Chaotic Thief

Chapter 53 Horrible Blood Claw! Unknown suspended continent!

"Kid, why don't you continue to escape?" The old man in Qingyi laughed and shook his whole body, shaking out countless black clouds, condensed thousands of small black swords, and continued to shoot at Chen Ying.

There is no way. Chen Ying had to shrink Kunpeng's huge body and condense it into a foot in size. She flashed back and forth in dozens of cosmic energy groups. The old man controlled countless black swords and chased them crazily, but he always couldn't keep up with Chen Ying's speed. In the end, he actually separated dozens of blacks. The sword specially pierced the energy masses around Chen Ying. Under the stimulation of the black sword, these various cosmic energy groups burst out of black holes one after another. The suction from all directions instantly pulled Chen Ying with a feeling that he was about to be torn apart.

"It's too hard for Taoist friends to hunt foreign beasts here alone. Why don't we help you?" Chen Ying was forced to turn around, and the wounds on her body were very miserable. Now she actually saw three similar-like men flying up from below and directly joined forces with the old man to besiege herself!

When the old man in green saw the three big men, his face turned pale; "It turned out that the three demons of the East China Sea arrived. Since the three are interested, please come up together." Although the old man was unwilling, he knew that one person was not the opponent of the other three, so he had to agree.

"Okay, Taoist friends are really happy! Brothers, make a nine-changing whaling net and catch this big bird alive!"

Chen Ying saw these three people melt countless gold wires from their bodies together. As soon as these gold wires were exposed in the air, they caused countless cosmic energy changes around them. The gold wires were entangled in the air, woven into a large net, trembled in the air, and rushed to herself.

At this time, Chen Ying's bottom is even tighter, and there is no possibility of retreat. For today's solution, we can only fly up and fight!

Chen Ying's Kunpeng wings waved continuously. While flying and moving, they met the first cosmic energy in a blink of an eye. The strong wind brought by Kunpeng's wings instantly disrupted the stability in the energy mass. After a shock broke out, it turned into a black hole and dragged Chen Ying into it!

Chen Ying saw that there were all this kind of energy mass before and after, so he had to close his eyes and run the magic power of the road with all his strength, protect Kunpeng's body, and fly into the black hole.

"This big bird is really decisive. Seeing that it can't escape, it would rather die than be caught alive by us. What a pity. If we can catch this divine bird, our three demons in the East China Sea will also have their own cave mythical beasts!" Seeing Chen Ying get into the black hole, the three of them said goodbye to the old man in blue and fell to the ground.

"Dead? Impossible!" The old man in blue didn't stop them when he saw that the three demons were leaving. Although he saw Chen Ying get in with his own eyes, he was very convinced that he would not die like this.

"I can still feel that my heavenly fire is still being suppressed by the man's spirit and can't be led back by me. It's right there, right in the black hole. You must not be dead, boy, I'll wait here to see what you can do." The old man in blue made up his mind and sat cross-legged in the giant clock, calmly practicing magic skills, leaving only a trace of heart bound to the sky fire in the black hole.

As soon as Chen Ying entered the black hole, she was torn up by the rolling and violent energy in it. These participated in the attacks of cosmic spirits and cut his body one by one. In an instant, he was cut into a blood man. The more he pulled into it, the more powerful the energy became. The attack was like a substance of a weapon, deeply Inserting into his body did not dissipate. At this moment, Chen Ying, with scars all over his body, and all kinds of weapons emitting energy all over his body. These substantial energy, while attracting the magic spirit in his body, continued to cut further inside.

was sucked to the deepest part, and Chen Ying saw countless exits there, some were clear, some blood red, some were violent, some quiet, and some were starlight, and some roared from it!

"Help me!" Seeing that he was gradually sucked into one of the dark spaces, there was a burst of bright and dark colors in this space, as if a pair of big eyes were constantly closing. Chen Ying roared and forcibly called it out regardless of the injured state of the weapon at this time.


As soon as the yellow dragon appeared, it was attacked by the surrounding energy, but the energy cut into it, but it was blocked by the dragon scales. Roar! Huang Long roared again, wrapped the dragon's body around Chen Ying, and slowly dragged it to the seemingly clear space at the bottom.

The closer it went down, the closer it was to the exits, and the suction was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, a blood-red giant claw stretched out from a space, grabbed the yellow dragon with a claw, and actually grabbed a dragon claw of the yellow dragon and fell into the space.


The yellow dragon seemed to be extremely painful and extremely afraid of the claw, but he accelerated his speed to fly to the bottom space and dared not stay any longer.

The blood-red giant claw, after a blow, seemed to be extremely excited. He squeezed in another claw, and the two merged together and grabbed Huanglong down.

Huang Long hurriedly spit out the blue and white flames of the old man in blue from his mouth, blocked them in front of the two claws, and used this time to continue to flee down.


The flame accurately burned on the two claws, burning a few black spots in an instant, and then suddenly extinguished and disappeared in the claws. At this time, Huang Long had dragged Chen Ying to escape into the clear space.

In the black hole, the breath was extremely dry at this time. Seeing that the two claws did not catch the yellow dragon, they seemed to be furious in place. They patted randomly, tearing the black hole away a few times and disappeared without a trace.

The old man in blue was below and suddenly saw the black hole disappear. Thinking about Chen Ying's whereabouts, he suddenly saw two blood claws appearing there, and his hard-earned smell of natural fire covered it. He secretly pinched the seal and suddenly hooked up. He wanted to summon his own fire. As soon as the seal got up, he saw that the two blood claws seemed to feel something and suddenly waved at him. The speed fell like stars, with a magnificent fire cloud, and accurately caught on the huge bell.


At this moment, the big clock of the old man in blue couldn't stop it. With a click, he was caught and turned into countless pieces. The magic weapon was destroyed. The old man in blue spewed a mouthful of blood in his heart, and his forehead was dizzy. He was a little stunned. When he saw the claws grabbing him again, he didn't have time to dodge his whole body. Moyun condensed in front of his head and wanted to block the attack of his claws. Unexpectedly, his claws grabbed the old man in blue with the black cloud in the palm of his hand and returned to his space along the crack in mid-air.

As soon as the two blood-red giant claws disappeared, they shone under the infinite clear light from the sky and pounced on the giant claws that had stayed there before flashing, and then slowly dissipating.

Chen Ying did not know the amazing scene that happened here. She only knew that after being dragged into a space by Huang Long, Huang Long let go of himself and still drilled back into the black bamboo. This time, Huanglong seemed to consume a lot. Chen Ying clearly sensed that the spirit was sluggish and dead in the dark.

"Where is this?" Chen Ying flapped his wings and seemed to be a piece of nothingness below. Countless auras and demons were mixed together, but they were peaceful and peacefully coexisted and flowed steadily below. Above my head is a large shadow. This shadow is very like a continent. A small continent floats above its head like that. The distance seems to be extremely far, but it seems to be in front of you!

Chen Ying had no choice but to flap a pair of already tired wings and fly up. At this time, no one chased him, and he was not in a hurry. He slowly flew higher and higher and closer to the continent.

became clearer and clearer, and the mainland above his head gradually revealed its true face, as if it were generated as a whole. The bottom of the continent was like a whole black stone, but this stone was also a little huge. This is the sky and the sun. Looking up, you can't see where the edge is.

Chen Ying doesn't know what's up there, and he has no way out now. No matter what danger or safety there is, he has to find a way to go up and have a look. This is the only way now!