Chaotic Thief

Chapter 13 White Bone Mountain

"The child may disappear for a period of time. I hope the two old people don't have to worry about it. Less than a day, more than half a month, and it will come out.

After Xie Yunsheng finished speaking, he took the lead in jumping down. Zhang Shuping then saw the look in Li Qiurong's eyes and whispered, "Cooperation!"

Li Qiurong nod his head slightly, twisted his body, and went down to the hole.

Chen Ying stood in place, quietly condensed a few balls of Xuanyin real water, and replenished them into her body until she felt that it could no longer be accommodated.

"Go ahead, your original magic weapon, the black bamboo, is warming up in your body, and you haven't learned any spells in the divine realm. What you can play on this trip is the physical strength of the refining realm. Be careful. My memory depends on you to recover." The mother's scriptures in Chen Ying's mind.

Chen Ying grinned at the corners of her mouth and jumped into the hole.

The hole was one or two feet deep. In the blink of an eye, Chen Ying saw the stone house below. Li Qiurong and the other three were standing on the roof, waiting for Chen Ying's arrival.

"Kid, don't move at will after you go down. In case something happens, we will be in trouble. Although you can defeat Cheng Dahai, you will still be refining your body. Don't be too vain." Although Zhang Shuping still smiled, Chen Ying clearly felt a trace of meaning in it.

"Let's go down." After Xie Yunsheng finished speaking, everyone got into it one after another.

Chen Ying only felt a dizziness in her mind, and the surrounding light scene changed faster and faster. Finally, it was connected into a colorful light wall. Chen Ying tried to look forward and found that three tiny figures were also shaking a few steps away.

I don't know how long it took, but the speed finally slowed down.

The surrounding scenery also changes less and less, and finally it is fixed in a boundless yellow sand.

"What is this place?" Although Li Qiurong looked like an elder sister in the outer door, she was finally a teenage girl. This time, she followed several people to this strange place, and she was really a little panicked.

Judging from the time of transmission. We should be transmitted far away. As for where it is, we don't know for the time being. We have to walk around first. Xie Yunsheng said.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Chen Ying took Li Qiurong's hand and squeezed it tightly.

Li Qiurong quickly broke away and quietly retreated behind him.

Zhang Shuping noticed the movements of the two people next to him, and suddenly there was a hatred in his heart.

Because there was endless yellow sand around, the four people could not tell the direction. They only saw that there seemed to be a little green light in the distance, so they chose this direction and strode forward.

"Damn, why don't you send it directly to the place where the bird doesn't lay eggs?" Zhang Shuping scolded hatefully.

No one paid attention to him, just walked silently in the soft sand.

It's getting closer and closer, but it turns out to be a green forest. In the depths of the forest, there seems to be a large area of white things piled up in it.

The four people accelerated their pace and rushed all the way into the woods.


Seeing this, Li Qiurong shouted softly and hid behind Chen Ying and no longer showed his head.

It turns out that this white is nothing else. It is a white bone mountain piled up of countless white bones. Among them, none of those bones belong to human beings, but only the bones of unknown animals.

This mountain made up of white bones reveals a gloomy meaning. Chen Ying's sharp eyes and sees something at the bottom of the white bone mountain, indicating Xie Yunsheng and others to take a closer look.

The four people looked at the bottom of the bone mountain for a moment before they could see clearly. There seemed to be a humanoid object there, occasionally twisting and making a strange hisss sound in their mouth.

Chen Ying saw that the creature was tall and had two horns on his head, which seemed to be extremely weak. His eyes were aimed at the direction of the four people coming, and his mouth was hissing, as if he was saying something.

Xie Yunsheng took out his magic sword and slowly stepped forward to point to the creature. Zhang Shuping took out his magic weapon, but it was a small silver hammer, and Li Qiurong's was also a sword.

At this time, the mother-in-law suddenly said to Chen Ying in her mind, "I need Xuanyin Zhenshui. I think I can try to deduce what he is saying."

