Chaotic Thief

Chapter 47 Magic Ascension Elixir

Hearing the consent of the landlord, Tianang's ancestor took out the jade wall from his arms, respectfully put his hands on it, and turned out a white cloud from the void to close the jade wall in it. In a blink of an eye, the smoke dissipated and the jade wall disappeared into it.

"I want to go back and study it carefully. After a month, I will definitely welcome all the heroes from all over the world to come to gather in the treasure building and do this together. Everyone here, please don't miss the day."


"Dear Taoist friends, please put this matter down for the time being and continue to send out the next treasure." * The woman in the middle held out another square plate, in which there was a pure black elixir. The magic cloud in the elixir was churning, as if a baby was playing in it.

"This elixir is called the magic ascension elixir, which is a kind of magic treasure handed down by the ancestors of the First Demon Palace. Although this Demon Palace has long declined and no longer has the status as the leader of the Demon Way ten thousand years ago, there are still some good things in the palace. Like this magic ascension elixir, I heard that there are only three in the inventory in the First Demon Palace. This one If Chen Qingting hadn't been eager to overcome the great disaster, he would not have taken it out and sent it to us for auction.

After saying that, the middle-aged man stopped and took a look at one of the VIP rooms above; "The main effect of this elixir is to improve the realm of cultivation. Of course, the premise is that your mind can adapt to the improvement of the realm. Otherwise, taking this elixir is likely to create a peerless demon and attract it at that time. It's not good for each faction to besiege... Well, let's not talk nonsense. The reserve price of this elixir is 100 top-grade spiritual stones. If you are interested in shooting, please take action."

"100 top-grade spiritual stones..." Chen Ying couldn't help trembling with fear after hearing this. She never dreamed that there would be such a price, but it was still the reserve price. Even if his Xuanyin Zhenshui is very valuable, it is impossible for him to sell it on a large scale. Not to mention that there are too many things, it is worthless. Even if Xuanyin Zhenshui can be used at will, he is not very sure now. In case the demand for the recovery of mother's body is not enough in the future, it will be too late to regret it.

"I'll give 150 pieces." No one opened his mouth this time, and someone made a price from the VIP lounge above.

"It turned out to be you. Why did you give up 150 pieces? I'll pay 300 pieces." A distinguished guest said.

"I will pay 350 pieces." Another person participated.


"five hundred and fifty."



"eight hundred! If you dare to follow me again, be careful that I will destroy your door. Up to now, only two distinguished guests have been competing. One of them seems to be determined to shoot this Dan, but one of them has been followed unhurdenly.

"Following this, I will also come up with another price. If Brother Dao intends to succeed, you might as well follow. A thousand pieces!" The man finally said such a shocking price with a soft voice.

How many thousand top-grade spiritual stones can be replaced with medium-grade? Then replace it with a low-grade... It makes people think about this kind of spiritual stone pile piled up like a majestic mountain peak, which makes people hot to think about it. This is still a theoretical exchange number, but if you really want to exchange a large pile of lower-grade spiritual stones for a top-grade spiritual stone, you can't find anyone to exchange it with you! You don't have to think about it without multiplying the price.

"You are cruel, but you are careful not to enjoy it." Previously, the man threatened with a gloomy voice.

"Idiot, what do you think this is? This is the treasure. If you take this elixir, do you think you can still hold me down? Maybe I'll bother you then!" The man who shouted a thousand shouted loudly.

"Okay, in this case, the poor road is waiting for you in the cave. I hope you can successfully refine this elixir. Don't be possessed by the elixir and turn into a demon and be destroyed." The man calmed down and said slowly.

"It won't bother you about this. Is there anyone else to bid? If no one comes out, is it time to fall? This shouted excitedly.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything and motioned to the air with a golden hammer in his hand. A moment later, he was about to drop the hammer when he suddenly emitted a golden light from a VIP room.

This VIP room is the one where the first magic armor was photographed before. Chen Ying still felt that the people inside were a little familiar.

A virtual shadow slowly appears in the golden light, and more than one thousand and one large words appear in the shadow.

