Chaotic Thief

Chapter 38 Tianang Ancestor

At this time, Chen Ying suddenly felt a tremor in the earth and hurriedly ran out of the door, but saw a large group of soldiers wrapped in iron armor running from afar and gradually running into a semicircle. Look at this style, it was to surround the land temple.

"No, we have been found. Let's go!" Chen Ying grabbed Hong Kexing and was about to fly away. She felt a shocking pressure from top to bottom and slap it. This small land temple was shot up in a blink of an eye. Chen Ying and Hong Kexing were also pressed to lie on the ground under this pressure and could not move.

"Who is it? How can you experience it like this!" Hong Kexing was shocked.

"It seems that the other party has a bad master, and everything should be careful." Chen Ying whispered to Hong Kexing.

The pressure became more and more, and finally with the arrival of an old man in red, the pressure of smashing the two of them suddenly disappeared.

"Not bad, you two? Under the oppression of my 20th magic power, I was still so safe and didn't get hurt at all. No wonder I can steal the baby from my useless brother. Today, I'm in a good mood. You two quickly hand over the baby, and then record the skills you have practiced for me in detail. I will make an exception not to kill you and still you. Is it good for us to accept them as disciples? The old man in red stared at Chen Ying and said slowly.

"What baby is not, old man, don't talk nonsense here, be careful of being laughed at by others!" Hong Kexing shouted on the ground.

"Why, do you still want to deny it? It seems that you can't calm down without giving you some experience. As soon as the old man in red finished speaking, he raised his hand and pointed, and a black line flew out of his fingertips and shot into Hong Kexing's body. Hong Kexing only felt that there was an additional ant in his body, swimming around and devouring the magic in his body.

How's it going? Although the cosmic energy I colluded with is still relatively weak now, this property of swallowing nothing is extremely domineering. You boy will hide it for a while and be careful not to swallow your whole person.

"Conclusion of cosmic energy? It turned out to be a master of Tongtianjing!" After hearing this, Chen Ying finally gave up and stopped bothering to make any plans.

The first step for practitioners to go from the real world to heaven is to connect with a kind of cosmic energy. All kinds of energy in the universe are endless, strong and weak, and there are even countless mysterious and unknown attributes of energy. The practitioners choose which one to collude. When they choose to connect, this energy will be related to the ontology of the stars. The amount produces a short mutation, which triggers a doom with unequal power. This doom will be applied to the collusioner, resisting the past, and successfully collide to this cosmic energy. If you can't resist it, you can only die. The sky is divided into nine levels. Every time the colliding capacity of cosmic energy is increased, it will trigger a disaster. The higher the level, the more harmful the disaster will be.

"The senior turned out to be a master of Tongtianjing. We two brothers are lucky enough to be your apprentices. It's indeed a great blessing. I don't know how many times you are in Tongtianjing?" Chen Ying asked half flattery.

"Although I am only the first, with you two children in the realm of cultivation, no matter how powerful your skills are, they are useless. The power of the universe is not as strong as you can understand now. I hope you'd better be honest." After the old man in red finished speaking, his mind flashed and recalled the black line that had previously shot on Hong Kexing's body. At this time, Hong Kexing felt sore and soft all over, and more than 90% of the short magic short film in his body was swallowed.

"Master, baby is at your feet." Chen Ying pointed at the old man in red and pointed at his feet.

Huh? Is that what it is?" The old man in red took the jade wall covered by broken wood under his feet and looked at it carefully. He looked left and right, but he didn't seem to see any fame, so he put away the jade wall.

"It's time for you two to listen to me carefully about the skills you have learned. After that, I will take you back to the mountain!" The old man in red smiled more.

Hong Kexing laughed and said, "How can there be a master who forced his apprentice's skills? You are not shy to do this?"

Chen Ying was afraid that the old man would turn around and quickly replied, "Master is on top, not a disciple to hide it, but when our brother got this skill, he made a vow not to tell the third person again according to the above. Please forgive me."

"At this time, don't care about the big oath and say it quickly, otherwise I will let both of you turn into ashes without waiting for any demon to attack." At this time, the old man in red showed a ferocious smile on his face. He patted Chen Ying with one hand, and a green ghost screamed and flew to Chen Ying. Chen Ying knew that it was useless to dodge. She made the old hair angry and lay on the ground, intending to be forced to over. The ghost head jumped on Chen Ying and opened his mouth, revealing the second row of sharp and broken teeth, and bit his skin.

