married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 4 The best man must be him

Speaking of this, Xiao Jing's tears that she endured for a long time still fell down. One by one, tears slid across her delicate face and converged a large one on her beautiful chin, dripping into her clenched hands. Zou Weijun silently put the handkerchief in Xiao Jing's hand, and Xiao Jing, who cried silently, made Zou Weijun feel distressed for a long time. Such heartache has not passed. The girl who once loved him is afraid that she is already someone else's wife and mother.

Xiao Jing's big eyes occupied by tears looked darker, brighter and more touching. Zou Weijun did not say anything and waited quietly. Xiao Jing continued with a crying voice, "Wu Youran once refused me, but he never said that he was his fiancee. He even told me that he had never been in love. I don't know why he lied to me, but I did become a shameful mistress without knowing it. Originally, I thought Wu Youran would always have some regret, but he said in front of his mother and the girl that he confessed that it was me, me... I shamelessly pursued him.

It is very difficult for Xiao Jing, who has been proud to say these words since she was a child. She has always been spoiled by all people as a treasure. Her prominent family background and her own excellence have made Xiao Jing a high-ranking princess. Now she has been deceived by Wu Youran and become "shameless" among her favorite population. "Girl, all this is unbearable and impossible for Xiao Jing to endure silently. Zou Weijun knew that Xiao Jing must have other plans for his marriage to him and her without thinking about it.

When Xiao Jing's mood slowly calmed down and her tears stopped, Zou Weijun asked slowly, "Why did you tell me this?"

Xiao Jing took a gentle breath and made her voice sound more normal. She said, "I heard my mother talk about you, and I think you are also a very serious person, so I must be honest with you and can't lie to you."

Zou Weijun picked up the teacup, took a sip of water slowly, and said, "Speak! What are you going to do?

Xiao Jing licked her lips and said, "I don't know why you want to marry me. After all, few men are willing to marry an angry woman, but since you agree, I think you are serious. I only have one request: at our wedding, your best man must be him."

"Wu Youran."


"Thirt the reason."

"I want him to regret losing me, let him regret hurting me, and let him regret it. We must get married before him. I want him to cry at my wedding.

Zou Weijun was silent. He looked at Xiao Jing quietly for a while, stood up without saying a word, walked to the window and lit a cigarette. Xiao Jing looked at Zou Weijun's back with a guilty heart and thought, "I know I'm too much, but if you don't agree, give me a happy word!" If you want to get married, your aunt is not required! However, you are the only best candidate. If you are so excellent, you will definitely make Wu You regret it and make him very embarrassed at the wedding. Brother, don't be so deep, okay, please!"

"I agree. You go!" When he spoke, Zou Weijun did not look back at Xiao Jing. He looked fixedly at the neon light outside the window. Xiao Jing was surprised by Zou Weijun's answer and asked without thinking, "Why?"

"Actually, you ask, I agree, you don't need to know why."

"If you regret it, we can terminate it at any time."

"You are the same."

The sound of closing the door behind him shocked the ashes in Zou Weijun's hand. He fiercely extinguished the cigarette in his hand, fell down in the lounge chair by the window and said to himself, "I'm really crazy to agree to such a request. Am I really in love with her or... No, maybe not, just want to help her, I just don't want to see her cry, just... alas! I don't want to. Anyway, if I agree, I must do it." Zou Weijun calmly looked at the neon light outside the window, but his heart was like a overturned five-flavor bottle, sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

This night was doomed to be quiet. After leaving Zou Weijun's house, Xiao Jing did not go home directly, but went to school. Xiao Jing is a senior majoring in interior decoration in the Department of Architecture of Binhai University. She has just graduated this summer and thought she would run to a happy life, but a sudden change shattered her dream. What made her most unacceptable was not Wu Youran's mother's contemptuous attitude towards her, nor Wu Youran's fiancee, but Wu Youran, who had vowed to make an alliance with her the day before. In a blink of an eye, she became the one who accused her of insulting her. She still couldn't figure out how so many mean words could be from Wu Youran. He said it out, and that mouth was still saying "I love you" for a moment.

Standing on the school basketball court, the situation of that day clearly emerged in Xiao Jing's mind.

