Chaotic Thief

Chapter 8 The Terrible Ability of the Mother Sutra

Turning out of the bamboo forest behind the house, Chen Ying came to the front of the house.

"Do you know Cheng Dahai?"

"Brother Cheng? Of course, I know Brother Cheng, who is the sixth of the ten heroes in the outer door. The child's face was full of envy.

"It's good to know each other. Let me ask you, if there is something to duel between our disciples in the First Demon Palace, what are the rules?" Chen Yingdao.

"If you go back to your brother and your brother-in-law duel, you have to go to the Changfengtai and be in charge of it."

"Tell the master." Chen Ying thought to herself that this matter should be known by the master. First of all, the strong power of this body is difficult to explain. Anyway, let's talk about it. Let's see the situation then.

"Okay, you and I will explain to Cheng Dahai that tomorrow morning, I will ask him to win or lose on the Changfeng platform."

"What, fight with Brother Cheng Haihai?" The child looked at Chen Ying and didn't know what he was going crazy about. Chen Ying had only been a few days of entry, and he had no practiced skills. The child is clear about this matter. Now he actually wants to propose to fight with Lao Liu Chenghai, one of the ten heroes in the outer door. Is it possible that he is crazy.

"Don't say more. I'll ask you to send it, and you can go and help me find a suit of clothes by the way. There will be a duel tomorrow. You should change your clothes." Chen Ying shook the r broken clothes on her body and said helplessly.

Tomorrow is the first time to appear in front of others alone. Although she doesn't care, she can't lose the master's face. Although the master doesn't help him much, Chen Ying is embarrassed to do something to humiliate him because of the kindness of these days's food and house and hope for herself.

"Yes, brother." When the child saw Chen Ying's affirmation, he did not persuade him any more. He turned his head and left. After walking for a while, he looked back at Chen Ying.

Chen Ying knew that the child looked down on herself and didn't want to answer more questions with him. She quickly wiped out the food on the ground and went back to bed.

All night, the next morning, when Chen Ying was sleeping soundly, the mother's scripture began to make a big noise in her mind.

"Ky, get up quickly. This is a good time for me to cast my spell."

After hearing this, Chen Ying felt excited. She turned over and jumped up from ** and habitually came to the back of the house.

"Go to the cliff." His mother urged him.

Chen Yingyi walked to the edge of the cliff behind the bamboo forest. There was a quiet valley under the cliff. At this time, the sun had not yet risen, and the sun was lost below, but a dark valley, and nothing could be seen.

"Prepare, concentrate your eyes and watch the scene of the rising sun." Mother's scriptures.

After hearing this, Chen Ying turned to the east and silently waited for the moment when the sun rose.

Not long after, a red light emerged from the top of the distant mountain, and then half a round of red sun rose.

At the beginning of this red sun, there was only a kind of quiet weather around, but in an instant, countless rays of light suddenly emitted from it, and the whole land was covered by ridges.

This round is just a plate-sized thing from afar, and it will fill the world with its own glory in an instant.

At this time, the mother in Chen Ying's mind shouted in a low voice; "In an instant, eternity!"

Chen Ying only felt that her red sun was rising higher and bigger, and the hot sun shone on the whole earth.

Chen Ying seemed to feel as if she was infinitely close to the sun, as if the sun was flying towards him, and as if she was above the sun, looking at the fireball under her all the time grilling the world below with its own light and heat.

The forest is burning, the earth is burning, and the people and animals on the ground are rushing to find a place to hide from the sun.

Rivers, lakes and seas have long been burned into silk vapor.

Many human beings dug dozens of feet deep underground along the channel and dug some caves to live in it.

It's okay at first, but soon, as the sun shines closer to the ground, these caves can't stay.

Chen Ying clearly saw that the human beings below continued to dig down, but the speed was far from keeping up with the sun in front of her.

Finally, one day, after digging a big hole, those people accidentally found some cylinders inside and some floating points on the side.

Chen Ying can also see that these people are ecstatic and come forward to point these cylinders at themselves, or the sun in front of them.

One of them reached out and just pressed down at the floating point, and Chen Ying saw something lightning shooting out of him.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Looking at these things moving towards himself with the clouds and fog, the power is earth-shaking.

"Boom, boom, boom" failed, and all of them hit the sun in front of her. Chen Ying could even see the sun trembling slightly.

But in the blink of an eye, he calmed down and continued to fall at the speed just now, and the earth-shaking power disappeared.

Those people under the ground all jumped and scolded like crazy. They were desperate and stopped digging down. They all gathered together and sat on the ground quietly waiting for the end of the world.

No sound, where the sun passes, everything turns into a trace of black smoke.

This power is not fierce, not urgent.

It's just that kind of silent slowness, yes, this is the real hegemony!

No matter what you do, no matter what means you use and what kind of skills you use, under my fierce power, it's just a grain of dust!

Crush it all! Melting all!

At this moment, Chen Ying suddenly realized a trace of domineering truth. At this moment, the sun, which turned into a synonym for domineering, hit the mainland under her like Chen Ying's fist.

This devastating attack was silent, but a slightly larger dust rose from below, and nothing moved.

Only this round of sun stayed there quietly, in the empty void, like a flooded giant, proudly overlooking the many ant-like stars under his feet.

"Is this the true meaning of domineering?" Chen Ying muttered to herself, and her mind still stayed at that moment, domineering, ancient and modern domineering!

The picture finally disappeared, but Chen Ying was still standing on the top of the cliff, and the rising sun was also quietly hanging on the top of the mountain in the distance.

"It's so close that I can't support it until the end." The mother scripture seems to be extremely weak.

"You seem to be very tired?" Chen Yingdao.

"My body still recovers too little, but it took a moment of eternity, and the time is so short that it is so tired. If you can give me more Xuanyin real water in the future, maybe I can use it for a longer time next time."

"Next time? Is there any effect of this moment of eternity?" Chen Ying asked her mother.

"This* of my body is that it takes a very short time to let you have a very long experience, which is very useful for your mental practice. After all, when the mood is improved, the improvement of the realm will not be hindered. The words of the mother's scriptures brightened Chen Ying's eyes.

"So, as long as I can provide you with enough Xuanyin real water, you can protect me to improve my realm without the barrier of mood, just improve my strength?"

"Yes, that's true."

Thinking of this, Chen Ying can't help but worry a little. The refining speed of Xuanyin Zhenshui seems to be far from enough.

"Actually, you don't have to think so much. The fun of life is to climb one peak after another and the little hillside in front of you. You just need to completely conquer him." The mother suddenly said in a sad tone.

"Good to say, then follow me and step on Cheng Hai and rush to a higher place!" Chen Ying laughed.

The child who delivered food has already arrived. After breakfast, Chen Ying followed him down the hill and circled along a mountain path to the top of a strange peak.

This peak is strong and upright. A man-chilled mountain road is dangerously coiled on the peak. When you reach the middle of the mountain, there is some fog. If you don't go up for a long time, it is a large group of clouds, crowded on the roadside. Looking down, you can only see the rolling white clouds.

Chen Ying strode up and jumped forward. On the contrary, the child was trembling and cling to the mountain wall all the way, staring at the mountain road under his feet for fear that he would slip into the clouds if he was not careful.

The higher it goes, the louder the wind is. At first, it was only gentle, but in the end, it became a roaring wind, blowing on Chen Ying, as if it was blowing him down the mountain.

The child has grabbed a green vine in the mountain with his hand and moved it up carefully.