married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 49 Please remember my face

Wu Youran, who returned home exhausted with a gray face, was slapped by Liang Mei's face. Before Wu Youran could react, Liang Meili handed him a piece of paper and said to him, "Sign it!"

Wu Youran touched the beaten face, took it over in a daze, and then asked, "What?"

"Divorce agreement. It's very simple. I'll take away all the savings and the house belongs to you.

"Wait a minute, I don't agree with the divorce." Wu Youran shook his head, which was a little dizzy by Liang Meili, changed his shoes and walked into the living room. He said, "I won't divorce you anyway. Even if you don't think about me, you have to think about your mother!"

Liang Meili sat on the sofa and said with a cold smile, "Mom? Wu Youran, are you sick? Your mother is kind to me because my brother can help you. Now that you have such a shameful thing, my brother won't answer my phone.

Wu Youran sat decadently opposite Liang Meimei, threw the divorce agreement in his hand on the coffee table, pulled off his tie with one hand, approached the sofa on his back, and said feebly, "You don't have to be so angry about what you expected. Today, I went to beg Zou Weijun, and he promised to help me.

Liang Meili suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted, "It's better to be an old lover!" They all dispatched their husbands to help you.

Wu Youran leaned tiredly on the back of the sofa as if he didn't hear it and said to Liang Meili, "Can you not be so surprised? I'm not dead yet!" You are in a hurry to elope."

Liang Meili stared at him fiercely and put her hands on her chest. She said, "He said help, do you believe it?"

Wu Youran sat up and didn't look at Liang Meili. He picked up the divorce agreement on the coffee table and tore it carefully and said, "The principal has come to me. The party committee of the college has decided to keep me on probation and keep my class, but this time there will definitely be no one."

Liang Meili said sharply, "You are a typical waste. It's okay if you don't divorce. Don't enter my room again. Don't touch me again. After saying that, he turned around and walked into the bedroom and closed the door hard. A loud sound completely woke up and hurt Wu Youran's heart. He remembered the white eyes and grievances he had suffered these days, and his heart was full of anger, which eroded his reason little by little.

3 minutes later, Liang Meili's bedroom door was kicked open by Wu Youran. He stared straight at Liang Meili and threw her to the ground like a hungry wolf. Liang Meili felt that the back of her head hit the ground fiercely. Fortunately, the floor was carpeted, or Liang Meili would have to faint. She kicked Wu Youran hard and said angrily, "What are you crazy about? You hurt me."

Wu Youran didn't look at her and directly tore her clothes with her hands. Liang Meili protected herself desperately. When the two pulled her, Wu Youran slapped Liang Meili in the face without hesitation. Liang Mei suddenly felt the world spinning and felt a chill in a daze. Wu Youran finally pulled off her clothes and made Liang Meili shout, "Animal, let me go."

Wu Youran slapped Liang Mei's face again. This time, Liang Meili completely fainted, and Liang Meili, who lost her ability to resist, could only be at the mercy of Wu Youran. Wu Youran did not have any guilt or pity for the jade.

At this time, Wu Youran was an emotionless and irrational beast. He said while torturing Liang Meili, "How many times have I told you? Don't say that I am a typical waste. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have lost Xiao Jing. If I didn't lose Xiao Jing, I wouldn't have met Zhang Xiaoxiao. , if you don't meet Zhang Xiaoxiao, you won't be like this. You are all bitches, and you pretend to be chaste and martyrs with me. I let you pretend, I let you pretend, I let you pretend..."

Liang Meili under her changed from hoarse scolding to hoarse crying, and finally became silent. Wu Youran was immersed in the pleasure of venting and did not notice the change of Liang Mei. It was not until he vented all his animal desires that he found that Liang Mei had fainted, and her lower body flowed a lot of blood and dyed the pure white carpet red, which was particularly shocking.

Wu Youran panicked and looked at Liang Meili, who was lying unconsciously on the ground. He was too scared to touch her and didn't know what to do. After a while, Wu Youran rushed out of the bedroom and rushed to the door of his mother Yang Jie, who lived on the same floor, and slapped the door vigorously. Yang Jie had fallen asleep. After being awakened, she opened the door and looked at her pale son. She frowned and asked puzzledly, "Well, how can you be like a college teacher?"

