Chaotic Thief

Chapter 113 Unknown Remains in the Heavy Ground

"Expropriation?" Chen Ying asked suspiciously.

"Yes, my lord, the dragon is like a noble alien beast between heaven and earth. It is a mythical beast that can only be used by the royal family in our central imperial dynasty, especially this kind of yellow dragon, which is also ranked at the high level of the dragon clan. It's not even in the royal family." Chen Luoyun explained to Chen Ying in detail.

"Why haven't I heard of dragons? It turned out that they were all in the Central Dynasty." Chen Ying suddenly realized.

"In our dynasty, there are very few dragons. Only the mount of His Majesty is a golden dragon, and among the rest of the princes, only ten can be favored by His Majesty and given a dragon as a mount, but those are only some extremely ordinary dragon clans." Song Ke's enemy.

"The Central Dynasty is worthy of being the head of my five regions. Our leader has always wanted to visit the emperor, but we have never had a chance. This time, General Zhennan came to our demon realm. The leader was immediately happy and told us that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" The corpse prince showed a happy look on the side.

The group is moving forward. At this time, the black earth under their feet is also gradually coming out, and they are about to approach the void in the distance. If they go forward, the earth has disappeared, and the corpse faction is also built in the depths of the void.

At this moment, Chen Ying and Tang Ru's old riding Huanglong suddenly roared and stood still. The dragon's head explored under the clouds, as if he were exploring something back and forth.


Under the roar of the dragon, a yellow gas spewed out of the mouth of the yellow dragon, and the yellow gas rushed into the black earth below.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" When the corpse prince saw Huang Long's movements, he thought it was Chen Ying's behavior, and immediately asked anxiously.

"What's your hurry? My spirit probably wants to play here. You don't have to be afraid. In addition to your corpse faction, will I still be interested in your corpses..." Chen Ying shook her head, and Tang Rujiu also nodded tightly in front of him.

"Adults are a little tired of walking. Why don't we just take a break here for a while!" Chen Luoyun came to Chen Ying and shouted.

"Yes, today's journey is a little far. Just stay here for a while." Chen Ying said gently and didn't look at the angry eyes of the corpse prince next to him.

Under Chen Ying's order, the two masters of the heavenly realm and a group of soldiers behind him stood there as they said, motionless, and the prince of the heavenly corpse had no choice but to come to Chen Ying and try to laugh with him, hoping that he could leave this place quickly for fear that Chen Ying would deliberately use means to cause any damage to the strange corpse underground.

You should know that the potential of corpses that can condense their bodies in the heavy ground of the corpse faction is very great. Although they can surpass the crown corpse, the strongest one is not much worse than him. If there is anything wrong, it will greatly damage the foundation of the corpse faction.

This place is still a very long way from the real corpse. Through the empty passage in the distance, you can faintly see a little shadow of the building.

A moment later, under a large black land under Huang Long, the soil churled, and the huge black gas rose from the bottom and rushed out of the ground dozens of meters high for a long time.

The corpse prince squatted there nervously and didn't know what was going on below.

In a short time, the group saw the yellow gas spit out by Huang Long flying out of the ground wrapped in something and staying in front of Huang Long.

This thing looks like a black stone, but it can be seen from the gray and white scales around it that it seems to be half of the body of a foreign beast. The beginning and end of this thing seem to be cut off halfway, and it can't be seen what kind of foreign beast it is.

"Heavenly corpse, do you know what kind of beast this corpse was?" Chen Ying stared at this thing and asked the corpse prince curiously.

"I don't know this thing. I heard that it was found in a space gap thousands of years ago. At that time, he didn't know what it was, so he tried to bury him here to raise it first to see if something could be born. It's just that this thing has been raised for thousands of years, and there was no movement. If it weren't for you This mess, I almost forgot it..." The prince of the corpse was relieved when he saw this thing rolled out by Huanglong, and his expression softened.

Just without waiting for him to react, he saw a yellow water flow from the mouth of Huanglong under Chen Ying, constantly hitting the body, gradually turning away the black spots and gray things on the body. This spit actually passed for half a day. Chen Ying did not say anything, and others did not say anything. The prince of the corpse urged him several times. It doesn't play a good role.

Finally, Huang Long gradually melted all the foreign bodies on the remnant body, and the true face of it was also revealed. Chen Ying just looked at it well. There were indeed some scales in the outer circle, but there was a deep cut from top to bottom on the scales. This cut mark was deeply carved into the remnant body, if not There is still a trace of connection in it, and it is estimated that it has already become two pieces.

Huang Long rolled the remnant body in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. His eyes seemed to be extremely doubtful. Chen Ying didn't care about it and let it act like this.

Huang Long looked at it for a moment and couldn't see anything. Finally, he spit out the Xuanyin real water in his body and slowly rushed to this remnant body, but gradually, a trace of Xuanyin real water immersed in the remnant body.

No one noticed that only Chen Ying felt that a little Xuanyin Zhenshui had disappeared from it because she had practiced the skills of Xuanyin Zhenshui.

"Is it weird?" Chen Ying knows that nothing can absorb Xuanyin real water, unless it is...

Thinking of this, Chen Ying gradually raised an interest in her heart.

This remnant body continues to absorb Xuanyin real water in this way. From bit by bit at the beginning to a mass later, it has been swallowed up at an extremely amazing speed.

This time, not only Chen Ying, but also others can see that the large yellow water has disappeared into the body. Even a fool knows that there is something wrong with it.

"Lord Chen! What the hell is going on!" The corpse prince's eyes became more and more surprised, and finally couldn't help asking questions.

"It's nothing. My spirit is probably related to your useless waste and is playing with him. Anyway, it's useless for you to keep it, so give it to me!" Chen Ying coldly turned his back to Huanglong.

"No!" The strange corpses of our corpse faction have always been important treasures, and there is no reason to give them away easily.

"Bold! The adult wants your things, but they look up to you, how dare you resist? Chen Luoyun and Song Ke's enemy, one left and one right, instantly appeared in front of the prince of the corpse, sandwiching him in the middle, and staring at him with a ferocious eyes.

"Don't bully people too much! Our corpse party has always been highly respected by your Central Emperor. This time when we heard about your arrival, we opened the mountain gate to welcome you in. Unexpectedly, you would still want to rob our treasures!" The corpse prince was sandwiched between the two heavenly and human leaders, but he was not afraid. He still raised his head high and refused forcefully there.

When the two sides were arguing, the scene suddenly changed. The remnant body seemed to have absorbed enough Xuanyin real water and finally revealed its true face. Everyone looked at it and saw a dark yellow body floating in front of Huanglong. There was a magical fluctuation on this remnant body, and some black clouds and fog in the corpse faction As soon as the gas touched there, it seemed to be burned, and it turned into a light smoke and disappeared without a trace.

When Huang Long saw the vision of the remnant body, he finally became excited. He flew around in place behind Chen Ying and Tang Rujiu, and seemed to love it very much. Finally, in the surprised eyes of everyone, he actually swallowed the remnant body in one bite.

As soon as the body was swallowed into the dragon's abdomen, everyone saw a layer of magical fluctuations on the whole yellow dragon. This layer of fluctuations was exactly the same as the original body, but the fluctuations on the yellow dragon's body seemed to be more perfect and powerful, far from what had just appeared on the body. At first glance, it was an incomplete.

After Huang Long swallowed this remnant body, he did not care about Chen Ying and Tang Ru on his back, and floated in place without moving!