Chaotic Thief

Chapter 88 Little Pearl's Amazing Secret

"Ah, what is that?" Just as little Pearl was about to turn her head back, she saw that in the distance, in the direction of Chen Ying's disappearance, the sky seemed to collapse. When a large black shadow appeared in the sky, a small island full of divine mountain palaces slowly appeared in the sky.

As soon as the island appeared in the sky, a blue light shot out of it. In an instant, the blue light condensed into a thin line and hit the direction of Chen Ying's disappearance far away. Following the little Pearl, she saw the island suddenly shrinking into a three-color ball and shuttled through countless clouds. He also followed the direction of Chen Ying's departure.

"What a powerful breath, what is it..." Although Little Pearl doesn't know what this island is, she can feel the horrible energy contained in it.

"No, Little Pearl's man is in danger. He must find a way to save him!" Little Pearl turned up the steps while talking to herself, and struggled on her face. Suddenly, her little mouth seemed to be determined. Her body floated up in the air and gradually showed a little white light from her body. As the expression on her face became more and more painful, the white light slowly brightened, reflecting her whole body like a small light. Same.

The Eternal Palace seemed to feel something. The whole foundation trembled and was abruptly pulled out of the ground. The inner glory of the whole Eternal Palace could not help flashing, and the flow of people was wrapped in a mass of light one by one and was quickly sprayed out of it.

Seeing the palace, which looked a little smaller from the outside, thousands of people spewed out this time. These people were all wrapped in white light and could not make any action, but kept a frightened expression and couldn't help looking at the scenery in front of them.


When the white light in Little Pearl's body was magnified to the extreme, the whole body exploded violently, and hundreds of millions of white light followed by silk rays and flowed into the eternal palace. All the walls, roofs and the ground suddenly flourished and perfectly integrated with the white light.

Finally, the Eternal Palace slowly rose from the ground, and the light and shadow on the whole palace were shining. In the extremely shocked eyes of thousands of people outside the hall, it suddenly condensed into a miniature palace and flew into the sky.



However, in the distant sky, Chen Ying's originally transformed Kunpeng grabbed the two women and was flying high in the air. Suddenly, his heart trembled at the bottom of his heart instinctively. Seeing that he was about to fly to the East Sea, he put the two women in his claws into a little purple gas and threw them towards the sea. This swing exhausted all his strength. As soon as he communicated with the fairy house at the bottom of the sea, he moved to the sea here in an instant.

At this time, a blue light came from a distance and was facing the Kunpeng transformed by Chen Ying. At this time, Xiaolian had been thrown over the fairy mansion, but Tang Ru was being thrown out.

"It's not good!" Seeing that this blue light suddenly turned around and was flying towards Tang Rujiu, Chen Ying hurriedly flapped his wings, grabbed her back in her hand, twisted her body, and resisted the blue light with his back.


This blue light did not have much power, but it was very easy to wear out of Chen Ying's chest.

I didn't have time to take a closer look at the wound on my chest, but I just felt a feeling of numbness and weakness all over my body. In the face of the enemy, Chen Ying quickly took out a few healing elixirs from the universe bag and swallowed them into his stomach. The magic power rolled up, and then completely dispersed all the medicinal power and integrated them into the wound in the body.

After the blue light, a round ball also flew from the distant sky. As soon as it reached Chen Ying, it swelled violently and turned into the original floating island floating in the void.

The floating island did not do any other actions, but pressed down on Chen Ying, with a strong momentum, making the space above Chen Ying crackle.

The space Chen Ying was in at this time seemed to fall into the Jedi. No matter how she fanned her wings, she couldn't move at the end.


The floating island is extremely wide. No matter how fast the speed Chen Ying is, she can't escape the attack range at all. What's more, she can't move at this time. She can only be hit by the floating island and fiercely oppressed. After this slight sound, there is no change in the floating island, but Chen Ying can't help pressing Chen Ying Sinking.