When Wu Youran's mother Yang Jie said, "She is Ran'er's fiancee", Wu Youran stood beside the girl from Xiao Jing's side and said to her, "Xiao Jing, let me introduce you. This is my fiancee Liang Yaxuan. Yaxuan, this is my student Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing hasn't reacted yet. Liang Yaxuan has come to her and said, "I often hear you mention you. Youran and I are going to have a wedding this summer. You must come!"

Yang Jie said, "Yaxuan, we can't afford to invite her. She is Jinzhi Yuye!"

Wu Youran quickly catered to his mother's words and said, "Yes, yes! Xiao Jing's father is a senior official in the army, and her mother is a famous professor in this school.

Before Liang Yaxuan could speak again, Xiao Jing pointed to Wu Youran's nose and shouted, "Wu Youran, what do you mean? I'm not your student. I'm your girlfriend. When did you come out with such a fiancee? You must make it clear to me."

Yang Jie stopped her son and said to Xiao Jing, "Xiao Jing, Youran and Yaxuan are childhood sweethearts. Please don't destroy their feelings at will. Youran has never told me that he has other girlfriends."

Xiao Jing crossed Yang Jie, stood directly in front of Wu Youran, looked directly at Wu Youran and said, "Wu Youran, I don't listen to others. I want you to say it."

Wu Youran lowered his head in a dodgy tone. He said, "What do you have nothing to say? I have nothing to do with you. You always follow me and tell others that you are my girlfriend. In fact, I have never admitted it."

"What?" Xiao Jing's voice suddenly raised eight degrees and scolded, "Wu Youran, you son of a bitch, dare to be a coward. You, you, you, you don't deserve to be a teacher."

Wu Youran was enraged by Xiao Jing's words. She suddenly raised her head and shouted, "Xiao Jing, please respect yourself and love yourself. You have been pursuing me shamelessly. I have never promised you anything. You are self-indued."

Originally, people came and went on the basketball court. At first, people didn't pay attention to Xiao Jing and others, but after Wu Youran shouted, many people stopped and pointed out to them and whispered,

"Look, isn't that Xiao Jing and Wu Youran?"

"Yes! They are celebrities in the whole school!"

"Is there a quarrel?"

"It's not like, I heard any fiancee and self-indued affection."

"The third party intervenes!"

"Classmate, you're out. That's called Xiao San."


"Hee hee..."

Xiao Jing has no experience in facing this situation. For the first time in her life, she felt ashamed. She really wanted to find a seam to get in. Yang Jie did not have any pity in the face of Xiao Jing's embarrassment. She hated Xiao Jing very much. She felt that Xiao Jing, a girl chasing a boy, was simply shameless. Such a girl was definitely not a good girl. Yang Jie took a lot of effort to convince her son. She said to Wu Youran, "Xiao Jing's family background will make all your efforts go to waste. No matter how hard you try, others will say that because you are someone's son-in-law, you have such achievements and status. In this way, you will never be Wu Youran. You can only be someone's son-in-law. Leisurely, think about it carefully, can Xiao Jing suffer with you? Will she wash your hands and make soup for you? When you are with her, she will always be a high princess, and you can only be her servant. Leisurely, only Liang Yaxuan is the most suitable for you. He can not only help you in your career, but also take care of you in life. You don't need to waste your spirit on her, and you can easily have a virtuous help.

Yang Jie knows her son too well. In Wu Youran's heart, no one can compare with his future. As long as there are people and things that hinder his future, Wu Youran will give up regardless. Yang Jie's words hit Wu Youran's heart. What scared him most was not the way the princess and the servant got along with him, but that Xiao Jing's family could not help him. Instead, it would restrict him everywhere and affect his future and development. This was Wu Youran's most intolerable, so he resolutely gave up Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing, trapped in painful memories, slowly sat down. At this time, she was the only one in the empty basketball court. Wu Youran's words were like a curse. Ringing in her ears over and over again, he actually said that she was shameless. Xiao Jing's heart rose to kill him, and she would never make him feel better. As the saying goes, "Love is deep, hate is it." How much love was at that time, how much it hurts now. Xiao Jing believes that only Wu Youran's infinite repentance can relieve the pain in her heart.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind Xiao Jing, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Jing trembled all over and couldn't help looking back to see the people.