Chaotic Thief

Chapter 86 Helping each other

"Miss Tang... Why are you looking at me like this?" Chen Ying quickly suppressed the idea at the bottom of her heart.


"The front is the room where the bride lives temporarily. Let's go there first." Tang Rujio hurriedly ran past him with a red face and dared not look at him again.

Chen Ying quickly followed her closely and came to a house.

"Chen Ying, you really did it!" Before the two stood firm, they saw the two people walking out of the house. It was the owner of Jubao Building and Long Chenzi.

"Brother Long, is the bride still there?" Tang Ru asked anxiously.

"Sister, why do you know that the bride is missing?" Long Chenzi said coldly.

"Yes, I heard little Pearl say that she wanted to hide the bride, so I rushed to stop her, but it was still a step late." Tang Ru felt a burst of chagrin in his heart.

"Little Pearl? Sister, don't push this matter on her. I think you have joined forces with this boy to hide people!" Long Chenzi narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Tang Rujiu and Chen Ying.

"No, brother, it's really that little Pearl hid the bride..."

"Well, let's take down this boy first!" A cold light flashed in Long Chenzi's eyes, and Wan Daoqing flew out of his body to Chen Ying.

"I think the original goal of you two is me, right?" Chen Ying instantly covered the magic spirit of the road all over her body, and her whole body was wrapped in a cloud, blocking Long Chenzi's greenness.

Great free star elephant!

This move is a divine object formed by Long Chenzi's fusion of nine cosmic energies, the core of the stars. This star flew from Long Chenzi's chest, drumming several circles of colorful light, and banging at Chen Ying.

Chen Ying knew that this attack was not small, and her magic skills were definitely not an opponent, so she just tried to fly out a magic cloud, blocked it in front of the stars, and was scattered by the colorful light.

Chen Ying did not dare to stay in place. In an instant, he moved and disappeared in place. Then he showed that he had come behind Long Chenzi. He was about to speak, but he felt that the top of his head was dark, and something had been covered under the sky, trapping him in the middle.

It turned out to be a huge money. There was a hole in the money's eye that stuck him there. Chen Ying hurriedly moved again, but this time it failed. This money seems to have a wonderful use to offset his skills.

"Hahaha... Chen Ying, do you still want to turn to the sky with this little ability?" Just after the thread starter's divine money trapped Chen Ying, Long Chenzi laughed, and his free star elephant flew over again.

This time, it was impossible to avoid it. A head-sized star bombarded Chen Ying's chest and knocked him out and fell into the corner of the wall.

"Brother Long, what are you going to do?" Tang Ruru only saw a short time, Chen Ying flew out by the two of them. There seemed to be a big hole in her chest, and the fresh fish slowly soaked out of her clothes.

"Miss Tang, don't worry about me. I, Chen Yingfu, will not die in the hands of these two villains." Chen Ying wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, covered his chest and struggled to get up from the ground. The huge money at his waist did not hinder his movement.

"The mouth is quite hard!" Long Chenzi snorted coldly, and the star flew up again and bombarded Chen Ying's chest one after another, knocking him back. Finally, he retreated straight to the wall and stopped retreating. He leaned there and endured the attack of the stars desperately.

In the face of the attack of two Tongtian nine masters, Chen Ying knew that all her attack methods were useless. She couldn't fight and couldn't run away. Is she going to die here today?

"No, there must be something wrong!" Chen Ying leaned on her super body to resist the bombardment of the stars, while staring at Long Chenzi and the original poster not far away.

"Brother Long, be careful not to kill this person, otherwise..." The original poster suddenly whispered to Long Chenzi, but there were some worries behind him and swallowed it back.

"Of course I know, do you need to be multi-manent? Remember, you are now under my jurisdiction, huh! Don't be confused about the superiority and inferiority. Long Chenzi looked at the sky and looked at the original poster disdainfully.

"That's it. Obviously, before going up to the floating island, the two were still very strange. How can they get so close now! Is it..."

"Brother Long, this really has nothing to do with us. Would you please find out?" Tang Ru saw that Chen Ying's injury was getting worse and worse, but he was imprisoned there by the money and could not move. There were countless tears in his eyes, and he rushed to Chen Ying.

"Tang Ru, get out of the way." Long Chenzi controlled the human-sized star core and couldn't help shaking in front of her, as if it was going to bombard it at any time.

"I don't, I brought this man. How can I not care about him? If you want to kill him, just kill him together!" Tang Rujio stood in front of Chen Ying, his eyes were firm, and his lips clenched tightly in his teeth.

"Ha ha, Brother Long, it seems that the people here don't look at you much..." The thread starter smiled gently beside him.

"Tang Ru, do you really want to do it with me?" A burst of tyranny flashed in Long Chenzi's eyes.

"Brother Long, you have changed. You were not like this before."

"What can I change? If there is really a change, it is that my strength is stronger. I have already felt that one day later and three days later, I will be able to steadily enter the realm of Wanhua! Do you know what Wanhuajing is? Can you imagine the power of Wanhuajing? Don't look at you putting on your own heavenly style in front of others, what is that? If you don't enter the realm of Wanhua, you are just some ordinary people. And I can easily take this step and enter a new field. Do you think I, a person who is going to become an immortal and a god, will deal with you ants? Hahaha..." After saying that, Long Chenzi stood still and laughed loudly, and his face looked extremely arrogant. He regarded himself as a fairy sitting on the nine heavens and looking down at the lower world from afar.

"You..." Tang Ru was shocked by his remarks and just stayed there looking at him and couldn't even say a word.

"Miss Tang, you'd better leave here quickly. This person has been completely enchanted. I think he may have been invaded by the heart demon when he hit the realm!" Chen Ying looked at Long Chenzi's expression and suddenly came up with this idea.

"Chen Ying, dead, still thinking nonsense, what is the heart demon? One day, we will unify the five regions, and then start to march into the whole universe, a little devil, but it's just an ant. At this time, Long Chenzi finally calmed down. With his mind, the star evolved by the star and the Yuanxiang hit Tang Ruxi!

When Chen Ying saw this scene, she was so anxious that she tried her best to push Tang Ru's old to push it aside, but in the hands of the owner of Tongtian, she couldn't move at all, and she could only watch the star roaring on Tang Ru's body little by little in her eyes.

Just as Tang Ru closed his eyes and waited to die, suddenly there was a turbulence in the space, followed by a solidification. Chen Ying couldn't blink her eyes behind her, looking at the star floating quietly in front of Tang Ru's body. Looking at the opposite Long Chenzi and the original poster, they also maintained their movements and expressions just now, and suddenly froze at that moment.


After a while, she saw Little Pearl slowly coming from a distance and getting closer and closer to here, and her face still seemed to be very angry. Gradually came to Chen Ying and gently stroked his chest with her little hand. There seemed to be doubt in her eyes, and she asked softly, "What's going on?"

As little Pearl gently touched Chen Ying with her hand, Chen Ying felt that the space began to loosen, and she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her body. Then her legs softened and slipped from the money to the ground, while the huge money of the thread starter was still imprisoned in the space.

"Hey, I'm talking to you..." Little Pearl suddenly became dissatisfied when she saw Chen Ying ignore him.

"You...are you a fool? Can't see that I was injured..." Chen Ying lay on the ground. Although she was still a little weak, she was much better than just now. With his body far beyond ordinary people, she naturally recovered very quickly.