married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 70 He is an insider and participant

Xiao Jing became the pillar of the Xiao family overnight, and everything in the house was arranged by her. Now, there are only two things in Xiao Jing's heart: first, take good care of her mother and babies, and second, her father and Zou Weijun go home. For the affairs of the Xiao family, Xiao Jing and Xiao Zijun, Lily and Dongfang Hong held a secret emergency meeting:

Xiao Jing said what she knew now and the inferences of Wang Lanzhi and Zou Weijun without reservation. Xiao Zijun said, "This matter is really strange. He took people away silently. For several days, he didn't tell them where to take them?"

Lily said, "I don't understand things in the army, but I also know that the official level will crush people to death! Who is the official bigger than the military commander?

Dongfang Hong waved her hand and said, "No matter who it is, the key problem now is that we need to figure out the report letter."

Xiao Zijun shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Sister, it's not easy to talk about it! The military is not in the entertainment industry, and the military's confidentiality system is very strict. Besides, the person who took his uncle clearly said 'No questions, no words', which means that if we ask and say it, the consequences will be very serious.

Xiao Jing nodded and said very depressedly, "That's what I'm afraid of now. Xiaojun doesn't dare to let go of the investigation, but I'm afraid of helping."

Lily said, "For good, aunt seems to be calm, but what should we do next?"

All four were silent and didn't know what to do at all. This matter was like walking into a dark forest full of fog. They couldn't tell the direction, the enemy and the enemy, and they had to move forward. Once they stopped, the danger would come faster. Xiao Jing gently stroked her stomach and said, "What should we do? There is a small army in the army!" You should live at home as usual. Zijun and Lily continue to live at home. Dongfanghong should not come all the time. After all, your child is still young. If there is anything, I will call you. I think it's better for us to move than to be quiet."

On this night, Zou Weijun called Xiao Jing. He said, "You tell your mother that the old superior has seen the chief. Everything is fine. The investigation of the matter has officially begun. The chief is very calm and can eat and sleep."

Xiao Jing's tears immediately gathered in her eyes and fell silently. Zou Weijun said, "Honey, don't cry! Otherwise, the babies' eyes will not be beautiful. You must take care of yourself, you know?

Xiao Jing sucked her nose hard and said, "Who said I cried? Can my wife be so useless? Let me tell you, the babies, mothers and me are fine! You don't have to worry about it. Zijun and Lily are both here. I feel at ease. Zou Weijun, listen to me. You and Dad must come home well.

Zou Weijun's nose was sore, and his tears almost didn't fall down. In his memory, he had not cried for nearly 20 years. After a moment of pause, Zou Weijun said affectionately, "Honey, I miss you."

Xiao Jing smiled with tears. She said, "Be a good soldier and don't teach our babies."

Zou Weijun laughed twice and said to Xiao Jing, "Yes, my wife."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Jing hurried upstairs to tell Wang Lanzhi the good news. Wang Lanzhi nodded and nodded again. Looking at Xiao Jing, she couldn't say a word. Xiao Jing squeezed to Wang Lanzhi's side with a smile and said, "Mom, I'm going to sleep with you tonight."

Wang Lanzhi looked at Xiao Jing lovingly and said to her, "My Xiaojing has really grown up and can take care of her mother. I'm really... really happy."

Xiao Jing rushed into Wang Lanzhi's arms and said coquettishly, "Then you have to thank Team Leader Zou. He has trained me hand in hand for months! I have been with the new recruits under him for a long time.

Is that right? I heard what you mean, as if I was suing, right?

"No, I just want to say that my father and mother have better eyesight than me!"

Wang Lanzhi held her daughter tightly in her arms and felt very safe. Perhaps the reason why people are willing to work hard to raise their offspring is to have such a stable and safe life when they get old!

After Xiao Xiong's accident, Zou Weijun was nailed to the barracks every day and dared not ask around. As long as he went around to listen, he was afraid that there would be any news. He talked to Xiao Jing on the phone every day and knew that everything was going well at home. Zou Weijun was very comforted. It seemed that his plan to train Xiao Jing was right and very successful. Xiao Jing is not only mature and steady, but also more independent and strong.

Zou Weijun has asked the old superior to disclose the situation at home to Xiao Xiong, so that Xiao Xiong can also accept the investigation of the organization at ease. As time went by, Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing became calmer. They had a common feeling that Xiao Xiong was closed for investigation this time, perhaps because of the matter of Zou Weijun's father. Because looking at Xiao Xiong's years in the army, this is the only thing that is unclear, and it is also the only stain on Xiao Xiong's resume these years.

