
Chapter 375 Monster's Food

"What kind of monster is this? It's so scary!"

The people in the gate below are even more panicked. Who has ever seen such a fierce and huge monster? The black smoke is rolling all over the world, the blood-red eyes are bigger than the extra-large grinding disc, and the mouth is like an upside-down spike. This must be very man-eating!

The practitioners who looked up to the sky were also stunned, and then looked frightened. Not to mention that the man's cultivation in the air could not see clearly, the high-level monster alone could be shocked and killed by this group of people.

There are also clever people who take advantage of this gap to quickly take back their magic weapons that have not been taken away or destroyed.

"Which one are you from? Why don't you fight outside the city? Not to mention hurting ordinary people here, it's fucking bad to smash flowers and plants, right!" Zhuo Tian shouted.

There are too many practitioners in this city, and they dare not kill the group of practitioners in front of them. Once someone intervenes, they also want to stop.

However, some people were unwilling. A young practitioners looked up and said, "Senior, we are from the Huoyan sect and are very sorry for harassing the people, but the people in front of us are the enemies of our sect. Can we arrest them and leave the city immediately?"

Zhuo Tian blinked his eyes, fire... what's the fire? Huo Yanzong? Why are you so familiar?

In the group of people being chased, suddenly an elderly practitioners suddenly knelt down and looked up and shouted, "Senior, save us! It was the people of the Fire Sect that have been enslaved and blackmailing us. We are trembling and dare not dare to resist at all. Now that our sect has moved to other places, they will not allow it, and they are still struggling to force each other. In the past few days, our master has also disappeared. It is expected that he has been poisoned by the Fire Sect!"

Fire Sect... Damn it, Qiu, the owner of the front gate of the shrine, can't mention it...

Zhuo Tian originally wanted to wait until Xing Ruyu came back and untied Qiu's forbidden system and then go together to look for the disciples and elders of the Shengong Gate, but he didn't expect to send it to the door? These awkward and cowardly practitioners turned out to be subordinates of the master?

"Are you from the Divine Sect?" Zhuo Tian thought it was better to be sure and asked.

The elderly practitioners on their knees were stunned. They couldn't understand why this seemingly ruffian young practitioners knew that they were from the divine palace gate. Their sect was so weak that few people knew it. They were puzzled for a moment, but they did not dare to deny it.

"Exactly... How did the senior know?"

"Haha, that's true!" Zhuo Tian did not answer, but laughed.

The people of Huoyanzong were also worried and looked at the young practitioners who had just taken the lead at a loss, and everyone's heart came up with a feeling.

The people of the shrine have arrived. Since he is the new master, it is also appropriate to capture and kill the enemy to establish the Wei sect.

Sure enough, Zhuo Tian suddenly stopped laughing and shouted, "Thousands, everyone has been banned. There are rebels, and they have been destroyed!" Let me tell you, no one can escape. Can you run faster than my monster?!

The big crow's black wind roared in the low air and rolled up bursts of strong winds. The huge pressure released made every practitioners on the ground feel breathless and suffocated. Even if they wanted to resist, they could not lift any spiritual power.

One person and two beasts, each of which has more than the strength of Shi Xiu, and the highest of these two groups of fighting practitioners is only a few earth practitioners. How can they resist it?

The air-eating beast shuttled back and forth in the crowd, but more than half of the practitioners were completely banned in one breath. The young man led by the Fire Sect saw that the situation was not good and suddenly released a silver-shining turtle-shaped magic weapon. Seeing that the wind grew rapidly to more than three feet, he stepped on the ground. The sound flew hundreds of feet away.

"Want to escape?" The sky-eating beast smiled and said, "Your little turtle is just a lot of grandchildren!"

His body flashed into his original shape. A huge and ferocious turtle with a height of more than ten feet floated in the air, with sharp thorns on its back, as if its figure shook, but suddenly a blood-stained person with sharp thorns suddenly appeared on its back. It was the one who escaped Tuxiu youth, I don't know whether it is life or death at this moment.

