married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 95 Everyone has secrets that can't be told

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun never saw Wu Youran again. A month later, Wu Youran's judgment came down, and Wu Youran was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance and limited the commutation of his sentence. Zou Weijun explained to Xiao Jing, "The restriction on commutation of sentence is that the sentence can only be reduced after serving a certain number of years, that is to say, Wu Youran must serve 22 years before he can get a reduction."

The expression on Xiao Jing's face was faint, but she said softly, "The Liang family is cruel enough this time."

Zou Weijun took Xiao Jing's shoulder, and Xiao Jing slowly leaned her head on Zou Weijun's shoulder. The two stood quietly and said nothing. Xiao Jing is very uncomfortable. After all, Wu Youran is the man she loved. Now that he has fallen in such an end, she will not gloat anyway.

Xiao Jing took Zou Weijun's hand and said, "We should have a good talk with our parents. Anyway, I want you to change your name."

Zou Weijun smiled silently. He knew that Xiao Jing loved him and his father. In fact, this matter should have been solved a long time ago, but a lot of things have happened recently, and it has been delayed at once. Xiao Jing looked at Zou Weijun uneasedly and asked, "Jijun, do you love me?"


"Will you always be with me?"

"Well, together."

"Let's go to find our parents now, okay?"

Zou Weijun was silent for a moment, nodded seriously and said, "It's time for me to face it." He thought to himself, "You can't be called 'chief' or 'dad' all your life!"

Xiao Xiong and Wang Lanzhi seem to have been prepared for a long time in the face of Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun. Wang Lanzhi said to Xiao Xiong, "It's time for the children to know, and you should also face it calmly."

Xiao Xiong's angular face showed a kind of confusion, which was an expression that Xiao Jing had never seen on her father's face. Zou Weijun sincerely said to Xiao Xiong, "You and I are running away and have been unwilling to face it. That's because we value this relationship too much, you value your father's honor and entrustment too much, and so do I. But..."

Xiao Xiong raised his hand and interrupted Zou Weijun's words. He said, "I know you are all very curious. Why should I keep my mouth shut? Why should I still keep my mouth shut after Liang Xiangru broke this secret? First of all, I can't face myself, and secondly, I don't want to break your respect and worship of my father.

Xiao Jing sat silently beside Xiao Xiong, hugged his arm and said, "Dad, say it!" Maybe saying it is the best solution.

Xiao Xiong was silent, and other people were also silent. Time seems to have begun to reverse, bringing everyone back to that era.

Xiao Xiong's voice, like a ripple in the water, slowly rippled in the room. "Liang Xiangru said his, I only said mine. I was the last person to see Zou Jianguo. He gave me a letter. At that time, he just asked me to keep it for him. I didn't think much about it. After his accident, I opened the letter as soon as possible. There is also a letter left by Lao Zou for his son, but he said he would give it to him on the day he became a father.

Lao Zou's letter said that he could not go to the military court, and he could not let his wife and son be blamed for himself. You know, in that era, if Lao Zou was sentenced, it would mean that Xiaojun's future was also destroyed. Therefore, I used all my relationships to hide this matter and put pressure on Liang Xiangru to automatically resign from his military and go back to his hometown. As for the brakes, Lao Zou didn't say anything, and it has nothing to do with me.

Speaking of this, Xiao Xiong said to Zou Weijun, "I have been faithful to your father for more than 30 years. You just let me be a trustworthy person!" On the day you become a father, I will hand over the letter to you.

Zou Weijun stood in front of the window for a long time, and he stood motionless. Zou Weijun had no expression on his face, and he didn't look at anyone in the room. He just stood there. It seems that a long time has passed, and he spoke in a low and hoarse voice, "Dad, I believe you."

Xiao Xiong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Lao Zou, you gave birth to a good son." Then he turned back to Wang Lanzhi and said, "We picked up a good son-in-law."

Xiao Jing looked at Xiao Xiong and Zou Weijun, but she was still worried. Zou Weijun believed in his father so easily. Is it so easy to untie decades of heart knots? Xiao Jing has a question mark on her head. But she didn't say anything and smiled foolishly with her father.

Back to her room, Xiao Jing leaned on the sofa to eat fruit. His eyes turned with the movement of Zou Weijun. Zou Weijun smiled and said, "If there is anything, just ask!"

Xiao Jing put a petal of orange in her mouth, shook her head and said nothing. Zou Weijun came over and sat opposite her and said, "Okay! You don't ask me. Everyone has a secret, a secret that cannot be told. Since Dad said it, I believe it, because we are all soldiers and soldiers don't lie.