Unexpectedly, after biting for a moment, there was not even a trace of broken skin. The ghost couldn't help screaming and pounced around, but still couldn't get in.

"What a strong body!" The old man in red has more joy in his eyes. Dozens of such ghosts were patted from the palm of their hands, and they rushed to Chen Ying's body and bit them desperately. In a blink of an eye, Chen Ying's whole body was surrounded by such extremely horrible ghosts.



These ghosts bit for a long time, but they were still blocked outside, but the old man in red was extremely satisfied. He happily dispersed the ghosts around Chen Ying and laughed, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that there was such a skill in the world that the body of cultivation could be so powerful and resist the invasion of the endless ghosts. Yes, yes, boy, I advise you to be obedient and hand over your skills, and I will definitely reward you. Maybe it will directly send you two to the ranks of our elite disciples and directly accept the cultivation of the top resources of the sect. At that time, it will definitely make you hit the sky and be a free land fairy in a very short time, just like me!"

After saying that, the old man in red saw that Chen Ying was still silent there. He was about to exert a heavy hand and suddenly listened. Then he turned into two aura hands and grabbed Chen Ying and Hong Kexing on the ground. As soon as they moved, they flew to the sky and disappeared into the sky very fast.

For a moment, a big eagle flew quickly from the east, with more than a dozen teenagers standing on it. In front of the teenager, there sat a plain woman.

When flying over here, the eagle slowly withdrew its wings, brought two surging winds and fell on the ground. Dozens of big trees around it were blown left and right, as if they were about to break.

"Mother, is the Baoguang from here?" Everyone jumped from the sculpture to the ground one after another, and one of the teenagers turned around and asked the plain woman behind.

The woman glanced at the scene and said to the teenager, "Yes, Baoguang did send out from here, but I'm afraid we have come a step late, and the baby has been taken away." The woman frowned slightly and had already felt a trace of cosmic energy in the air in the ruins.

"Hmm! It's not comfortable to receive and send, but it's just a boy who is new to the realm of heaven. But since I found this cosmic energy, I will definitely recognize you next time I meet you, and I'll do it to you then!" The plain-dressed woman spoke slowly, with a faint majesty in her soft words.

"That is, with the cultivation of mother, she can step into Wanhua at any time. In this world, except the leaders of all factions, who dares to be presumptuous in front of their mother. Sister Qiu Rong, I'm sorry this time. Let's come a step later. The baby has been taken away. I'll ask my mother to help you find another baby to do your destiny. The teenager smiled at a girl beside him.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang!" The girl nod her head slightly at the teenager in front of her, but her eyes swept over a rag under a boulder not far away.

"This is..." The familiar cloth, and a trace of yellow water on the broken altar in front of him, "It's Chen Ying!" The girl shouted excitedly, but there was no color on her face.

"Brother Chen, you are really fine. You killed Song Qingye and used the means to make the Demon Realm Hall disappear out of thin air. The sect was furious. The elder ordered to trace your origin and destroy your whole family. I thought you had died a long time ago. I didn't expect to see your trace here again. I hope you would hide well in the future and not be discovered." The girl silently blessed the little brother who had experienced hardships with her from the bottom of her heart.

"You people, quickly tell the previous situation carefully, don't hide it, or you will all be smashed to pieces." Zhang Shuping asked a group of soldiers still on the periphery.

The soldiers looked at each other, heard the conversation of these people, and learned that there were nine masters among them. They dared not move. Not long, a man came out of it and said in a trembling voice; "In return to this gentleman's words, the treasure here has been taken away by a master of the heavenly ghost road. As for the name of that person, we really don't know..."

"Heavenly ghost?" After hearing this, the plain woman was a little stunned. On this day, there were many masters in the ghost road, and the ranking was also high, far beyond the First Demon Palace. In the future, she was afraid that she would not be able to take it hard, and she could only find an opportunity to take it wisely.

"back to the mountain!" With an order from the plain woman, everyone returned to the back of the eagle one after another. Riding the big eagle, they rose to the sky and flew back to the way. It was not until the figure of the eagle disappeared that these soldiers recovered and became loud and chaotic.

"What's the name? Organize the formation, return to the city quickly, and wait for the arrival of the next city owner in the sect!" Just now, under an order, the man commanded the troops to line up and rush back to the city.