martial arts arenas, animal breeding houses, warehouses and so on, which still don't understand.

The next day, he went to see Yanxing Palace and was reprimanded. He taught him that he would do what he promised in the future, otherwise he would not fucking brag.

Then Yanxing Palace personally took him to fly in the air, pointed to Yao Wangfeng, and studied in detail the length of the surrounding area, important places, and the places where the spider silk defense array needed to be scattered.

Zhuo Tian's calculation of the amount of materials needed on the spot made Yanxinggong very angry, and the budget was still beyond his imagination. The cave of each of more than 20 disciples only laid a magic fog ecstasy array, which needed at least 5,000 spiritual stones. This is more than 100,000 spiritual stones... Fortunately, the three apprentices and apprentices have been arranged for him. It also saves a little; and the shaking jade array that plays the role of alarm, because the area around Yao Wangfeng is too long, although it has no defensive effect and the material value is not expensive, but the required quantity is too large, but it also costs more than 100,000 spiritual stones. In addition, the spider silk defense array can prevent the attack of the repairer, which consumes a lot of expensive materials. Fortunately, Zhuo Tian did not choose the spirit stone as the energy supply and made a few arrays to absorb the aura between heaven and earth, which saved him some, but it also took more than 200,000 spiritual stones. Finally, there was also a small transmission array between the general disciple and a large transmission array between Yao Wangfeng, which together cost 50,000 or 60 thousand spiritual stones... In total, about five More than 100,000 spiritual stones.

Yan Xinggong's eyes were almost red, and he was so angry that he scolded Zhuo Tian repeatedly.

"Didn't you just say you just need to spend a little more?! This is almost fucking doubled!"

Zhuo Tian feels that he is too wronged. This is already the minimum budget and the best plan. What can he do if he spends too much? I don't know how many years old Yan has lived and his cultivation is unfathomable. In addition, there are monsters and spiritual grass in the demon tower. Is it still difficult to take out hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones? It's reasonable and unclear. Besides, Zhuo Tian is not a reasonable person.

He comforted Yan Xinggong and said, "The materials of this array can be used for at least hundreds of years. If we don't use it out and sell it, you won't lose much..."

"The question is where do I get so many spiritual stones now! Do you think I, a poor master, am a rich man?!"

Are you a rich man? What can I do? Why are you angry with me?

Zhuo Tian felt that the old man Yan, who used to look like a good man, is now becoming more and more unreasonable.

"If you don't cancel the spider silk array, then almost 300,000 spiritual stones will be enough. Anyway, when the disciples heard the alarm signal, they quickly returned to their caves! Just a little danger, it's nothing for us practitioners, right? Do you have to protect it like a baby child?"

Yanxing Palace said, "You fucking have a lot of sense."

After pondering for a while, he said, "Well, first set up a large array around Yao Wangfeng... How on earth is this warning?"

"You can make beads connected to large arrays of received materials. Each disciple distributes one. Once someone invades, it will make a sound or vibrate. You can carry it with you on weekdays." Zhuo Tiandao.

Yanxing Palace flew back to the cave with Zhuo Tian with the iron-winged golden horn eagle and asked him to write down the names of the materials needed for the shaking thousands of miles of jade array, the magic fog ecstasy array and the transmission array on a piece of paper. After thinking about it, he asked him to supplement the materials and quantity of the spider silk defense array. This array will not be built again.

Finally, he said to himself, "Damn, if only some of the hidden spirit insects given to me by Jiuzhen were high-level. Put it on all sides, and I can see it clearly..."

Zhuo Tian was shocked. Isn't this senior sister and the master a little too close? Although the quantity is a little more, why did such a precious thing come to Old Yan? And this old man will definitely think that he is deliberately hiding it from him... When did he give it to him? Why didn't you discuss it with me?

Before marrying Lan Jiuzhen, I already have no secrets in front of Yanxing Palace.

"This... There are also some disciples, but the blood has been combined." Zhuo Tian stiffened his face and said, "Those were the ones that Jiuzhen and I discussed to honor the master."

"Well, it's very good and filial." Yan Xinggong was full of praise and said, "I heard that the golden ice leaf cicada is very valuable now. Although it is not as good as the thousand-year-old spiritual grass, one can sell for 88,000 yuan!"

Zhuo Tian is sweating profusely. He should have thought of this a long time ago. How can he expect Lan Jiuzhen to keep secrets for himself in front of his master? He has learned a lesson on the edge of the Wanyao Forest last time... What does this old man mean? Do you still want me to pay part of the money for building the array? Absolutely impossible, and you can't get out!

" it so valuable?" Zhuo Tiandao. He decided to pretend to be confused.

Yan Xinggong stared at him. If other apprentices had listened to the master's words, he would have presented Jin Bingye Chan long ago, but this annoying little apprentice looked up at the sky with a blank thought.

"Why the fuck don't you know anything?! Your senior sister came to me to look for alchemy books just to make you learn more and don't always look so ignorant!"

So that's it. Alchemy is alchemy. Why give gifts?

Besides, who is ignorant? I have an encyclopedia of my ancestors' cultivation in my head... Although I'm not as good as Yuling Sect in identifying demons and insects, I'm stupid and pretend to be confused.

Zhuo Tian touched his nose and looked helplessly at the Yanxing Palace, thinking about this countermeasure.

"Well, the disciple is trying to learn alchemy... It's getting late, and the disciple will leave now."

After saying that, without waiting for Yan Xinggong to speak, he turned his head and ran away.

The speed of the repairer is extremely fast. From afar, he heard Yan Xinggong, who turned his back and didn't know, "Well, go down... Fuck, why are you running?"

Zhuo Tian also kept his feet and said in his heart, can I not run? After staying for a while, you have been trapped by my golden ice leaf cicada! With enough spiritual power, his footsteps became faster and faster. He released the big crow out of the hole and quickly fled without looking back.

The duty disciple at the mouth of the cave looked at Zhuo Tian's back and thought in surprise: Why is this little brother either scolded or beaten every time he comes to the master?

What happened this time? What did you steal? What a fast run!