married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 52 The Day of Xiao Jing, Mother-to-be

This morning, the sunny bird chirped. Xiao Jing slept until she woke up naturally. She rubbed her face on Zou Weijun's body in a daze. After a big yawn, she hugged Zou Weijun's waist and was ready to sleep for a while. Suddenly, Xiao Jing felt something was wrong and asked vaguely, "What time is it?"

"It's ten o'clock." Zou Weijun's deep and gentle voice sounded in her ear, and Xiao Jing suddenly woke up. She looked at Zou Weijun and said, "You're not going to work? And you are in bed."

Xiao Jing smiled secretly and stroked her lower abdomen with her hand. She thought to herself, "There are also people who are afraid of hooligans. Ha ha, let's see how I avenge." So she had big eyes and said aggrievedly, "No, you are going to separate from me after taking a few cold showers. I seriously suspect that you don't love me anymore. You disliked me as soon as I got pregnant. What should I do with my child in the future?"

Xiao Jing finally knows why so many women like to be bitches. It's quite unreasonable and very painful. Zou Weijun suddenly felt that June was snowing. He was really more unjust than Dou E! He said to Xiao Jing with a broken face, "Wife, if you don't scare me like this, my husband will have a shadow. If it doesn't work well when you want to use it in the future, how unfair it is!"

"Rug, three sentences are inseparable from this industry. If you are heard by our son, let's see how you become a father."

"I don't want a son, I want a daughter, and my daughter is my father's close-fitting little cotton-padded jacket."

Xiao Jing was stunned. She always thought that Zou Weijun liked her son. He was an orphan and should want a son to inherit incense! Today, Zou Weijun clearly told her that he wanted a daughter, and Xiao Jing was inexplicably moved. She said stubbornly, " Zou Tuan, can we not stick gold on our face? My daughter is my mother's little cotton-padded jacket.

"Our girl is my little cotton-padded jacket. Don't fight with me at that time." Zou Weijun cling to Xiao Jing's chest and said ruffianly.

"Well, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I'm going to have a son. What do you want to do?"

"No, I want my daughter."







At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Xiao Xiong's voice came unexpectedly. He said, "Zou boy, you also stay in bed, and even save morning exercises, which is not decent."

** two people looked at me and looked at you, spit out their tongues together, and quickly got up to wash and dress neatly. After going downstairs, Xiao Jing sat at the table, looked at a table of food, raised her head and asked Zou Weijun, "Has your parents eaten yet?"

Zou Weijun filled himself with a bowl of porridge and said slowly, "These are all yours. Don't be afraid. This is breakfast!"

Xiao Jing stared at the food on the table, an egg and a cup of milk, a bowl of millet porridge and a basket of small steamed buns, no pickles, only green vegetables. Poorly asked Zou Weijun, "These are just breakfast, lunch and dinner. Is that what you mean?"

Zou Weijun took a sip of rice porridge, ate a mouthful of cucumber sauce, and nodded and said, "That's right. There is also a midnight snack!"

"Zou Weijun, you are going to eat me to death! What if I become fat like a sow?

"Don't discriminate against sows, okay? Sows can give birth to a lot at once." It was not Zou Weijun who answered, but Xiao Jing's mother Wang Lanzhi, followed by Xiao Xiong. Wang Lanzhi said, "Xiaojing, you are going to be a mother. You can't be capricious anymore. You must eat more when you are pregnant, and only when you eat more will the baby be healthy, you know?

"Yes, yes! Your mother is an experienced person. You must listen to her. Xiao Xiong quickly agreed with his wife. That dog's leg made Xiao Jing hold her mouth and glanced at her father. Xiao Jing said, "Dad, you seem to be very idle!" Is it possible that all reactionary forces and enemies have disappeared?

Xiao Xiong said with a smile, "From now on, when you give birth, the focus of our family's work is you. Zou and I have asked for leave. We are busy with you now."

Xiao Jing shouted secretly in her heart, "Oh, my God! My whole family has taken me as a career, baby! Mom's life is so hard!" Zou Weijun put millet porridge in front of Xiao Jing, peeled the eggs, put them in a bowl with a small amount of soy sauce, and said to her, "Wife, you accept your fate for our daughter!" Knowing that you don't like tasteless eggs, I poured some soy sauce for you. It must be delicious. Good boy, eat it!"

Xiao Jing looked at the bowl with eggs. Where is the soy sauce? Why can't she see it? Xiao Jing pouted and frowned. Zou Weijun picked up porridge and spoon to feed her. Xiao Jing quickly said, "I'll eat it myself." Xiao Jing didn't want to perform an intimate drama in full view of the public, especially the expression on her mother and father's face sitting and waiting for the play. Zou Weijun pouted and said that he was very dissatisfied with Xiao Jing's reaction and did not give him a chance to make out.

