
Chapter 346 Two Child Daughters

Two beautiful girl hairpins and bracelets saw that Zhuo Tian had not returned overnight, and they went out with his brother to fight against the underworld. They were anxious and went to Qingrouer early in the morning and begged her to look for it, otherwise they were really worried about what would happen to him.

Qingrouer ignored it and sat at the table and looked through a book boredly.

Finally, he was tortured by the two maids and said impatiently, "Will something happen to him?! He is such a cunning rogue and rogue who can use any kind of promiscuous means. If something happens, I'm afraid that the sun will come out from the east, and you two will worry less about it!

The two maids came out of Qingrou's room dejectedly and met Xing Ruyu, who had just walked into the backyard. They were stunned.

Xing Ruyu leisurely looked at the scenery in the yard and couldn't help smiling when she saw the expressions of the two little girl.

The thousands of amorous feelings and charming posture made the bracelet and hairpin intoxicated. Looking at their mature face and figure, the two girls sighed. When will they look like her? Who will not be moved by this noble temperament full of femininity?

"Two little girls, look, don't you know them?"

"Aren't you the boss's wife of Fuyun Building?" The bracelet asked timidly, "Why did you come here?"

I haven't seen this graceful boss's wife want to speak. In a blink of an eye, I saw Zhuo Tian coming into the yard with a girl in his arms. The bracelet ran over with a shout and coldly down Xing Ruyu there.

Xing Ruyu sighed.

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "The boss's wife of Fuyun Building, who is also my daughter-in-law, hasn't she treated her well?"

The day before yesterday, the bracelet knew that Zhuo Tian's relationship with the boss's wife was absolutely different. At this moment, she was not very surprised to hear him say that, and she knew that Xing Ruyu was also a very powerful practitioners. She quickly ran back like a gust of wind and everyone bowed her.

Xing Ruyu smiled at Zhuo Tian and said, "You two little girls are ancient and strange. I like... Is it your child daughter-in-law?"

Chu'er straightened her chest and said, "I've grown up, not a child."

"Shh..." Xing Ruyu said to her, "Don't say that you have grown up. You will be in danger after being heard by this perish. Although this guy is average, the bottom line is still a little bit, and he won't do anything to the child."

Cai'er said, "I've grown up. I'm not a child, but a woman... My people are also my son."

Zhuo Tian said to Xing Ruyu with tears and laughter, "Sister, don't teach these two maids, okay? How can this be regarded as slandering me so much in my family?

Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "How dare you say that you are lustless after marrying so many daughters? How dare you say that I slandered you? ...And these two little girls seem to be looking forward to you picking them. It's not my fault. Who knows what you usually do to them.

The bracelet's face turned red and she lowered her head.

"There are not many ladies, plus you are only four..." Cai'er whispered.

"Now five..." Zhuo Tian said with a wry smile, "Come on, I'll put this in my arms in my room first. You take good care of it. She has suffered some blows. Her family has just died tragically. Maybe she will be a little excited when she wakes up. You can persuade her well."

Zhuo Tian walked to his room with Gui Ronger in his arms, followed by a hairpin and a bracelet, and the two little girl were a little worried... Why was there suddenly two more? If it goes on like this, do the two of them have any hope? It doesn't matter if he becomes an immortal, but he likes his first love Zhuo Tian very much... But he always seems to treat the two of them as children. What can he do?

Put Gui Ronger in ** and covered the quilt for her. Zhuo Tian left the bracelet and hairpin in the room and walked out by himself. He and Xing Ruyu had something to discuss.

When she went out of the room, she saw Qingrou'er come out. She was standing in front of Xing Ruyu and frowned at her; Xing Ruyu did not show weakness, looking at Qingrou'er with a smile and didn't say anything. Zhuo Tian had a headache. They all said that three women played one play, but my fucking family removed two closed practice, and there were six women... These two big plays are enough for me to watch for a while. Do you want to be quiet? There is no door.

Zhuo Tian quietly returned to hide behind the door and gestured to Xing Ruyu, signaling her to come to the room, trying to avoid Qingrou'er from being interrogated and beaten by her.

I didn't expect that after Xing Ruyu saw it, she tilted her head and crossed Qing Rouer's shoulder and said absolutely deliberately, "Call me? Little husband, why do you have to go into the room in broad daylight? ...It's too early, and everyone's faces turned red."

Qingrouer was furious when she heard the words and turned around and shouted, "Get out of here!" Otherwise, I will set fire to your store!"

Damn it, one tried to trick me to make others feel that I was a pervert, and the other became more and more irritable and wanted to kill and set fire like a female bandit. Zhuo Tian came out with a helpless smile on his face and said, "List to my explanation."

"You explain nothing! Where didn't you come back this night?! Why did you bring back two women?!"

Seeing Zhuo Tian walking slowly, Qing Rouer had a temper and carried him over with her ears. Zhuo Tian grinned and shook his head and sighed.

"Sister, you'd better say it... If you want to make me, just continue to talk nonsense. Anyway, you have seen that this woman is grumpy and I can't beat her. You can do it!"

Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "Don't look at the bad temper, but it's really dedicated to you, brother, don't complain. If a woman is facing a man who doesn't like it at all and has no feeling, let alone such an intimate action as ear-ratling, she doesn't even bother to scold a word and kill him... You have been cultivated for eight lifetimes. Don't be blessed.

Qingrouer just faced the star Ruyu angrily. After hearing her words, she didn't know what was going on. Her unhappiness suddenly dissipated. Looking at Xing Ruyu, she was not as unpleasant as she had just now. She felt that this woman was okay and not so enchanting.

She poked Zhuo Tian's head fiercely with her fingers and said, "Listen! Only you son of a bitch always treat other people's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs!"

"Well, hello, you are gentle, considerate, and kind-hearted... But can you stop beating and violence against me first?"