Chaotic Thief

Chapter 156 Riding a Bird up the Mountain


Three thunders bombarded Chen Ying's palm, but it seemed to be extremely gentle. They slowly surrendered to his palm and turned into a white thunder bead and swallowed by him in a blink of an eye.

"Is your way nothing more than that..."

Chen Ying sighed slightly and came out of her mind. Her eyes looked at the Taoist word at the tip of the mountain, but there was no longer that kind of magic.

Chen Ying knew that the situation just now was extremely dangerous. If she obeyed and chose that person's way, there would be no end.

The birds in the sky seem to hover and fly on it. Looking at the smooth white mountain in front of her, Chen Ying is a little worried. She can't fly and has nowhere to grab it. She feels like there is no way to start.


Chen Ying thought about it and finally shouted at the big bird in the sky, and his voice was sent to the air far away.

Those big birds seemed to hear his shouts, flew out of the mountain to look at Chen Ying, and then returned to it.

"Birds, come down quickly, I have something delicious here..."


"I'm so pissed off!" Chen Ying still shouted a few words ridiculously, and finally there was no bird to take care of him, so she had to die.

"I still don't believe it!" Chen Ying was furious and searched around the foot of the mountain. After taking it for a long time, she took a circle and returned to the same place.

The white mountain is exactly the same on all sides, and there is no possibility of going up at all.

Chen Ying can feel that the biggest secret of this mysterious place may be on the White Mountain, but how can she go up...

I'm too lazy to lie at the foot of the mountain and watch the sky begin to darken. There are no sun, moon and stars here, and I don't know where the light comes from.

After nightfall, a large group of birds on White Mountain finally began to return. Unexpectedly, no one was willing to stop and look at Chen Ying at the foot of the mountain. Finally, when a slightly smaller red bird was about to fall, it suddenly saw Chen Ying looking at him excitedly, and his hands kept rubbing in front of him, and his eyes suddenly rose. With a sense of vigilance, he flapped his wings and continued to fly away in the air...

"What are you running for? I don't want to do anything to you..."

Chen Ying lay helplessly at the foot of the mountain, stared at the sky like this, and soon fell asleep.

In my sleep, I was dreaming of playing with Tang Ru, Bai Shuixin, Xiaolian, Xiaozhuer, and Li Qiurong... These women with different tempers and hearts were playing together. A group of people rolled around on the ground. You pressed me and I pressed you. When I was having a lot of fun, I suddenly felt a light noise around me, and I woke up from the dream in shock. .

"Yo, it's you!"

Chen Ying opened her eyes and saw that General Zhengdong was lying beside him, looking back and forth, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Everyone is in trouble. We should get along with each other. I think you are also a talented person. How about everyone resolve all the previous grievances?" General Zhengdong looked at Chen Ying solemnly, as if he was extremely serious.

"It's not impossible to resolve it, but can you guarantee that you won't attack me even if you are outside?" Chen Ying smiled.

"What's going on outside, even if I don't look for you, can you guarantee that you won't come to your Majesty to attack me?" General Zhengdong mocked.

"Yes, I can't either..."

Chen Ying knew that she would definitely kill him when she had a chance.

"How about we unite and get through the difficulties here?"

"That's the only thing that happens now..."

"Ha ha, happy, it's really worthy of being the crown prince!"


The two were in place. Although they reconciled briefly, General Zhengdong still did not dare to relax too much for fear of being accidentally assassinated by Chen Ying.

Chen Ying was relaxed, and a smile rose on her face, but she made up her mind that if there is a chance, it must be better to do it first. Bai Lei in this place has great harm to General Zhengdong, but for him, it is like a tonic medicine.

Since Chen Ying devoured a thunder beast, as soon as these thunderstorms met him, they were like wanderers who returned home thousands of miles. They were all docile and could no longer be docile.

"General, according to my speculation, this mountain may be the biggest opportunity here, and there is no way to leave there!" Chen Ying came to General Zhengdong and whispered.

"Oh?" As soon as the unlucky general heard Chen Ying's words, he immediately got up from the ground and looked at the white mountain in front of him.

"It's a little difficult!" General Zhengdong frowned and looked at it for a long time. He seemed to have the intention to punch to see if he could make a hole in the mountain, but after a few comparison, he did not dare to give up but let it a try.

"What can you do?" General Zhengdong looked at Chen Ying and asked.

"There is a way, but it's a little difficult!" Chen Ying sighed.

"Ty!" General Zhengdong roared and was about to grab Chen Ying's shoulder, but when he caught it halfway, he suddenly took it back, and a trace of uncomfortable flashed on his face. It seemed that the thunders just now finally left a deep impression on him.

"Hehe, don't worry! I see that there are many flying birds here. If you can find a way to catch two, you can ride up and fly directly to the mountain!" Chen Ying blinked and smiled.

"This is a good way, but let me catch birds and be thundered again? You look at me like a fool." There was a burst of anger on General Zhengdong's face.

"I didn't let you grab it directly. What can you do to make them willing to help us?" Chen Yingdao.

"Ha, you are blessed. There's really no way for others, but I practiced a technique when I was young, and I can drive birds and beasts at will. When tomorrow morning, after the birds go out, you can wait to go up the mountain!" General Zhengdong smiled and closed his eyes in front of Chen Ying and fell asleep.

Chen Ying saw that he was relieved and didn't care about him. She just waited until tomorrow morning to see what he could do to drive the birds.

One night was quiet. After the two ran with all their strength for several months, there was finally a place to rest at ease, which was also a match made in heaven.

The night disappeared, and the sky turned into light, and the roar of animals gradually appeared in the mountains. In the sky, one or two birds began to fly this way among the white clouds.

"It's coming!" Hearing the sound of birds in the air, General Zhengdong turned over and stood up from the ground with a shout. He stood upright at the foot of the mountain and looked into the air from a distance.

The two big birds are black and white, and there is a huge meat ball on their heads. From the bottom, it looks very strange.

"Ji, ji, ji..."

General Zhengdong stood below. In Chen Ying's strange eyes, there began to imitate the sound of bird calls in his mouth, but the sound of birds from his mouth was very different from the big bird calls here. It was not the same bird.

"Can this work..."

Chen Ying looked at the two big birds flying in the air and felt a burst of trembling.

General Zhengdong also ignored him, and there was still a continuous sound of birds in his mouth, which went straight into the air.

The two big birds that gradually flew over his head also heard the call of the birds from his mouth. They stopped there and looked down, but after seeing the two people on the ground, there was a clear trace of doubt in their eyes.

"Yo, choo..." A few short chirps came from the mouths of the two big birds, and General Zhengdong also heard a few bird calls, as if they were talking to them.

"Prepare to go up!" After a while, General Zhengdong finally whispered to Chen Ying.

"Is this okay?" When Chen Ying was depressed, she suddenly heard that she was really called out by him. I really couldn't believe it...

Seeing the black and white bird standing in front of them left and right, Chen Ying finally knew that this person could not be underescaping. Any ordinary passer-by would have one or two useful skills to help you solve many shocking events.

Didn't the ancients say that? Three people walk together, there must be a strong man!

Chen Ying stepped on the black bird beside him with a smile, patted the bird's head and whispered, "Taoist friend, I want to take you up the mountain, I don't know if it's possible?"

What responded to him was the black bird chirling twice, and the general of Zhengdong's disdainful expression!