"Daw! Where the hell did the boy come from? He didn't dare to say anything. How did he know that he was not good-looking? The man who thought he was going to take the elixir suddenly became very angry.

The people in the VIP room still didn't say a word, but a little piece of flesh and blood flew out of it. This piece of flesh and blood squirmed in the air and gradually turned into a gloomy old man, staring at the VIP room where the previous person was located.

"Senior, please forgive me!" When the man in the VIP room saw this scene, he was shocked and flew out of it. He knelt on the ground in the air, couldn't help kowtowing and trembling loudly begging for mercy.

"Oh, my God, flesh and blood, this is the cultivation of Wanhuajing. I didn't expect that this auction of Jubao Building would attract such a high-level person."

"Yes, the owner of this Jubao Building is just a nine-fold building. Although it is only one step away from Wanhuajing, if this step is not good, he will not be able to reach it for the rest of his life."

"Wanhuajing, the masters of Wanhuajing in the top ten Taoist demon sects are all practicing in isolation and trying to impact the realm. No one will walk around in the world. I didn't expect that there would be one here."

There was a whisper under the stage, and everyone's eyes revealed a kind of envy. The previous person who degraded the ancestral magic armor saw that the person who shot this armor was actually a master of Wanhuajing. He couldn't help but collapse in the chair and couldn't say anything.

"Who the hell is this man? I must know him, but none of the people I know have such cultivation? Chen Ying stared at the flesh-and-blooded old man with a doubt in his eyes.

The old man didn't say anything, but only appeared in the air and flew back to the VIP room.

"This senior bid for 1,000 pieces of high-quality spiritual stone, is there anyone else willing to bid?" The middle-aged man's words are equivalent to saying this in vain. Which one dares to compete with his predecessors who are not afraid of death? Not to say what they mean, even if he can take this magic ascension elixir, and no matter how lucky he is, he is not attacked by the devil's head and successfully improved his cultivation, how high can he dare to raise? Dare to be promoted directly to Wanhua? The realm of this ascension is different, and the demons attracted are also different. It is said that if someone really dares to directly ascend to the realm of Wanhua, he will attract the major demons in the universe directly from the void. No one dares to imagine what the consequences will be.

"Okay, congratulations to this senior, who successfully shot this elixir, but I don't know if the senior took this thing to his nephew? The strange effect of the last treasure in this auction should also be of great use to your nephew, which can't be of interest to you. The middle-aged man leaned over the VIP room.

"Please come out to auction the last treasure!"

This thing is called Star Tears! Mr. Song, the divine appraiser of this building, personally identified it. Its effect is extraordinary and has never appeared in the world. A few days ago, it was obtained from the barren mountains, which is suspected to be a treasure left in the universe. Its effect does not need to go through any refining, but has strong stability and fusion properties. It has special effects for all refiners, runes, and alchemy, and even for the impact of the lower magic weapon, it can bring a very strong effect. As for the improvement above the middle grade, this building does not have the corresponding magic weapon to provide a verification effect for the time being. According to Mr. Song's speculation, it should also be effective. A total of five bottles of this item have been received in this building, and the reserve price of each bottle is a top-grade spiritual stone. Please start bidding.

"Why are there only five bottles? Didn't I give you fifteen bottles?" Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Chen Ying turned her head and asked Xiaolian.

"Don't worry, Xiaolian will never swallow guests' things. After the appraisal of all the treasures given to me by Mr. Song, the landlord knew about it and ordered Jubaolou to take away ten bottles. The price will be calculated according to the highest price given in this auction. Please rest assured that all the proceeds will be given to the prince afterwards.

"The reserve price of a top-grade spiritual stone per bottle... Then Xiaolian can make so many contributions at once, and Master will be very satisfied this time." Xiaolian laughed as she said.

"What? How can you give so many spiritual stones to your master? Chen Ying asked.

"This is the door rule of our guide. When we get the share of the guests, we must hand them all over to the master, and then the master will issue rewards. Whoever dares to swallow will be punished. In the past, there was a sister who greedily swallowed some spiritual stones for a moment. After being known by the master, she sent her to nowhere. I have never seen it again. She." There was a look of fear in Xiaolian's eyes.