married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 74 The Harvest of Fighting Wisdom

Xiao Jing lowered her head and blocked the thoughts in her eyes with her dense eyelashes. When she raised her head again, a harmless smile bloomed on Xiao Jing's face. She said to Liang Xiangru coquettishly, "Uncle Liang, they are thirsty. Aren't you reluctant to give a cup of tea?"

Liang Xiangru's eyes paused on Xiao Jing's face and immediately smiled very cooperatively. He said, "It's all my fault. I'm negligent." He turned around and whispered to the female secretary at the door, "A glass of water."

Xiao Jing smiled secretly in her heart. She thought, "I want water, but you really only give water!" She said in a tone like Lily, "I came here abruptly today. It's really not right to come empty-handed. Since Uncle Liang has limited time, I have something to say.

Liang Xiangru sneered in his heart and thought, "You are direct enough." But on the surface, Liang Xiangru said to Xiao Jing lovingly, "Why are you so foreign! Uncle is very happy when you come to see me. Just say what you want to say!"

Xiao Jing winked his innocent eyes at Liang Xiangru and said, " Uncle Liang and his father are old comrades-in-arms. Can you tell me about his father?"

Liang Xiangru frowned in his heart and thought, "Isn't your father still going to take me? This girl has a lot of eyes." But what he said was, "Okay! Lao Xiao is very righteous and straightforward, and sometimes he will inevitably offend people. But your father is very popular with women. In those years, I was his loser. Girl, your eyes look very much like your mother.

Xiao Jing smiled shyly and thought to herself, "What you say is basically nonsense, but the last sentence is the truth and the biggest nonsense." At this moment, Xiao Jing finally experienced the exquisiteness of Liang's Taijiquan. Ordinary people hope to have the initiative of the conversation, but Liang Xiangru is not. He gives up the initiative of the conversation and what you say. On the surface, he followed you, but in fact, you can't get anything valuable from his words.

"How did Uncle Liang and his father know each other?" Xiao Jing plans to pretend to the end. Anyway, that's the worst.

Liang Xiangru liked Xiao Jing a little. This girl was stubborn enough. He kept a smile and said, "Your father and I were soldiers of the same year. At that time, when we were in the new soldier company, the three of us..." Liang Xiangru's voice stopped abruptly, and Xiao Jing heard "the three of us" clearly, but she also saw Liang Xiangru's face turned pale and frightened in an instant. Xiao Jing immediately decided not to scare the snake and pretended not to hear it.

So, Xiao Jing asked innocently, "You and Dad must be the best soldiers when they were in the new company." Xiao Jing deliberately bypassed the "three of us" in Liang Xiangru's words.

For Xiao Jing's shrewdness, Liang Xiangru's heart became more relaxed. What was loose was that Xiao Jing was very sensible and knew what to ask and what things needed to pretend to be deaf and dumb. The tight thing is that I am too careless. If I don't make up for this loophole in time, there will be endless trouble in the future. At present, Liang Xiangru decided to continue to say "three people" calmly. He said, "Woth, you're wrong. Your father and I can only compete for the second or third place. The first will always be someone else."

"I don't believe it, who can be better than you and Dad?"

"He is our comrade-in-arms. His name is Zou Jianguo, the best soldier I have ever seen."

Hearing the name of Zou Jianguo, Xiao Jing felt nervous. Although she had never heard of the name, she intuitively knew that it must be Zou Weijun's father. Xiao Jing's expression still smiled like flowers. She said, "Uncle Liang lied to me. Since Uncle Zou is so great, why haven't I seen him?"

"He sacrificed."

"Ah! How come?"

Liang Xiangru looked at Xiao Jing with a serious face. He saw an urgent look in Xiao Jing's eyes, but the expression on Xiao Jing's face was still very natural, as if she was just gossiping with a real uncle now. In this conversation, Liang Xiangru lowered her head for the first time and was silent for a moment. When she raised her head again, Xiao Jing found that the bright light in his eyes had disappeared.

Liang Xiangru's tired voice sounded. He said, "In those years, Zou Jianguo and your father and I were the best 'three swordsmen'. The three of us were together no matter what we did, trained together to join the party and work together, and even fell in love with a girl together. However, Lao Zou was married in his hometown at that time, so your father and I became rivals.

That time, Lao Zou and Lao Xiao went on a mission and agreed to have a good meal after coming back. Who knows, Lao Xiao came back, but Lao Zou did not come back. At that time, I was still young. I lost my comrades-in-arms and my favorite girl. I returned to my hometown in frustration and soon got married and had children. I haven't told anyone about this past for so many years.

"How did Uncle Liang sacrifice?"

"The car fell under the cliff on a rainy night."

