married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 68 I would like to be happy with you forever

Wu Youran and Liang Meili completely disappeared in Binjiang City, and also disappeared in the lives of Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing. There was a conversation between Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing. When they talked about this matter, Xiao Jing said to Zou Weijun, "At the beginning, I married you to make Wu You repent, but when he told me that I regretted it, I didn't feel it at all. At that time, I thought that if he had Liang Meili and I had you, everyone would live their own lives. What I didn't expect most, and I still can't figure out, is that he would threaten me with nude photos and threaten me to maintain that relationship with him. I feel incredible.

Xiao Jing said this and looked at Zou Weijun with a confused face and said, "Xiaojun, do you think he loved me? If not, then how wrong my youth is! If so, how could he treat me so cruelly?

Zou Weijun held Xiao Jing very often and put her in his arms. He said, "I believe he loved you. You are sincere when you fall in love with him. However, there are too many ** in this world. His heart is not a person who can keep his duty. In the face of such **, his heart has changed for a long time, but you didn't find it.

Xiao Jing said sadly, "You don't know that at that time, his eyes were always so clear and clean, and his whole body made people feel like a spring breeze, and later, he..."

Zou Weijun patted Xiao Jing on the shoulder comforting and said, "Xiaojing, don't be sad. He is to blame himself for this now, and he can't blame anyone."

Xiao Jing huddled her whole body in Zou Weijun's arms. She hadn't spoken for a long time. It took Zou Weijun to think that she had fallen asleep before she spoke again. She said, "What will happen to him?"

"I don't know."

Zou Weijun was very distressed by such a melancholy Xiao Jing. He knew best the softness in Xiao Jing's heart. Although Xiao Jing has never been kind to the enemy, she will always make up her mind to fight back when she can't retreat. Xiao Jing has always hoped to live a quiet life in her heart, but what has happened recently made her have to dress up and teach those who don't know the depth of heaven and earth. Zou Weijun held Xiao Jing's arm tightly, and he gently said in Xiao Jing's ear, "Let me sing a song for you!" I forgot which song it was in the TV series. I secretly learned it after listening to it and liking it very much.

Xiao Jing nodded gently, and Zou Weijun began to sing. The song was very relaxed and warm. Xiao Jing especially liked the lyrics of this song:

"Two people are so good, and two people are so good,

You said your world can not be,

Make me so proud of ordinary people.

Two people are so good, two people are so good,

I'll talk to you, and I'll let you shake it,

The outside world begins to become smaller.

I would like to be happy with you forever,

Even if the wind and rain are unpredictable tomorrow,

I would like to be happy with you forever,

Let every heart rely on.

Zou Weijun sang the last two sentences repeatedly, "I would like to be happy with you forever, even if tomorrow is unpredictable. I would like to be happy with you forever, so that every heart can rely on you. Slowly, Xiao Jing also sang with him. The two looked at each other and saw their faces in each other's eyes. Maybe the world will always be shaken down, but as long as there is someone who loves can protect each other, what are we afraid of? As long as there is support in our hearts, even if the world is crumbling, what can it affect us?

The only constant thing in the world is change. Liang Meiyi has been sent away and another Liang Tongsheng, and this Liang Tongsheng is obviously more normal and difficult to deal with. He went into the room in the name of the son of Xiao Jun's elder comrades-in-arms. Although Xiao Xiong and Wang Lanzhi were not lulled every time, Liang Tongsheng still visited once or twice a week as if he didn't know anything. As the saying goes, "Do not reach out and hit the smiling man", Liang Tongsheng not only has a smile on his face every time he comes to the Xiao family, but also has a big bag of gifts.

Wang Lanzhi made it very clear that she would not accept his gift at the first visit of Liang Tongsheng, but Liang Tongsheng always had countless reasons every time. In short, the gift finally stayed at the Xiao family smoothly.

This Liang Tongsheng caused a lot of troubles to the Xiao family, and the only one who felt it was dispensable was Xiao Jing, the main target of Liang Tongsheng. Up to now, Xiao Jing is completely ignorant of Liang Tongsheng, although Liang Tongsheng has spontaneously called her "Jing Sister". Xiao Jing didn't have any psychological reaction except for the goose bumps that fell to the ground every time she heard it. Zou Weijun was very jealous, but looking at Xiao Jing, who was slow to respond, Zou Weijun was also much relieved.

The most angry person for Liang Tongsheng constantly disturbing the Xiao family is not the people of the Xiao family, but Lily, who recently ate and lived in the Xiao family for free. Today, Lily calculated the date, and Liang Tongsheng was about to come to the door again, so she said to everyone at the breakfast table, "What should I do today? In the future, Liang Tongsheng will be handed over to me. You can think that he doesn't exist."

