married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 36 This is a deal, don't bargain

The thing in the world happened to be a book. The scene where Zhang Xiaoxiao stopped Zou Weijun happened to be seen by Xiao Jing, and what they said was also heard by Xiao Jing. A burst of anger burned from her heart, and Xiao Jing thought angrily, "I don't understand why there is such a shameless woman like you. In those years, you hated the poor and loved the rich and climbed high branches by yourself. Just climb! You can't choose the time when Xiaojun's mother just passed away! OK, you just go, and you have to show how helpless and innocent you are. Not to mention throwing Xiaojun out of the first-class head and not letting others cry, you are too stupid. You are a whole bastard plus three levels! If my aunt doesn't teach you a lesson today, Xiaojun will love me for nothing.

Zou Weijun drove away, and Zhang Xiaoxiao jumped and screamed at the back of the car. Xiao Jing stood behind her and hugged her arms and thought to herself, "Don't tell me, Zou Weijun's vision was okay back then. This girl was really in good shape. It's a pity, but it's a pity that she hasn't been slept with my Xiaojun. No, am I sick? If I have slept, I will die! All right, grandma, I'll fix you today!"

Xiao Jing learned from Zou Weijun and said loudly with a ruffian smile, "Zhang Xiaoxiao, are you sure you didn't choose the wrong profession?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao's body stiffened, slowly turned around and asked inexplicably, "Xiao Jing, what do you mean?"

"I mean, you should be a very good 'jumping god' candidate."

Zhang Xiaoxiao was choked by Xiao Jing. The most annoying thing was that she saw Zou Weijun's ruffian-like smile on Xiao Jing's face. The most annoying thing was that she actually thought of the words "husband and wife", and Zhang Xiaoxiao wanted to slap herself a few times. She felt that the fire in her heart had reached her forehead, so what she said was also horizontally. She said, "I'm the 'jumping god'. What are you? Waste snacks, a young lady who can't do anything.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jing didn't care at all and continued to say with a ruffian smile, "You're right. Our Xiaojun likes me as a young lady. Do you have a problem! It's useless."

"How dare I have any opinion! It's just that people like me who feed themselves don't like you, poor brother!"

"You really worry about this. Even if I am a moth, Xiaojun loves it very much. No matter how self-reliant you are, Xiaojun will not look at you. Unfortunately, you have a beautiful face!"

"No, do you think it's exciting for us to quarrel so much?"

"Yes! It's very exciting. It's my greatest pleasure to watch you get angry.

Zhang Xiaoxiao resisted the impulse to rush over and strangle Xiao Jing, clenched her fist tightly, and looked at Xiao Jing with a ruffian face, and the eyes ejected in her eyes were deadly. Xiao Jing shrugged her shoulders and felt much less angry. It seemed that her ability to quarrel had not regressed. It's good! Let's continue to work hard!

"You don't have to kill me with your eyes anymore. Don't forget that I have a husband who is not interested in you."

Zhang Xiaoxiao knew that she could not take any advantage if it went on like this, so she wanted to leave. She put on Dior's new sunglasses and was about to walk past Xiao Jing, but she was stopped by Xiao Jing. Xiao Jing said, "Ok, I'm not angry with you, but I have to tell you a few words."

Zhang Xiaoxiao put her arm in front of her chest and stood at Xiao Jing in a perfect lady's posture. She said, "There is something to say."

"Yes, Zou Weijun is now my husband, and of course he will be in the future. Simply saying that he is my territory, and vowing to protect his territory to the death is a fine tradition of our family. The reason why I turned a blind eye to you in the past was that I and you were both women, and I didn't want to embarrass you because I understood you. But today, I changed my mind. If you dare to enter my territory, I will drive you away in the strongest way. If you don't know the depth, I will completely destroy you. Don't forget that my father and husband are soldiers, and it basically takes much effort to deal with shrimps like you.

Xiao Jing finished speaking with a breath. Zhang Xiaoxiao was a little stupid to hear. When she reacted and looked at Xiao Jing with a smile on her face, she was very angry! She pulled off her sunglasses, and the lady's standing posture could not be maintained. She pointed to Xiao Jing tremblingly, "Can you... speak human language?"

Xiao Jing looked at her fingers and said with a smile, "Zhang Xiaoxiao, I just know that you can't understand human words!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao gasped and walked back and forth. She tried her best to calm herself down. She thought, "I can't be defeated like this, but today's situation is not good. Such a bickering is not my strength. I have to find another way." She took a few deep breaths and squeezed out a smile and said to Xiao Jing, "I understand what you mean. I have something urgent today, so I won't accompany you."

