married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 6 I'm his cousin

Zou Weijun stared at the phone for 5 seconds, then put his ear on the receiver again and muttered, "Who are you?"

The voice in the receiver said quietly, "Brother, I'm Xiaoxiao."

Zhang Xiaoxiao is three years younger than Zou Weijun, so she has always called him brother, and the two have known each other for almost a lifetime. When he was a child, Zou Weijun was an introverted shy little boy. Few peers liked to play with him, and Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't know why he liked to stick to him, so the two were almost inseparable, and the two families were neighbors, so Zhang Xiaoxiao and Zou Weijun became lovers without any suspense all the way. Later, Zou Weijun went to join the army. Zhang Xiaoxiao was not admitted to college to stay in her hometown. Originally, the two families had begun to prepare for their marriage, but Zou Weijun's mother suddenly died of illness. When Zou Weijun went home for mourning, Zhang Xiaoxiao first cared about it until the night before Zou Weijun was about to leave. Zhang Xiaoxiao confessed to him.

Zou Weijun felt that he would never forget that night in his life. The feeling that his heart was hollowed out alive made him unforgettable in this life. When she said the word breakup, Zhang Xiaoxiao looked very calm. She said to him, "Brother, I'm different from you. We won't be happy when we get married."

Zou Weijun wanted to ask why, but his throat seemed to be stuffed with an egg, and he couldn't make a sound. He huddled on the only wooden chair at home, clenched his fists in his hands, clamped tightly between his legs, bowed his head and bent down, and stared straight at Zhang Xiaoxiao's feet. That day, Zhang Xiaoxiao wore a pair of white flat-heeled patent leather shoes, and her small feet and ankles were very beautiful.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao saw that Zou Weijun didn't say anything, she thought he had agreed, and she was relieved. Although Zou Weijun is the man she really loves, this man can't give her the life she wants. She is a beautiful woman. She needs to enjoy life. She wants clothes to reach out and eat to live. She can buy whatever she wants and eat whatever she wants. She should not worry about food and clothing, but also everything is better than others. To be honest, she is afraid of poverty.

She saw Zou Weijun's sadness, and her heart was not sad, but compared with the good days in the future, Zhang Xiaoxiao's sadness became very vague. She said to him, "Brother, I don't deserve you. You should find a good girl in the city and completely forget me." Zou Weijun still spoke in the same posture. She continued to say to him, "Don't be too sad. I know you have been good to me, but women are easy to get old. I need to enjoy life. I can't wait for you."

At this time, Zou Weijun looked up at her. His eyes were full of unspeakable pain, but he nodded and agreed with her words. He said, "Is he good to you?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao was stunned. She didn't expect that Zou Weijun knew. Zhang Xiaoxiao coughed gently and nodded and said, "He has money and is willing to spend money for me. He has the right and promised to buy me a house in the county and promised to move my parents to the county. I think I will live a good life."

After the conversation between the two came here, it became Zhang Xiaoxiao's monologue. Zou Weijun no longer remembered what she said. He only remembered that she cried and cried beautifully when she left. The next day, before dawn, Zou Weijun left his hometown with his bag on his back and did not say goodbye to anyone, including Zhang Xiaoxiao.

"Brother, are you still angry with me? Why don't you talk?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao's voice on the phone was a little rapid, interrupting Zou Weijun's thoughts. He took a deep breath and said, "How are you?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly cried and choked and said, "Brother, I miss you, so I came to see you."

Zou Weijun suddenly sat up from the sofa and asked eagerly, "Are you coming to see me? Where are you?"

"I'm at the railway station in Binhai City. Brother, can you pick me up?"

"Tell me your specific location and I'll be right there."

"I'm here in the luggage storage room at the railway station."

"Okay, wait for me."

Zou Weijun grabbed his coat and touched his pocket. The car keys and wallet were there. He rushed out of the house and drove to the railway station. Zou Weijun was a little confused about his current state. In the past two years, he had forgotten many things. However, when he heard Zhang Xiaoxiao call him "brother", Zou Weijun's heart still moved.

On the way from home to the railway station, Zou Weijun has been worried about Zhang Xiaoxiao. I don't know what happened to her. How could she suddenly run to Binhai City? But when he saw Zhang Xiaoxiao, his heart suddenly calmed down. She was no longer his Xiaoxiao. Although she was more beautiful and fashionable than two years ago, she was two completely different people with the simple and beautiful appearance in Zou Weijun's memory. Zhang Xiaoxiao stood at the door of the luggage storage of the railway station. Her waist-length curly hair danced in the wind and wore a long dress with flowers on a blue background. She knew it was worth a lot at a glance. She carried a new LV handbag on her shoulders and a pair of white semi-height boots on her feet. She looked fresh, natural and fashionable, in the crowd. Very outstanding.