Xiao Jing raised her eyebrows and looked at Zou Weijun smiling. Zou Weijun also looked at Xiao Jing with the same expression. The two said to Lily at the same time, "Is anyone going to take this demon?"

Lily nodded and said, "It seems that only I have come out in person, and there is a footrest to beat this evil."

Wang Lanzhi and Xiao Xiong looked at each other. They are unwilling to get more mixed up in young people's affairs, and the resentment of the previous generation should not affect the people of this generation. Wang Lanzhi said to Xiao Xiong, "I heard that there was a big battle when Xiangu did it. It's better for us to avoid it."

Xiao Xiong nodded with a smile and said, "Anyway, the organization has wanted me to go to recuperate for a while. I think we will stay at the seaside for a few days!" Blow the sea breeze and listen to the waves for a few days. This family can do it by themselves.

Wang Lanzhi and Xiao Xiong said they would leave. Before Xiao Jing could react, the old couple sat in a car specially sent by the nursing home to pick up people and disappeared. When Xiao Jing recovered, she could only look at Zou Weijun without tears and said, "I seriously doubt whether I was born by them myself. They all know that they told you to take good care, but they didn't even say a word to me. They just thought I was transparent.

Zou Weijun didn't say anything, just looked at Xiao Jing and smiled. At this time, Lily said, "You are stupid! That's to let Zou Weijun take good care of you! Your parents are just a pair of old foxes.

Xiao Jing gritted her teeth at Lily and said, "Get out, you are the fox!"

Lily laughed and said, "I thought, if I had such good parents, I would wake up happily every night." Lily's parents divorced in their early years, and now they have new families and new children. Although they will remit money to Lily on time every month, they rarely meet Lily. For so many years, Lily rarely mentioned her parents in front of Xiao Jing. Xiao Jing knew that her parents were a dead knot in Lily's heart and could not be easily touched.

Today's Lily is a little different. She actually took the initiative to talk about her parents. She said, "It's not easy for my parents to make such an out-of-tune daughter angry. I have already told them that I don't need to give me any more money. I will visit them when I have time."

Xiao Jing breathed a deep sigh of relief in her heart. Since Lily was 18 years old, she has resolutely refused to meet her parents. It's useless to persuade anyone. It's useless to say anything, but the money is still spent. When it's not enough, you still call for it. Xiao Jing knew in her heart that Lily could not get through this. She longed for her parents' love and resented her parents' love. She couldn't let it go and didn't know what to do. Now, Lily seems to have figured it out.

Lily said to Xiao Jing, "Oak, don't look at me like this. I should grow up, shouldn't I?"

Xiao Jing looked back at Zou Weijun, habitually leaned into his arms and said to Lily, "Oh! If you learn well, it will be very fast!"

"Get out and take good care of your fetus. If my god son is a little uncomfortable, I will ask for you."

Xiao Jing rubbed against Zou Weijun, and Zou Weijun protected Xiao Jing's stomach with his arms. Looking at their love, Lily smiled, "Come on, I'm going to prepare. It's very laborious to collect demons." After saying that, he turned back to the room.

Xiao Jing said to Zou Weijun, "Do you think she and he can do it?" I can't let Lily suffer."

Zou Weijun whispered, "Don't worry! Lily is the best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. She is guaranteed to make that paper tiger obedient.

"Do you think Liang Tongsheng is a paper tiger? Really?"

"Believe my observation, I can't be wrong."

Xiao Jing leaned all the weight of her body on Zou Weijun's body, while Zou Weijun stood still. Xiao Jing said, "Xiao Junjun, where are we going today?"

"After the prenatal check-up in the morning, I will see my mother and the chief, and then I will take you to eat delicious food. In the afternoon! When you go back to our own home, you can sleep for a while and discuss where you want to go at night.

"Is Lily alone? I'm not sure."

"I gave the matter to Li Wenwu and Xiao Zijun. While letting them secretly monitor, they also gave Li Wenwu a day's leave. They will cherish this good opportunity to fall in love and watch the drama.

"Husband, it's good to have you. I'm so worry-free!"

"Husband wants a reward," Zou Weijun lowered his head and said a few words in Xiao Jing's ear, and Xiao Jing's face turned red in an instant. She said, "I'm not very good at it!" What should I do if it hurts you?"

"You can do whatever you want."

"Damn it, let's have a try!"

"You are really willing to do this for me."

Xiao Jing nodded and said, "You and I are husband and wife, and I have to make you happy."

Zou Weijun's eyes flowed with infinite brilliance, staring straight at Xiao Jing, and Xiao Jing smiled shyly.