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoxiao turned around and walked away without waiting for Xiao Jing to speak. Xiao Jing's gloomy voice sounded behind her. She said, "You can't do it face to face, let alone you back to back."

Zhang Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and took out her mobile phone to make a phone call to Wu Youran. Wu Youran was surprised to receive a phone call from Zhang Xiaoxiao. Basically, Zhang Xiaoxiao only texted him. Since that incident, Zhang Xiaoxiao has not called him. He pressed the answer button in fear, and Zhang Xiaoxiao said, "What are you doing? It took so long to answer the phone.

"I'm at work, and I can't answer your phone in the office!"

Hearing Wu Youran's explanation, Zhang Xiaoxiao was so angry that her mind was a little sober. Her tone immediately softened. She said angrily, "I'm sorry, Youran, I miss you so much, so I didn't think about it carefully."

Wu Youran's heart was also relaxed. He whispered, "I heard that you are very anxious. What's the matter?"

"Are you free these days? I want to see you. They want you."

"This... I may not be able to do it. I'm very busy."

"Wu Youran, don't be shameless. See you at the old time and place tomorrow. Zhang Xiaoxiao hung up the phone after saying that. Wu Youran looked at the phone depressedly and sighed, "What kind of woman is this!" It's faster to change your face than to turn over a book. It seems that you have to lie to your mother and beauty again.

The old time Zhang Xiaoxiao said was 8 p.m., and the usual place was the hotel private room where she dated with Wu Youran. Since Zhang Xiaoxiao and Wu Youran had a physical relationship, they basically met every week. After going to bed, they also discussed some ways to deal with Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun. In order to make it convenient for both of them, Zhang Xiaoxiao has long-term chartered a room in a 5-star hotel in the name of her beauty salon as a place for two people to date for a long time.

Speaking of Zhang Xiaoxiao's beauty salon, it still has some history. This is a beauty salon that is very excellent in terms of business hours and commercial reputation. After Zhang Xiaoxiao came to Binjiang City, she applied for a platinum membership card of this beauty salon and went there almost every day. Once during the beauty salon, the waiter gave her beauty salon and said, "Our boss is going abroad. I heard that the beauty salon will be closed. We are all worried now!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao sat up happily and said, "Take me to see your boss. I may be your boss in the future." In this way, Zhang Xiaoxiao only spent half of the price to market the beauty salon and became the owner of the beauty salon.

The next day, Wu Youran arrived as promised. The two watched the TV silently in the hotel room. Zhang Xiaoxiao lit another cigarette. Wu Youran picked up the ashtray and handed it to her and continued to watch TV silently. Zhang Xiaoxiao spit out a puff of smoke and said, "Don't you go back tonight?"

"Well, I won't go back."

"Is there any problem at home?"

"Well, no problem."

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued to swallow clouds and spit out fog, and her eyes suddenly darkened. She asked, "Wu Youran, do you hate me?"

Wu leisurely raised his head in panic, looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao's fox face behind the smoke, shook his head hesitantly and said, "I don't hate it, but I don't love it."

"Love Xiao Jing, isn't it?"

"I don't know what love is and what hate is. Now I just hope to live a stable life like yesterday and tomorrow as today."

"Did I force you?"

"It doesn't matter. I did it. I won't admit it."

"Then can you marry me?"

"It's impossible. Even if I get divorced, my mother won't let me marry you."

"I see." Zhang Xiaoxiao extinguished the smoke in her hand, put the ashtray on the bedside table, and said to Wu Youran, "I have a plan. If you can cooperate with me to complete this plan, then you can live your days at ease."

Wu Youran's whole face lit up and asked eagerly, "Really?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao came out of bed naked and said while wearing clothes, "I won't lie to you. As long as you listen to me, I will delete all those photos and never leave a backup."

Wu Youran looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao in a staring, frowned and said, "Should I believe you?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao put on her clothes, picked up the bag left on the sofa, straightened her hair, and said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you. Wait for my text message! I won't be with you tonight. Have a good rest!"

After Zhang Xiaoxiao left, Wu Youran sat still and didn't shrink back into the quilt until it was a little cold. At this time, his mobile phone rang. It was Zhang Xiaoxiao's text message. She said, "You are drugged, I'll delete the photo. This is a deal, and you can't bargain.