Just when Zou Weijun was stunned, Zhang Xiaoxiao had seen him, walked over quickly, hugged his arm, and smiled and acted coquettishly to him. "Brother, I finally saw you." Zou Weijun quietly pulled his arm back from Zhang Xiaoxiao's hand, bent down to pick up her luggage and said, "Let's go! I'll take you to the hotel for a rest."

Zhang Xiaoxiao frowned. She didn't expect Zou Weijun's attitude to be so indifferent to her. He was obviously very excited on the phone just now! Is there anything wrong? She looked down at her dress, which she had dressed carefully. She was confident that any man would be moved by her like this. Zhang Xiaoxiao took further efforts. She hugged Zou Weijun's arm again and shook it gently and said, "Brother, are you unhappy when you see me?"

Zou Weijun pulled back his arm again and said to her with a smile, "Long time no see. You are getting more and more beautiful."

Zhang Xiaoxiao is a smart woman. She feels that Zou Weijun is deliberately alienated from her, and she is quickly looking for the reason. Zhang Xiaoxiao thinks that the reason is not on him, so it is Zou Weijun. Does he have a girlfriend? No way! She came after insuring it clearly. Won't the situation change in just a few days?

Zou Weijun was silent. He arranged Zhang Xiaoxiao in the army's hostel. Zhang Xiaoxiao was very quiet. She didn't want to provoke him from the beginning. She had time to be patient and confident. This time, she came to correct the mistake two years ago. She wanted to win back his heart. Two years ago, Zhang Xiaoxiao thought she was going for a happy life, but she didn't expect to be cheated by that man. The man who had a wife and children shamelessly asked her to be his mistress and offered many preferential conditions. Zhang Xiaoxiao was not polite to him. She got a large amount of money from him, and of course paid the corresponding price.

A few days ago, Zhang Xiaoxiao finally got rid of the man. The first thing after freedom was to inquire about Zou Weijun's situation and learned that he had not yet had a girlfriend. Zhang Xiaoxiao was secretly happy. Now she is not the stupid girl of those years. She has her own house and car. Property, she also has youth and beauty. After seeing Zou Weijun, Zhang Xiaoxiao strengthened her idea. This man still moved her. In the crowd, she could see him at a glance. He was so handsome and outstanding.

"Let's go to bed early tonight! I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Zou Weijun's unique deep and magnetic voice sounded in Zhang Xiaoxiao's ears. She immediately restrained her mind, looked at him with a charming smile, and said, "Thank you, brother. You should rest early!"

After arranging Zhang Xiaoxiao, Zou Weijun began to hesitate on the way home. Do you want to tell Xiao Jing about this? Tell her that he is a little worried. He hasn't told her about Zhang Xiaoxiao! If he doesn't tell her, he is still worried. Will she think she intends to deceive? Zou Weijun really began to have a headache, and he decided to make a decision tomorrow. He felt that his mood today was full of ups and downs. After 32 years of life, there was no day as wonderful and changeable as today.

The only thing that can be expected in the world is change. The next day, Zou Weijun went to carry out the mission again. As soon as he left, the task was very urgent. He only had time to call Xiao Jing and tell her where he was going. However, Zhang Xiaoxiao, who was waiting in the hostel, did not know where Zou Weijun was going. After waiting for three days in confusion, she decided not to wait any longer.

Speaking of which, Zhang Xiaoxiao's luck is really good. In Binhai City, which is not familiar with her, she was able to find out that Zou Weijun had a fiancee named Xiao Jing. The story was like this: Zhang Xiaoxiao found Zou Weijun's army, gained the trust of the regiment officer as Zou Weijun's old cousin, and used his sophisticated female charm to get important information from the little officer's mouth. In fact, it happened that the regiment officer accidentally saw Zou Weijun's marriage report, so he saw Xiao Jing's name and simple family situation.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiaoxiao planned to stop the wedding, because in her heart, she was the bride of Zou Weijun, and only she deserved to be his bride. In the past two years, Zhang Xiaoxiao has gained a lot of knowledge with the man and learned a lot of cheating skills. After careful consideration, she thought that it was easier to open the gap from Xiao Jing's side, so in the same way, Zhang Xiaoxiao got Xiao Jing's mobile phone number from the school affairs office of Binhai University. When the phone was connected, Zhang Xiaoxiao reported herself to her home and came straight to the point,

"Hello, it's Xiao Jing! I'm Zou Weijun's cousin, and I want to talk to you.