Zou Weijun thought about it. He felt that he needed to talk to Wang Lanzhi peacefully. He needed to know more details about this matter. So today, Zou Weijun returned to the Xiao family in the army compound. As soon as she entered the door, Xiao Jing came over with a big belly and a duck's eight-character foot, reaching out to take the briefcase in his hand. As a result, he was held into his arms by Zou Weijun and kissed Xiao Jing without saying a word. Xiao Jing gently endured the hunger and thirst of Zou Weijun and entangled him between her lips and teeth. Zou Weijun gasped and let go of Xiao Jing. Seeing that his hand was still on Xiao Jing's chest, he said with a bad smile, "Wife, you are much plump!"

Xiao Jing knocked off his hand and said angrily, "Get out, I've always been plump."

Zou Weijun took her into his arms and said to her, "It's different. You are very feminine now."

"Uh-huh, but you smell very bad."

Zou Weijun lowered his head and smelled himself and sighed, "I'm in a hurry to come back. I didn't take a shower after training. I'll take a shower first." After saying that, Zou Weijun untied the wind button of the military uniform and walked upstairs slightly tiredly. Xiao Jing looked at his back and suddenly had a very strange feeling. Xiao Jing was a little panicked.

Xiao Zijun and Lily didn't come back tonight. They made room very interesting so that Wang Lanzhi, Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing could talk about their own family. After dinner, the three sat in the living room. Zou Weijun made a cup of ginseng tea for Wang Lanzhi, warmed a cup of milk for Xiao Jing, and poured himself a cup of boiled water.

Three people sat quietly. In the huge living room, only the clock on the wall was ticking. Suddenly, the clock struck a whole point loudly. The three of them looked up together. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Wang Lanzhi spoke first. Her voice was very beautiful and elegant. Wang Lanzhi's voice at school was also one of the reasons why she was popular with students.

Wang Lanzhi said, "I know about the same as you two, but I think you two can go to Mr. Liang. Maybe he knows more."

Zou Weijun raised his head and asked doubtfully, "Do you mean Liang Xiangru? Why?"

"Yes, it's Liang Tongsheng and Liang Mei's father. Everyone thinks that he took off his military uniform because of me, because of your father, but that's not the case. He is an insider and participant in Xiaojun's father's matter. I remember that he took off his military uniform and returned to his hometown the year of Xiaojun's father's death, and on the third day of Xiaojun's father's death, he submitted a transfer report and insisted on leaving regardless of the army's retention.

Speaking of this, Wang Lanzhi stopped. She looked at Zou Weijun and looked at Zou Weijun with a mother's eyes. This child was raised by her. At the beginning of her life for the first time in the year when he was six years old, she cared about him no less than a biological mother. When Wang Lanzhi didn't know the truth, what Zou Weijun's choice was, which was also what she was most worried about.

"Xiaojun, Lao Xiao has always been shut about this matter, and I believe he will do the same this time. As for me, I don't know anything inside or the so-called truth. Over the years, I have simply believed in my husband and that my husband is a real soldier. No matter what the outcome is, Xiaojun, I hope you can give Lao Xiao the dignity of a soldier.

Zou Weijun stood up and looked into Wang Lanzhi's eyes deeply. He said, "Mom, the chief is the first person I admire. From the first sight of him, I swore to be a soldier like him. If you believe him, I will believe him as well.

Xiao Jing curled her lips and said, "Why do I feel like I'm watching a dog-blooded TV series!" I'm about to cry. You two are so numb!"

Wang Lanzhi looked at Xiao Jing's tearful eyes. She understood her daughter's heart and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Zou Weijun smiled and scratched Xiao Jing's nose and said, "You can always say the most inappropriate words at the most inappropriate time. I really admire you."

Xiao Jing stared at Zou Weijun with big eyes and said, "As the saying goes, 'mother is like a daughter'. I know my mother best. There is nothing wrong with the person she chose. You and your father are both chosen by my mother."

Zou Weijun looked at Xiao Jing in a daze and said helplessly, "Wife, can we not jump like this? I really can't keep up."

Xiao Jing ignored him and looked up at the ceiling and said, "If you want to get close to the Liang family, it seems that Lily has to go out in person."

This time, Zou Weijun and Wang Lanzhi sighed at the same time. It seemed that Xiao Jing's jumping thinking could not be changed, and they could only reluctantly follow. Next, Lily must talk to Liang Tongsheng.