Chaotic Thief

Chapter 147 The space behind the five-color channel

"You can only blame yourself for being stupid!" The right messenger sneered.

"You are happy too early. I have informed my father that he will come soon!" Tai Xuanzi said angrily.

"Ha ha, my army has been stationed outside the infinite fairyland. As long as he dares to set out, he will immediately wave his army to attack!" The emperor said softly.

"Your Central Empire is really sinister and vicious!" There was a burst of red and white on Taixuanzi's face, and he quickly turned around and was about to leave here.

"Since you are here, do you still want to leave?" Guanxing Zuoshi smiled, raised his hand and grabbed Taixuanzi's back. This time, it fell to the ground like a divine mountain, and the big hand that turned out was suppressed.

"Young master, go!" At this time, Guanxing Zuoji was about to successfully suppress Tai Xuanzi, and he saw an old man suddenly appear in front of him. The old man sighed with a sigh on his face, gently slapped Guanxing Zuoshi to block him, and finally succeeded in letting Taixuanzi escape.

"Tai Qingtian was really willing to let you come out for his son." The emperor shook his head and punched the old man.

The old man did not dodge, but stirred up all his energy and tried his best to push Taixuanzi away from here, but he completely received the punch of the emperor.


A crisp break sound appeared in this gap in the space, and the old man's whole body was interrupted, and the upper and lower parts were also instantly shattered.

"Unfortunately, it may hit the ninefold of heaven and man's realm in the future, which can be called a talent of heaven, and it will be destroyed like this." The emperor sighed gently and turned around and looked carefully at the small hole in the world barrier.

"Has someone already entered?" The emperor was surprised.

"Your Majesty, the two ministers have been staying here and haven't seen anyone enter?" The star-watching left replied in a hurry.

"Yes, there is indeed someone in it!" The emperor felt it carefully for a moment and finally confirmed it.

"You two are waiting here, and I will send masters to help you again, but without my order, you are not allowed to proceed first. If there is any disobey, kill the nine clans!" After saying it lightly, the emperor turned around and left the gap in the space.

"Brother, why doesn't your majesty go in?" After the emperor left, the star-watching right envoy suddenly asked quietly.

"Don't say too much, just honor the holy life!" But the left envoy looked solemn.


Outside this space gap, another old man in white loomed in the void. Seeing the emperor disappear in it, he finally relaxed. Above the void, a spiritual charm was stimulated. The spiritual charm shined directly above, making a void passage in layers of white clouds, but the end of the channel showed a light and shadow, light and shadow. Inside is a Taoist temple. In the Taoist temple sits a middle-aged Taoist. The Taoist man is dressed in a green robe. In the Taoist temple, he can see the old man in white straight along the empty passage.

"The suzerain, the emperor didn't go in, but ordered his two four-level masters to guard there." The old man in white whispered.

"I didn't go in? What the hell is going on?"

The green-robed man in this Taoist temple is Taiqingtian, the suzerain in the infinite fairyland. Just like the human emperor, he is the nine-fold existence of heaven and man realm.

"Don't stay away from it. Stay there in the future. If you see someone entering, let me know as soon as possible!" Taiqing Tian's long eyebrows stretched out, spoke gently in the Taoist temple, and then waved the Taoist robe, and the void passage collapsed.

The old man in white did not have any complaints. He saluted to the west in the air and then disappeared into the void, coldly sensing the scene in the gap in the space


However, Chen Ying and Bai Shuixin and Rabbit Xiaobai flew into the crystal wall of the world together, regardless of what happened outside, but began to explore in it with an excited mood.

It is also extremely lively here. Countless groups of large and small nameless substances keep floating around. Chen Ying knew that it could not be refined at all after trying.

"Brother Chen, where is the origin of the world?" Bai Shuixin asked with the little rabbit in his arms.

"I don't know, but I want to tell you first that even if I can find it, I can't plunder it all, and try to maintain the source of life in the world." Chen Ying said seriously.

"Of course, Brother Chen can do whatever he wants." Bai Shuixin nodded.

"It doesn't matter, but the one you must make it clear to him, but I hope you can stop her!" Chen Ying grabbed Bai Shuixin's shoulder and said.


Bai Shui nod his head heavily and followed Chen Ying closely behind him.

The area here is extremely vast. The two have been flying in it for a long time, but still haven't found anything suspicious. Chen Ying has also deduced it with her mother's scriptures, but she can't get any useful information.

"Bai Shuixin, do you know what the origin of the world is in your last life?" Chen Ying asked.

"No one knows that thing, and it's useless for you to ask. If I had known it, I would have tried my best to find it out. In my previous life, my demon clan dominated the world, and that was the real unification. If I had known that there was this thing, I would have made the strength of the whole family to find it." Bai Shuixin shook his head.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, this thing has been slowly spreading for thousands of years. It is said that Taoist ancestors used this thing to hit the chaotic world ten thousand years ago, but this thing has never seen anything."

"What's the hurry? I think it's good here. It's quiet and detailed. There is no conspiracy or killing. It's quite suitable for us to live for a long time." Rabbit Xiaobai stretched out his four hoofs comfortably and said happily in the arms of Baishui.

"Be careful!" Chen Ying saw that countless strange energies suddenly flew out in front of him. These energies seemed to be tangible and invisible. They flew in front of him, which actually brought him great fear.

"Come with me!" Chen Ying flew out of countless avenues, wrapped Bai Shuixin in it with herself, flashed through this energy zone desperately, and came to the space behind the energy.

"Gone go of me and suffocate me!" Xiaobai resisted desperately under the package of the road, but he couldn't get out of it.

"Xiao Bai, stop it." Bai Shuixin gently patted the screaming rabbit, and it finally calmed down.

"What is that!" Chen Ying suddenly saw countless particles floating from above her head, including white, black, and countless gray and white particles, like snowflakes, fluttering from top to bottom and falling into a space gap below.

"Is there any other room here?" Bai Shuixin was surprised.

"Speed down!" Chen Ying saw that since all these particles floated in, the space gap began to close slowly. Although she didn't know whether it could be opened by manpower, it was better to take this opportunity to go down after all.

Under the package of the road, the two flashed, and finally passed through the gap the size of a silk line and finally came to the space below.

It is still dark here. Chen Ying looked down and saw the boundless Black Sea. The particles falling from the void were floating on the Black Sea.

These particles float and sink on the sea, follow the waves, and keep flowing forward, and don't know where to go.

Suddenly, when the two of them didn't know what to call, they saw a five-color channel open in front of them. In this channel, a huge thing slowly drilled out. This thing was also standing upright, but it had a monster-like head, with a pair of bright and dark eyes, looking at countless in the Black Sea. Particles.

Chen Ying didn't know what this was. Her body flashed and instantly moved to the Black Sea with her white water heart and hid.

The eyes can faintly see the monsters in the five-color channel in the distance through the sea, casting spells to attract various particles in the Black Sea and fly into the channel.

Among these various particles, white seems to be the fastest. Together, the spells are quickly sucked in together, followed by those gray and white, which are also ups and downs in the monster's spells. After a moment, they finally flew into the five-color channel.

As for the remaining black grains, they seemed to be extremely heavy. It took a long time for the monster to finally suck them in together. Finally, they stretched out to the sky, turned around and stepped out of the channel and strode away.

Chen Ying saw that the five-color channel behind the monster was still open, but the five-color energy that made up the channel had gradually blurred, and the spirit of the road surged crazily. Finally, she moved in with the white water heart before the channel disappeared!