At this time, Chen Ying was still a long distance from the sea. Just now, Chen Ying just tried to throw Xiaolian to the fairy mansion on the sea in the distance. Seeing the crisis at this time, she had no time to throw Tang Ru out, so she could only try her in her arms and supported her with all her wings to block the heavy pressure on the floating island.

"Yellow dragon come out!"

The yellow light flashed in Chen Ying's arms, and the yellow dragon quickly drilled out of it and grabbed Tang Ru, who wanted to escape from the heavy pressure of the floating island, but unexpectedly, no matter how hard he tried, it was not as fast as the floating island.

A bird, a dragon, and a person are pressed under the island like a few small ants. No matter how hard they struggle, they can't escape the end of being crushed into pieces.

"Damn! Who is going to kill me..." At this time, if only Chen Ying is pressed, he doesn't care at all. He can escape into the earth in an instant. No matter how powerful the floating island is, as long as he goes deep into the earth, there is nothing he can do with him.

But now Tang Ru is still here, watching her being crushed by the floating island? Chen Ying can't do this kind of thing anyway.

"Miss Tang, I didn't expect that we would still go to Huangquan together today..."

"Are you a disaster? I found that I haven't been safe since I met you..."

Chen Ying was speechless for a while. In this short time, the floating island pressed the two of them to the ground. They had no choice but to close their eyes and wait for the end of turning into meat pie.


Before the critical situation, Chen Ying's eyes lit up. Ning Shen looked at it and found that a palace appeared in front of him. This shape was exactly the eternal palace he had just left.

The eternal palace flew here quickly from the distance. Seeing that the floating island had oppressed Chen Ying, the whole palace burst out a white light that briefly covered the scorching sun in the sky, and instantly appeared under the floating island.

I don't know what material this eternal palace is. It was heavily pressured by the huge floating island above my head, but with a slight sound, it blocked the attack.

However, before Chen Ying and Tang were happy, they saw the floating island rise to the space again, and then mixed with boundless power and fall. In this way, they kept bombarding the eternal palace below. The eternal palace only slightly supported three or four times, and then began to break.

Chen Ying saw that there were countless holes on the top of the Eternal Palace, revealing the white light surging inside, but she could not see anything under the white light.

"No, the Eternal Palace can't stop it!" When Tang Ru saw this scene, his eyes turned red, as if he was about to shed tears.

"Let's take this opportunity to escape from the attack range of the floating island!" Chen Ying grabbed Tang Ru and was ready to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

"It's really conscienceless to leave you. How dare you escape by yourself when people risk their lives against you?" Tang Ru was extremely angry.

"Miss Tang, I'm wrong... But it's just a palace. As long as we escape, it's okay to lose it, right?" Chen Ying asked puzzledly.

"Yes, where is Little Pearl? She said she couldn't leave the eternal palace, right? Now..." Chen Ying suddenly remembered this.

"Where else can she be? Hasn't she been here to help you resist the things on your head!" Tang Ru said louder and louder, and there was a feeling of punching her posture.

"Little Pearl!" Chen Ying shouted tentatively.

At this time, the Eternal Palace was oppressed again, and the top of the whole palace suddenly collapsed completely. It is a question whether it can be blocked next time.

"Chen Ying! Remember, you are Little Pearl's man, and I won't hurt you again!" At this time, Little Pearl's voice suddenly came out of a white light, and Chen Ying rushed to her, but she couldn't see anything.

"Little Pearl, you are so stupid. Go quickly and leave us alone!" Tang Ru also rushed to the white light and shouted.

"Is Little Pearl..." Chen Ying was suddenly stunned by an idea rising from the bottom of her heart.

"Are you a pig? Can't you see it now? Little Pearl is the spirit of the Eternal Palace, the top-level magic weapon of my master..."

Tang Ru finally couldn't help running behind Chen Ying's Kunpeng and kicked him with one of his paws...