"It's so strange! Why is Dad all right?

"Lao Xiao is not in the car."

"It's still wrong! Where did Dad go?

"I don't know that someone investigated this matter afterwards, and finally it was determined that Lao Zou was a first-class meritorious official, and Lao Xiao had no responsibility."

Xiao Jing did not speak immediately. She felt that Liang Xiangru's answer was very awkward and did not conform to ordinary people's speaking habits. If Xiao Jing was asked to say this, Xiao Jing would say, "The army has sent someone to investigate. There is no problem. Lao Zou is designated as a first-class meritorious official." And Liang Xiangru added that "Lao Xiao has no responsibility". Why? Xiao Jing didn't ask her father if he was responsible, but asked, "Where's Dad?"

Maybe he doesn't hear much difference, but for Xiao Jing, Liang Xiangru's sentence is unreasonable in two places: first, he emphasized that Zou Jianguo's first-class meritorious minister is the characterization of the army, as if he himself does not think so; second, he stressed that Xiao Xiong has no responsibility, that is to say, he believes Someone should be responsible for this matter. Although it is not Xiao Xiong, it must be someone else.

Xiao Jing thought of this and said to Liang Xiangru with a smile, " Uncle Liang, you must be very sad about this matter, right? Dad didn't take off his military uniform as the person concerned, but you took off his military uniform because you were sad. What a pity!"

After listening to Xiao Jing's words, Liang Xiangru suddenly woke up from his nostalgic thinking. The muscles on his face trembled and trembled, and he finally controlled his emotions. Xiao Jing saw all this. She thought, "Mom said that he was an insider and participant. Sure enough, he was right. He knew the truth."

However, Xiao Jing did not show it. She just quietly waited for Liang Xiangru's answer. Xiao Jing was very clear in her heart that from Liang Xiangru's reaction, this matter must have something to do with him. However, Xiao Jing did not expect to know the truth from Liang Xiangru. She saw that he was deeply silent about this matter and would not say it easily.

At this time, Liang Xiangru tried to maintain the surface calm, but there was a huge wave in his heart. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back on the sofa, and measured repeatedly in his heart: "Does this girl know anything? Xiao Xiong has kept this secret for so many years, can't he finally help it? No, it's not the time to uncover it. Wait a minute, wait a minute! No, this girl is testing me, that is to say, she doesn't know, at least not fully. Xiao Xiong is still keeping this secret. Great, I can't mess myself up.

Liang Xiangru opened his eyes and sat upright. He said to Xiao Jing, "I don't want to mention what happened back then. It's all over."

Xiao Jing also adjusted her position and said with a smile, "Yes! It was me who was ignorant, which aroused Uncle Liang's sadness. I won't bother you. I'll leave first."

Liang Xiangru's relieved expression made Xiao Jing laugh a little. It seems that Liang Tongsheng is right, which is called "boxing to death the master". It seems that today she, a newborn calf, has gained something after fighting a tiger. Liang Xiangru took Xiao Jing to the gate of Liang's house, as if he was afraid that Xiao Jing would return halfway. His housewife Liang Tongsheng must take good care of Xiao Jing and fulfill the friendship of the landlord. After that, he kept watching Liang Tongsheng's car disappear in front of him before returning to the study.

Liang Tongsheng was silent all the way. Every time he peeked at Xiao Jing, he found that the expression on Xiao Jing's face was different. Sometimes he was proud and sometimes depressed, sometimes he smiled and sometimes sad, and sometimes he seemed to have gained something and sometimes he was at a loss. Liang Tongsheng knew for the first time that there would be so many expressions on a person's face. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "How's it going?"

Xiao Jing didn't pretend to be stupid and replied directly, "It's not bad."

"I haven't seen the expression on my father's face today in my life. Why does it look like he is afraid of you?"

"Hahaha, Uncle Liang is not afraid of me, but afraid that I will ask about what happened back then."

"So, does my father have secrets that he can't tell?"

"Yes, it's just that this secret is not Uncle Liang alone, but the secret of three people."

"Who is Uncle Xiao and my father?"

"Xiaojun's father - Zou Jianguo."

Liang Tongsheng nodded, but Xiao Jing shook her head. She said, "Now, we only know that the three of them have a common secret. Even if one of them is no longer there, the other two are still keeping this secret. I don't know anything else."

Xiao Jing looked at the road ahead in a daze and thought to herself, "Dad, what kind of secret is it? Let you protect it at the expense of your reputation and status. In such an unbearable situation, you refuse to tell the secret, so how long will you hold on? How long will it be protected?"

What kind of secret was there between Xiao Xiong, Liang Xiangru and Zou Jianguo in those years? Does this secret only belong to yesterday and have no impact on today's people?