"Do you still have this ability?" Chen Ying communicated with him curiously in her mind.

"I don't know if it's okay. I just think I can do it." Mother's scriptures.

Chen Ying immediately transported a few balls of Xuanyin real water to her mother.

As soon as he moved, the three people in front of him immediately sensed it.

Li Qiurong whispered, "Don't go any further, just follow me. My skills don't pay much attention to physical cultivation, and the intensity is too poor, so if I am attacked later, I hope you can protect me.

Chen Ying whispered to her.

After a while, Chen Ying felt a message in her mind; "Save me, save me quickly, I can bring you infinite wealth and amazing power!"

"Is he asking us for help?" Chen Ying asked the three people in front of her.

"What? Do you want to go up and save this demon? Zhang Shuping sneered.

"Demon?" Chen Ying asked Li Qiurong.

"Although I haven't seen this image, it should be the legendary extinct demon. Even if there is, it is locked in the door by a master.

"Can you talk to him alone?" Chen Ying asked her mother in her heart.

"Yes." After the mother said it, there was no sound.

Xie Yunsheng boldly walked to the demon. With a wave of the magic sword in his hand, he cut a sword at the demon's head. Unexpectedly, he cut it down, but only cut out a few sparks. Zhang Shuping was not satisfied with the situation. He turned a silver hammer at the top of his head and banged more than a dozen extroverted hammers, but it still had no effect, so he gave up.

Li Qiurong said, "The body of demons is the most powerful compared with us. It is impossible to break through their defenses with our magic weapons. It is only possible to use magic."

Xie Yunsheng took the sword back into his abdomen and patted a flame with his right hand. His heart was blue and white, and he fell to the top of the demon's head.

Although Chen Ying stood far away, she could feel the amazing heat emitted by the flames.

Zhang Shuping also sent out a flame in front of him, but the appearance and heat of the fire were much worse than Xie Yunsheng's.

Chen Ying asked Li Qiurong, "Sister Li, what kind of fire is this?"

Li Qiurong said, "This is the most domineering spell that can be practiced in the divine realm of our first demon palace. If you extinguish the flame and refine it to a high level, you can be as big or small as you want and burn everything. However, the power of this spell is too slow to improve, and only a few people will practice it."

"What spell did the senior sister learn?"

"I only learned a kind of wind and spirit decision. This spell is not very powerful against the enemy, but only enhances my physical speed and dexterity."

After hearing this, Chen Ying knew the reason why Li Qiurong was looking for his help.

The two annihilation flames of Xie Yunsheng and Zhang Shuping steadily fell on the immovable demon.

" hiss!" This sound is extremely sharp and seems to have been hurt by the flames.

It's just two extermination flames, but the power is still not big enough. It just stays on the surface of the demon's body and burns. Every time he burns a little skin and flesh, a new skin and flesh slowly emerges in his body.

"It's still not powerful enough!" Zhang Shuping said.

"Don't pay attention to him. Let's continue and see how long he can block it."

Xie Yunsheng said fiercely.

"Yes, the merits of killing a demon is not small. If it is reported, it may let us go to the Demon Realm Hall for a few days to accelerate the speed of cultivation." Zhang Shuping said excitedly.

"Joke, with your cultivation that I just stepped into the peak of God and said that I would impact the realm of cultivation, which would not make people laugh to death. Only Xie Yunsheng is slightly qualified to think about this kind of thing. You'd better work hard to practice obediently!" Li Qiurong laughed beside him.

Zhang Shuping was not easy to refute, his face turned red, and he laughed.

Xie Yunsheng did not participate in their topic, but just focused on controlling the extinguishing flames and trying to burn the demon who was pressed under the White Bone Mountain with only one body exposed.

"Ky." Chen Ying finally waited for the news of her mother's scriptures.

"This demon was plotted here by the enemy. The bone mountain on his body is an array called the ten thousand bones. He wants to ask you to help destroy any bone on the White Bone Mountain and break the formation, so that he can absorb the aura of heaven and earth and return to normal in the near future.