Wu Youran took his mother's hand without saying anything and rushed directly into his bedroom, pointing to the pale Liang Meili, who could not speak. At first, when she saw Yang Jie bleeding into a river, she thought that her son had killed someone. She boldly walked to Liang Mei's side and squatted down to try her breath. Fortunately, she was still breathing. Yang Jie suddenly calmed down. Looking at Liang Meili's bleeding lower body, she immediately knew what had happened. She didn't want to blame her son and blame him for nothing, but the daughter-in-law was afraid she couldn't save it. Yang Jie felt that it was not Liang Meili herself, but the power group behind her.

Yang Jie eagerly opened the 120 emergency center. She said, "My daughter-in-law fell down and her lower body was bleeding. Now she is in a coma." Then she gave her home address. After hanging up the phone, she said to Wu Youran, "Remember, you didn't go home tonight. You arrived at the hospital after receiving my call, okay?"

Wu Youran nodded in a stunned manner and let her mother withdraw from the door. He stood in the corridor, and suddenly a gust of wind blew, and he shivered firmly. At this time, Wu Youran found that his clothes had been soaked with sweat. He did not dare to take the elevator and hurriedly ran downstairs from the stairwell.

Before the emergency personnel arrived, Yang Jie in the room helped Liang Meili put on a bathrobe and covered her with a quilt to keep her body temperature. She prayed silently in her heart, "You must have nothing to do. Even if you have something to do, it's not your fault."

The night was particularly quiet, and a long ambulance alarm sounded suddenly through the quiet night, and countless dark windows in the community lit up again. Yang Jie couldn't take care of the top at this time. Yang Jie kept silent in the face of the puzzled eyes of her neighbors and questions that she didn't know whether she cared about or gloated. On the ambulance, Yang Jie called Wu Youran in front of a car of medical staff and told him, "Your daughter-in-law has an accident. Come to a certain hospital quickly." Then he pretended to ask, "Where are you?" Oh, I'm working overtime!"

When Wu Youran, who was sweating, felt the hospital, Liang Meili had been sent to the operating room. Wu Youran looked at Yang Jie and said nothing, and the mother and son quietly waited outside the operating room. It seems that after a long time, Liang Mei's attending doctor walked out of the operating room and looked at Wu Youran coldly. She said, "Are you her husband?"

Wu Youran only felt that the hair on his back stood up. He nodded hard and didn't say anything. The female doctor put a document under the tip of Wu Youran's nose and said coldly, "Sign."

Wu Youran raised his head and asked bravely, "What's wrong with me and my wife?"

"What's wrong with her?"

Yang Jie took over the female doctor's words and said, "He has been working overtime tonight and came directly from the unit when he heard the news."

"Real?" The female doctor glanced at Wu Youran with cold eyes and unconsciously curled the corners of her mouth. She said, "She is 8 weeks pregnant. Due to the impact of external forces, not only can the child be preserved, but also caused the rupture of the uterus. Now we are going to have a partial hysterectomy, which requires the signature of the family members.

Wu Youran grabbed the document from the female doctor and signed her name tremblingly. The female doctor turned around to enter the operating room. Yang Jie asked unrevelledly, "Then can she get pregnant again?"

The female doctor looked at Yang Jie and went straight into the operating room without saying anything. In this situation, Yang Jie would have been furious, and the attitude of the female doctor had seriously offended her fragile nerves. But today, Yang Jie didn't say a word. She gently took Wu Youran's hand and sat in the chair next to the operating room in silence.

Liang Meili stayed in the hospital for half a month, and her face was still pale on the day she was discharged from the hospital. In this half month, she did not say a word to Wu Youran and Yang Jie's mother and son. Even the news that she knew that she could no longer have children, she was very calm and did not question Wu Youran a word. What reassured Yang Jie was that Liang Meili didn't seem to want to make a big deal, and what made her uneasy was that Liang Meili's performance was too calm.

Yang Jie's worry is not unreasonable. Sure enough, on the day Liang Meili was discharged from the hospital, Liang Mei's brother Liang Tongsheng came to pick her up from the hospital and said to Wu Youran, "My sister doesn't want to take you to court, but you must divorce her and leave the house. Of course, if you don't want to, we don't mind going to court to solve it.

Wu Youran nodded decadently and said, "I agree."

Liang Tongsheng helped Liang Meili walk in front, while Wu Youran and Yang Jie's mother and son walked behind, and no one spoke. Until Liang Tongsheng opened the door for Liang Meili, and Liang Meili wanted to sit in the car, Liang Meili returned home and said to Wu Youran blankly, "Please remember my face, because it will become an eternal nightmare for the rest of your life."