Everyone had trembled, but now they added a shock... The speed of this big turtle can no longer be observed by their eyes.

Everyone saw that the turtle-shaped monster did not move at all, but shook slightly... But in fact, it had caught up with the young man who pierced it and returned to the origin. The speed was too shocking!

Zhuo Tian laughed and said, "Are you still alive? Keep it first, I'm useful!"

Chitose returned to the image of the little old man with white beard and threw the young man to the ground.

No one dared to have the idea of running away. They were obediently banned. The onlookers all knew Zhuo Tian, a gangster, and applauded for him one after another. Zhuo Tian proudly bowed around and took the little black monkey out.

"Great Sage, put them all up for me." Zhuo Tian ordered that he named the little black monkey Dasheng these days.

The little black monkey stared at his fiery red eyes, held several beast spirit bags in one hand, and walked leisurely among the crowd. It was not as small as other people's waists, but its strength was extremely amazing. It grabbed other people's ankles and threw them into the beast spirit bag like grabbing a straw. After a while, none of these practitioners disappeared.

Then the little black monkey himself threw himself into Zhuo Tian's invisible storage ring.

Guo Qiansui patted the dust on his buttocks and went into the barbecue restaurant without saying a word.

Zhuo Tian took back the big crow and fell to the ground.

Neighbors crowded up, and Zhuo Tian is no longer the gangster who does nothing to tease cats and dogs all day in their eyes. Now he has become a big hero in the gate... He is a fairy!

The fat boss of the Rouge store brought her son over, and her face turned red.

"Xiaozhuo, will you come to my house often if you have nothing to do in the future? ...How about making delicious food for you? ...How about I let my son recognize you as a godfather? ...They won't be so bad for you in the future!"

Looking at the shy and affectionate face of the fat boss's wife, Zhuo Tian had a cold war and got goose bumps all over his body.

", okay...well, don't have to." He laughed dryly.

Fortunately, there was another chaos in the street ahead, with smoke and chickens and dogs jumping, and the sound of horses' hoofs and people shouting. Avoid it all! Officers and soldiers arrest people! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The people all dispersed, and Zhuo Tian sighed. You don't need to know that the late practitioners of the six alliance came with officers and soldiers... These people seemed to be intentional. Every time they came to the scene after waiting for a fight, but they couldn't even touch a fart.

This time, Fei Tianwu led the team in person, leading several elders and disciples of the six sects to ride in front of the soldiers.

It turns out that there are almost many fights every day, among which there are some practitioners who are well cultivated, and Fei Tianwu does not dare to be careless. Every time they go out for routine, they bring some strong elders and disciples.

"Oh, it's you again, Zhuo Tian, what's going on here?" Fei Tianwu saw that there was only Zhuo Tian, a true person at the scene, with a smile on her face and asked.

"Oh, it's okay. What's the name of the two small sects... I've never heard of such a sect." Zhuo Tian said with a dry smile.

"Where are the people?"

"I caught it."

Zhuo Tian said honestly that this matter can't be concealed. I don't know how many practitioners secretly look at it, and there must be six secret agents among them.

"Well, well done. Give it to me!" Flying and dancing.

"Introduction..." Zhuo Tian hesitated.

Huh? Is it difficult?" Fei Tianwu turned his eyes and asked.

Yes! Of course, I'm in a dilemma! It's easy to grab a doorkeeper of the shrine gate. If I hand over all the people to you, won't I basically become the commander of the bare pole? What's the point of leading a little old man in front of the master?! But I can't say it again.

"Well, yes, it's very difficult!" Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Since I came to this place where rabbits don't shit, my monsters have begun to starve. It's easy to catch a few practitioners to replenish their spiritual power... Anyway, they are all little people. How about giving them to me as monster food?"

"No! Give me the monster food. You can go to Du Yuan, the elder of the Royal Spirit Sect, to get it!" Flying dance is not polite.