Xiao Jing tilted her head and quietly looked at Zou Weijun for a while. As if talking to himself, "Yes, Liang Xiangru didn't say a word at the beginning, and he said it at the last moment. And Dad never mentioned it before, and what he said today must be the truth. There is no reason not to believe it, uh-huh! I understand."

Zou Weijun gently rubbed the top of Xiao Jing's head and said to her, "If you are in a good mood, I have one more thing to tell you."

Xiao Jing put a piece of orange into Zou Weijun's mouth and said, "Say it!"

"I saw Zhang Xiaoxiao."

"Oh! I saw it, too."

Zou Weijun stood up suddenly, "Why don't you say it?"

Xiao Jing swallowed the orange in her mouth, "Didn't you just say that?"

"Aren't I afraid that you are more careful?"

"Me too!"

Xiao Jing pulled Zou Weijun to her side and hugged his arm and said, "Jian, why do you think this Zhang Xiaoxiao is always haunted? Will she trouble us again?"

"I'm also worried about this, and she seems to have become very down. I'm most afraid that she will hurt you."

"Don't be afraid. I will honestly hide in the army yard before production. I won't go anywhere. It's useless to invite anyone."

Zou Weijun breathed a sigh of relief and gently kissed Xiao Jing's lips. Then the ruffian smiled and said, "Hurry up and give birth! I have to let the babies know how much I have suffered from his father!"

"What and what! The hardest person is me, okay?"

"I'm working hard, too, wife. I haven't touched you for months."

Xiao Jing smiled happily, "Rhooligan, you don't want anything else in your mind!"

"When I was by your side, that was the only thing in my mind. Honey, I think I have no way to save it.

Xiao Jing's big eyes stared at Zou Weijun angrily, but there was no anger in her heart. She looked very angry, but in fact, she was about to burst out laughing. Xiao Jing touched her stomach and said, "Babies, Dad dislikes you."

"No, Dad swears, absolutely not. Don't listen to your mother's nonsense. Zou Weijun lowered the corners of his lips, blinked his eyes, and looked at Xiao Jing with an aggrieved face, "Wife, if you don't bring such injustice, the babies will dislike me."

"Who makes you not follow me is to make the babies dislike you."

Zou Weijun immediately squatted down beside Xiao Jing and said flatteringly, "Mother, I don't dare to be young in the future. Please forgive me!"

Xiao Jing laughed and said, "Can we come back? Where have we traveled?"

Zou Weijun sat back on the sofa and hugged Xiao Jing and said, "I guess it's from the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Why can't you wear the Han Dynasty?"


"It's still a question. It's too far to go."

Xiao Jing sighed with satisfaction and quietly leaned in Zou Weijun's arms. She said, "Jijun, do you think we can grow old like this?"

Zou Weijun tightened his arm and said, "Of course, we have a white-headed appointment."

Xiao Jing raised her head and kissed Zou Weijun's lips, a lingering and warm kiss, declaring her heart to each other and listening to each other's love. Love is a simple and happy thing. Of course, only when love is two people, if there is one more love, love will become the most complicated and difficult thing in the world.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao was squatting at the door of the army compound. She was not here to hurt Xiao Jing, but to see Zou Wei's army. On that day, Zhang Xiaoxiao testified in court as a witness. She originally wanted to see Zou Weijun, but he didn't come. Later, Zhang Xiaoxiao went downstairs to wait for him, but he didn't go home. After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly thought that Zou Weijun should accompany Xiao Jing to live in the army compound. So Zhang Xiaoxiao stayed at the door of the army compound. Today is the third day, but she still hasn't seen the Zou Guard.

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't know why she wanted to see Zou Weijun. After seeing Zou Weijun, she wanted to say something specifically. She didn't know anything. All she knew was that she wanted to see Zou Weijun.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao saw Zou Weijun's car just drove out of the army compound, she rushed over like crazy and almost hit Zou Weijun's car. Zou Weijun stepped on the brakes to death. If it hadn't been for his speed, the woman in front of him would have been knocked away.

Zou Weijun got out of the car in shock and was about to ask if the other party was injured. But I saw a woman shouting at herself, "Brother, I'm Xiaoxiao!" Brother, don't you know me?"

Zou Weijun looked at the dirty woman in front of him in surprise. His hair had not been combed for a long time, and his clothes were so dirty that he could not see the color. The shoes on his feet were only sneakers and leather shoes. After she approached Zou Weijun, she emitted an unpleasant smell all over her body, which made Zou Weijun couldn't help frowning and ask, "Who are you?"