Xiao Jing finished her breakfast under the forced vision of the three people. She wanted to go out for a walk, but she was stopped by Zou Weijun and said to her, "Take an hour's rest, and then walk around the house. After digestion, we began to practice pregnancy yoga."

"Pregnancy yoga?"

"Well, I have learned for a period of time, and I can definitely strengthen my health, and most importantly, it can stabilize the fetus."

"Is there a scientific basis?"

"Don't worry about this, my mother and the chief have consulted many experts and doctors, and they all said that yoga during pregnancy is absolutely safe and reliable."

Xiao Jing's big eyes turned twice, yawned and stretched out, and said, "Okay! Then I'll go to sleep for a while."

Xiao Xiong stopped him. He said, "No, you can't lie down immediately for dinner. Sit for a while before going to bed."

Xiao Jing said, "Then I'll go out for a walk."

Wang Lanzhi said, "No, it's sunny outside. You can't be exposed to the sun now."

Xiao Jing really wanted to cry without tears. She said helplessly, "I can't sleep or walk. So what should I do now?"

The other three people looked at each other, and Zou Weijun made a decision. He said, "Mom, chief, I still accompany Xiaojing for a walk in the yard. The doctor said that pregnant women can often bask in the sun to supplement calcium, which is good for children."

Wang Lanzhi said, "Wouldn't it be too sunny?"

Zou Weijun smiled and said, "No, it's not noon yet. Xiaojing and I won't stay much."

Xiao Jing walked to the yard, took a deep breath and said to Zou Weijun, "It's better to have a husband. The air outside is comfortable to smell." Xiao Jing suddenly remembered something and asked Zou Weijun, "Where's my mobile phone? And have you brought my computer and drawings?

Zou Weijun smiled ruffianly and said to her, "Honey, the mobile phone and computer drawings will say goodbye to you for the time being. After you give birth to our daughter and recover, they will naturally come to reunite with you."

Xiao Jing was anxious as soon as she heard it. She said loudly, "I will die without mobile phone and computer drawings. If you want me to produce smoothly, you will feel like handing them over, otherwise, otherwise... Otherwise, I won't give birth."

Zou Weijun walked to Xiao Jing's side, stroked her back and comforted her, "Good wife, don't be angry. I can't make the decision. The decision was made by my mother and the chief. I'm just executing it."

Xiao Jing saw that she was tough and immediately changed her tactics. She took Zou Weijun's hand and shook it left and right, "Honey, Xiao Junjun, please give me back your mobile phone, okay? I just need a mobile phone."

Zou Weijun slowly shook his head from left to right twice and said with a smile, "No."

Xiao Jing immediately dropped his hand and said angrily, "You eat inside and elbow out. If you are during the war, you must be a traitor."

Zou Weijun was not angry, but laughed happily. He said, "I thought you were a mother-to-be, and your temperament would change a little. Now it seems that you haven't changed at all. Okay, I like it."

Xiao Jing pinched him fiercely and said with a blush, "Get out, girl, I don't want to see you."

Zou Weijun picked up Xiao Jing's chin and said ruffianly, "Let the girl laugh at me!" Why don't I give you a smile? When Xiao Jing stared at him, she only saw a toothless face and suddenly laughed. Alas! What can I do if I don't accept my fate with such a husband?

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun chatted while walking. Xiao Jing said, "Now you can tell me, what other training subjects do I have to receive in addition to eating and sleeping training and yoga during pregnancy?"

Zou Weijun held Xiao Jing's waist and tried to take her for a walk in a shady place. He said, "There are almost so many subjects. In addition, you have to get used to the days without mobile phones and computers, and you can't wear high heels, don't wear makeup, you can't go out casually, you can't eat out, etc."

Xiao Jing sighed, looked down at her lower abdomen, stroked and said, "Son, you must be filial in the future, or we will see how I deal with you."

Zou Weijun squatted down and put his ears on Xiao Jing's stomach. He said, "Daughter, you must honor your father. Do you know how hard it is?"

"What's your hard work? Your son is not in your belly. It's me who has been pregnant for ten months!"

"Why don't I work hard? Just because of my daughter, I have to take a cold bath for ten months!"

Xiao Jing quickly stepped back two steps with her stomach in her arms and said seriously, "Son, don't listen to your father's nonsense." Looking up, she waited for Zou Weijun to say, "Forget you as a hooligan. You are not allowed to take my son."

Zou Weijun stood up and said with a bad smile, "Wife, it's time for us to practice the next subject."